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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I believe their press release said they were going to air but those episodes aren't even out on DVD yet.
  2. Okay question. Since part of the reason HG tried to stop the Macross Plus valks from being released here in the states was their belief that they own all things Macross and thus started the the whole lawsuit thru TP. With it being shown that BW owns the designs, characters, etc and TP just owning the animation and rights to sell SDF Macross overseas some things have been cleared up. Now there is HG selling DYRL poseables and Tommy Yune saying they had finally gotten the license properly. That right there admits that they didn't have the rights to it before and kills their claim to all things Macross. Well the lawsuit proved that but this has them admiting. So now we have them selling Macross Plus in their store. I think they are just acting as a normal online store with this. With them getting their copies from Manga like all the other stores such as Twin Moons, AnimeNation, etc. Reason I think this is the case is that in the past they have announced when they put up items they own for sale in their store. They did this for Gatchaman, Casshan Robot Hunter, SDF Macross, Mospeda, Southern Cross, Robotech, the differnet items from them, clothes. They have yet to do this with Macross Plus but surprisingly they did news articles for Mari Iijima. One should note that none of the songs on her cd are Macross ones. I see her being on there is a personal choice from some of the HG staff and being related to Minmay but not because HG has any rights to it but know they can make money off it. I have no problem with that. Same with Macross Plus being sold by them. Now since they might be selling Macross Plus just like any other store wouldn't this greatly open up the door for Yamato to sell Macross Plus valks in the US.? Clearly HG is showing that there will be no market confusion by releasing them or under the name of Macross Plus since they are selling Macross Plus on their own corperate site. Same goes for Do Your Remember Love? items since there was Tommy Yune saying they had gotten around to getting the license. So this too might open the door for more Yamato VF-1 valks since clearly the DYRL poseables aren't going to confuse the market. Them getting a license properly like said shows they didn't have the rights to make items for it before. If they did get the rights I doubt they would be allowed to stop other DYRL items from being released then again. If that is the case maybe its like said earlier. They might have a head start to sell items before BW decides to come into the market. Sort of how games are exclusive on one system for a certain amount of months before being released on other systems. True this is all speculation but seems reasonable. Maybe they gave them to AX or even 2005 to finish things up and to prepare themselves. Which would make sense cause by that time HG would be doing New Generation type of items, especially with the new series and would have move on pass Macross and they wouldn't have to worry about losing sales on it since they will be putting most of their effort into the new series and mospeada type items. Mean while BW could be free to release Macross Zero, maybe 7, along with the VF-1 valks. Maybe I'm dreaming but what do you think? Without any thing to really check this makes things hard.
  3. I wish she wouldn't talk though. It makes her sound even more fake when she opens her mouth in my opinion.
  4. Same here. I really wish I hadn't started reading the manga. I can't wait for the anime to catch up animate those volumes. The anime is just so slow but I still love the show. Cool wallpaper
  5. Doubt that since by the time it was released on the site the official versions of SDF Macross weren't released and the only way before then to see the original series would have been fansubs or HK boots. Doubt the number of RT fans out there would have been that high that they picked those up. I doubt there could have been enough demand for her music when people would have rarely heard it. Not like her songs are in Macross II or Plus.
  6. 1. Yes it cost 13 a month and add an extra $1 for additional characters. 2. You can solo for around the first few levels maybe 1 to 13 but it isn't easy. For the most part you have to group, even to travel. 3. Not really. You'll most likely find yourself quiting after a while unlike other games.
  7. Yeah. TechTv is looking to pick up the rest of the show but they haven't been released yet and episode 13 isn't even on dvd yet as said before.
  8. Great series. I'll be picking up the dvds for sure. I made sure to watch each episode on TechTv, which I had taped it like I planed but didn't have a tape at the time. My birthday is coming up and I know what I'm going to treat myself to. Can't wait till they show the rest in a few months.
