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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Here's hoping they will be word about another amercian made Transformers series.
  2. I've always enjoyed this list.
  3. There is almost no mecha combat in Fumoffu. Like said its all high school scenes and comedy(over the top most of the time). This is why I enjoy the first season so much more. It had a great mix of mech action, drama, and comedy. Fumoffu doesn't.
  4. You are Sailorpluto, the keeper of time.
  5. Arguable. I personally thought the first season was a lot better. Fumoffu is really over the top so much that at times it isn't even funny but annoying.
  6. I enjoyed the first season and was enjoying the 2nd season until the end where it all fell apart. Horrible ending in my opinion. Just ruined things.
  7. Damn.. All 11, wow.
  8. Any close up screenshots?
  9. I downloaded both movies and still to this day I can't bring myself to watch them. I've read summaries(pretty detailed on the events) on both of them, read spoilers, looked at images from the film, and read some of the chapters of the original novel yet I still can't watch the movies. Seriously the idea of watching this series does turn my stomach. Maybe one of these days but right now I just can't. I'd actually be more inclined to watch if all the students were actually bad and maybe derserved this type of thing but that isn't the case at all.
  10. Sweet. Have to be on the look out for it next time I'm in the store.
  11. I've heard better but she wasn't bad at all. I liked it, though it would have been better if the words were in english.
  12. I've seen just about all of UC gundam but ZZ and the last half of V Gundam. Honestly my favorite series are still Gundam X, Turn A Gundam and Gundam Wing. Wing is the first series that got me into the universe, well Endless Waltz was when I got both fansubed before I knew they were going to air Cartoon Network. I just happen to enjoy the AU a lot more, save G Gundam. I like the UC Gundam but I don't feel a need to bash the AU or bash the UC just because I enjoy the AU over the UC. I find most of the AU pretty depressing and when I watch a show I like to be entertained for the most part and not feel any more depressed then I already am due to the pressures of real life. This is why I happen to like G-saviour while others hate it. I relaxed and wanted to be entertained and I was and I wasn't expecting some huge work of art or some highly moral, complex driven story that one might come to expect from UC Gundam shows. Its just like Macross. I really enjoy Macross 7. Its just went in a different direction then SDF and Macross Plus did. The same goes for the AU series. I don't see that as a bad thing either. People complain about the way Wing fans act, hell look at the way UC fans act. This is one of the reason Gundam.com became so bad. The problem comes from both sides, not just from the AU fans.
  13. I was wondering how this movie was, looked pretty good from the TV comvericals. Will have to pick this up if I ever get a chance to go to the store. Is it subbed or dubbed? Or maybe cast does both japanese and english tracks?
  14. Sweet. I've love to get some of those. Haven't collected Batman figures in a long time. On another note watched Batman: Dead End last night. Surprisingly it was pretty good though Aliens and Preds showing up kinda threw me a bit.
  15. Mask of the Phantasm was really good. True the best out of all them. I didn't get a chance to see it on screen but I read the novel then I got the video as soon as it came out. They really should stick to animation really when it comes to these films. At least things haven't gone wrong in the media.
  16. I can't wait to see this film. Ra was always one of my favorite villians from the animated series. I just hope this doesn't disappoint. Batman and Batman Returns are still some of my favorite movies but Returns has to be the better of the two due to Danny DeVito as Penguin. Batman Forever was okay nothing great but I'm glad they finally introduced Robin in a film. Batman and Robin was horrible and who ever thought changing the Batgirl story was a good idea needs to be shot. Lets not forget what they did to Bruce/Batman character wise. Bam memories, must stop thinking about it.
  17. Bad knees maybe.
  18. I saw a commercial for the SEED toys as well but nothing for Zeta yet. I really think they need to promote the next few series the way they did for Gundam Wing. Seriously there were promos for it a few months before it ever aired on Cartoon Network. When it came to G Gundam I honestly didn't see the first comercial for it until about two weeks before it aired. And I usually watch Toonami or have it on in the background just about every day. 8th MS Team, 0083 and 0080 got a nice push on TV. Mobile Suit Gundam got a nice bit of advertising also but after it didn't fair to to well they it seems they just didn't try with G Gundam. Though I don't remember seeing toy comercials for G Gundam either.
  19. Seriously. The options are really limited. Its either a VF-1, Alpha, that boxy looking thin in Southern Cross or the Conbat in the New Generation arc that is only in a still scene. Now had this been a Macross based comic I could see it as a mistake but it isn't Macross based. Its clearly a yf-19, with details. All the characters are Mospeda based. Mistake it was done no. Mistake it was leaked out no. If it was a mistake and caugt before it should have been put away or destroyed. If anything it was done on purpose to get a reaction out of people. The image has been replaced on Wildstorms site so now that yf-19 is removed.
  20. I tried to like FF8. The story was okay but it was the junction, battle and mainly the draw system that took the enjoyment from me. That and the monsters leveling up along side you annoyed the hell out of me. Its really the only FF game that cause such displeasure. I loved FF7, 6, 4. FF5, 9, and 10 were okay. FF1 is the only out of the NES ones I played and I enjoyed. FF8 had a lot of potential but like FFXI it just had to many things that took the enjoyment away for me. Playing X-2 so I really can't say how I'd rate it among the others, haven't had that much time to really get into it. FF4 really has to be my favorite but the rereleases of the SNES games don't compare to the originals. The load times are enough to make me throw something I can't play them on the PS, I have to reconnect the SNES.
  21. I don't really buy it wouldn't sell. HG has never tried to make people interested in the that part of the show. That would require work on their part and we know how they are when it comes to that. They've never explored stories during it, they never tried to redo the designs. Don't they have the complete rights to Southern Cross so they could redesign the mecha if they wanted to? If so nothing is stopping them, nothing is stopping them from trying to get the entire arc reanimated to make it completely original. They've never tried to market the show, that's what really gets to me. I would understand if it was given the same attention that Macross and New Generation has been given but it hasn't been given a fraction of that and thus they cast it off and ignore it. They have so much freedom to do stories in that arc of the RT story in the comics yet they do items like Love and War which is a summary of the Macross Saga, Invasion which are backstories on events that were taken care of in the New Gernation arc episodes and a character that really had no point other then to give Lisa/Misa a past love in the SDF/Macross Saga. Its very clear HG has not desire to do anything original, due to that Southern Cross will always be ignored and overshadowed. Just look at everything they have done already. Its a copy of other items. Strangely enough the past HG seemed to be original in its dealings of comics and when they tried to make two failed series. This new HG is a lot worse though, that's really scary. 1st Border Red Devil I really have to hand it to you to though. I don't think I could do what you do when it comes to Southern Cross. Though I can understand how you feel.
  22. Downloading now. I'm really looking forward to this movie. I really hope it doesn't disappoint.
  23. Can you scan the article for those not able to get the mag can read it?
  24. Could you please just link to the images instead of posting them like this.
  25. That is a YF-19.
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