  9. Hmm Xenosaga. Looked great, battles were decent, but boring as hell. Its just basicly a interactive movie. I ended up eating lunch during one of the cutscenes due to them being so long. Sorry but if I pay around $40 for a game I like to play it, not watch it. Also it was far to linear for my taste. True Xenogears and nearly all RPGs are but you never had a choice in where you wanted to go in the Saga, also there was almost no way of repairing the mechs if damaged in battle, unlike in Gears where one could have them repaired or use items installed on them(which I found none in Saga for some reason). I found that the main character really annoyed and pissed me off. Iggy and Momo were nice though and I enjoyed things when I started playing as them. Strange, I like SciFi games as much as the next person but things seemed to be over done here though a bit. At least that's how I felt. I really wouldn't recommend the game. I was warned before hand about it but though things were just taken to far by people. Boy was I wrong and I should have listened.
  10. I don't really care for either design, not to worried about it though. I found Xenosaga extremely boring. I loved Xenogears though and still count it as one of my favorite games that I still play. In fact Xenosaga bored and upset me so much that I broke out Xenogears and played that instead. I don't really expect much from Xenosaga 2 other then even longer and better looking cut scenes. I still trying to find someone to play the game but tape it at the same time. That way I can just watch without haviing to push buttons once in a while or be bother by the dumb battles so I can just sit back and enjoy the movie that is Xenosaga.
  11. I'm currently playing .hack//Outbreak (part 3 of the games) and I'm really enjoying it. Since you haven't seen the series, no need to worry since you can still follow along with things if you start on the first game Infection which should be around $20 now. Each game should take around 20 or so hours. Depending on how much time you take to mess around and level up. You can still place once each game is over, you know when you are asked to make a special save of the file. All in all I think the games are pretty good. The gameplay doesn't change nor do the graphics. In part 2 Mutation you get more weapons, able to go to a higher level, and a new area to explore. The same goes for part 2 Outbreak and part 4 Quaratine which is currently out now. At the end of each game you can create a special save that allows you to import your file(characters, etc) over to the next game. Things do move slow in part 2 but pick up again in part 3. Things do get harder with each game, much harder so the file transfer is a great thing. Plus each game comes with an anime OVA episode that expands the story even more. That along with the ingame events, news events you get on the ingame desktop and messageboard move the story along. Watching the first series is a plus since you'll run into some of the characters and locations in the game, plus you get more of the story on what happen before the game. There is another series after the games end as well which continues the story. That should be out sometime at the end of this year or beginning of next year I think. At the end of that there is another OVA episode in which the game characters, Sign characters, and 2nd series character appear together. Still haven't seen that or the 2nd series myself. Haven't gotten around to downloading it yet. Want to finish up the games first. Just need to find more time to finish part 3 so I can pick up part 4. I say pick up the games if you enjoy RPGS and want a bit more control and interactiong with your characters since you control how many times he swings, moves around in the field(battles are realtime but you can pause to decide what you want to do and looking through menus). You can have a nice selection of characters to group with and they also email you so the interaction there is pretty nice. You can also switch between the english track(well done as is the dub for the anime series and OVA that comes with the games) and the japanese track.
  12. I've seen the previews for Starship Troopers 2, should be on Starz I think in April. I for one enjoy the movie but liked the CG series more. I'm going to be picking up the book this weekend if I can to see what it really is like. I agree, the Dune and Children of Dune(including Dune Messiah) were really good. Far better then the movie. I've never read the last three novels but I hope to some day.
  13. Well HG doesn't seem to own the trademark on the name Veritech. I remember reading that there was already a company named that. They sell some type of vacum cleaner or something.
  14. I honestly would love to see Ender's Game made into a film or a mini-series. Maybe do the setup Kill Bill used about releasing them really close behind each other if made into a movie. I would think 2 would be needed to really do the book justice. Or the Dune/Children of Dune mini-series setup would work as well with 3 episodes at around 2 hours each.
  15. Strange they would do this. I wonder what the real reason would be. I was kinda thinking they might want bring over the live action series(either dubbed,, god no or refilm everything with american actors the way Saban/Disney seem to be doing with the Sentai/Power Ranges series but not change the story(the way Power Rangers have done) at all). Stopping the anime might be a step if they plan on taking the story in a different direction and want kill the confusion or not flood the market to much. Just a thought, doubtfull but you never know.
  16. If this means a deal has been worked out between HG and BW great but do notice that this was put up Thursday or at least talk about this began Thursday and there is no mention of it on the main page of Robotech.com in a form of an article. When they put up Casshan: Robot Hunter in the store it got a new article and there were quite a few promting Mari Iijima over the past few years. Like said since they are selling it, with Manga's logo still on the box and most likely BW(is there logo on the front or back), it makes it clear that they don't have the rights to it. The price sucks thouhg, oh well I already have a copy. I hope they have finally realized that down playing Macross will only hurt them. Since they selling Macross Plus it should throw out the excuse that it would confuse fans. They can't claim its infringing on their product. I hope something like this opens the doors for Yamato to sell valks here in the states a much lower price and maybe someone might try to release Macross 7(song undubbed no matter what). To much to hope for, maybe but SDF Macross was remastered, I have a feeling that Mac7 might do well if given the proper treatment and advertising. Anyway the price they are selling the DVD is insane. Isn't Macross Plus the movie dvd just a dump of the VHS version with the subtitles imprinted intot he film itself with no way of taking them off? Not to mention the dvd is over 2 years old. No way they should be selling it for full price or anywhere near it.
  17. Really makes me wonder if Gamlin was given center stage(more then he got) and the made the main main character instead of Basara and Mylene or along side them more, more Macross fans and non-macross fans might have enjoyed it. At least here on these forums maybe. Keep the story the same but have it told from his point of view the way most of SDF was centered around Hikaru and Plus was around Isamu. The conflict Gamlin would have felt might have made the show more acceptable to most people sinc one can identify with him more it seems. Just a thought.
  18. GAMLIN KIZAKI --- Gamlin entered Air Force academy of the United Space Army at the age of 15 as a scholarship student, and finished the three-year training course for two years. Gamlin is devoted to Mylene and determined to be a good boyfriend to her. He wants desperately to be her hero and this gets him into trouble. Mylene truly cares for him, but she also adores Basara. ----------- Cool. He''s my favorite character in the series and the one I could relate to the most. Strange the time he started to not hate Basara was the time I started not to hate him as well.
  19. I never understood why Orton got such a push anyway? Weren't there plenty of other guys with more experience then him and were starting to become favorites of the fans? Was there ever any word on that?
  20. What movie beside the Buffy one has he been apart of?
  21. http://money.cnn.com/2004/03/03/news/compa...dex.htm?cnn=yes I must say the man must go. Seriously nothing really good has really come out of Disney in a long time. Didn't think there would be such a negative vote against him.
  22. Good point. A lot of people forget that.
  23. Its interesting to read the difference in stories between the original and the Power Ranger versions. Even though I'm a fan of the PR, have been since it first started airing back in the day, its had its up and lows when its comes to the different series/seasons but I'd really like to check out some of the originals. Think I might started with this one. Speaking of Power Rangers, I have to say the Dino Thunder series is pretty good so far. The way they time in all the different shows is pretty nice, sometimes they are vague about it and others they are direct about it, I don't think they do that in the original series do they? I'm guess each series is in its own world/timeline. Those interested in comparing the two. http://www.rangercentral.com/ http://www.supersentai.com/index.html
  24. I tried out RO for 10 days, fun but hated the lag. As for SWG I won't be going back for a while. The changes in the Jedi system were really welcome and that almost made me go back but I'll wait a bit longer to see what other changes happen. Its about time to, they knew full well that one of the main draws would be the chance to play a Jedi. They finally caught one that people hate the past setup and were leaving since the game didn't really offer anything original or people were upset with not being allowed to play the one class they wanted to really play, ie Jedi. I'm going to wait and see if guides come out to make the quest for it much easier.
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