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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Sweet!!! Gatchaman!!! Finally. I've been watching to see it subbed and unaltered for the longest time. Will it be remastered though or has it already been released in japan on dvd remastered?
  2. I hate still pictures. It makes it look bad and to blocky. What I want to see is a full motion image of the gameplay. That's what is need to really see what the game is like. I hope the game doesn't take place all the time in bland settings like that.
  3. Honestly I gave the first season a shot and watched each episode but I was disappointed. I payed less attentiont to the second season and almost ignore the series this year but recently I've heard how much better its gotten. I do wish it would get another season if things are improving. I think it was the most less Trekish series out of all of them. I do wish they would get back to exploring. I think Voyager was more like Next Generation but they over used the borg and the long journay home kinda made things drag. DS9 was a nice change in that it had several different themes. I think the prequel theme Enterprise just makes things less interesting. I guess if anything ground breaking happens it will be covered up via another temporal situation. We know how the universe is suppose to end up. With the other series we had no idea what was going to happen next, what would happen next in the universe. It kept pushing the timeline forward from the Original Series to Next Gen to DS9 and to Voy. Same with the movies. Enterprise just doesn't give the same feeling I guess.
  4. Can't wait to see this. What was the release date for this again?
  5. I was just about to start downloading this but I'm sure someone will continue to fansub the show. Itsn't it about to end soon at 51 episodes and the fansubs are up to episode 30 now? I woud hope they would finish it since they are close to the end.
  6. I really hope the new Zelda is like that.
  7. I honestly could care less to be honest and I'm a RT fan. Also I don't even get the channel so it doesn't mean any good news for me and I already have the original DVDs and I'm getting the original 3 series so I'll see the deleted scenes in due time. What I do have a problem is HG using exclusive all the damn time. Limiting themselves and shooting themselves in the foot at times. How much of the martket does the Anime Network cover? I heard 5% of digital viewers or less. Hmm if they do this with their new series I wonder how well it will do?
  8. I'm all for new animation. If it made references to 0083 or some how incorperated its events and some characters that would be cool as well but that's just me.
  9. What happens to Claudia after SDF Macross? Does she go into space with Misa and Hikaru? Get her own ship? Stay on Earth? Marry someone? Also what happen to the bridge girls as well? Thanks.
  10. Very true. The point of the show is to have fun and be entertained. I dig that about it. You really shouldn't take the show to seriously.
  11. That's part of the problem I have with SEED. It shows off its animation to much and it causes things to drag and in some ways it takes your attention away from the actual story.
  12. From http://aeug.blogspot.com/ it seems that 1/3 of the first Zeta movie will be new animation with the rest being remastered footage.
  13. I knew I had heard that voice before. Still I enjoyed it all the same. Very entertaining.
  14. That is so true. Personally I couldn't sit through the series of MSG but I really enjoy the dvd boxset of the movies. I liked the series for Zeta more but it still took up a lot of time and moved slow in parts. I'm sure the Zeta movies will allow a lot more people enjoy the series the way the MSG movies did for MSG.
  15. I like Michael Turner version more to be honest.
  16. I saw this on AnimeNation's forms. Don't know if its real or not. If its real the it looks like new animation or one insane remaster.
  17. Quick question. In episode 5 of SDF Macross. When the Macross detects the Zents defolding behind them and the order to scramble is given. What are those black VF-1s? Is that just a color scheme or are they a certain model? Stealth versions maybe?
  18. Pretty much, DNA study. Also didn't the CNN article say that one of the female mice was already mutated so that its DNA was similar to that of a male's mouse? So it wasn't two pure female mice.
  19. I hope the movies are at least animated. Not looking for something the level of Gundam SEED but something the level of the animation that is in the games such as Journy to Jaburo and Zeonic Front(the special movie in it detailing/overviewing the OYW from the Zeon side). Really good examples of MSG with updated animation, this what I wish the Zeta movies will look like.
  20. I saw this previewed on Xplay. Honestly while I"m not fond of the Armada cartoon the game looks really good and I really want to check it out. Seems like the only voices from the show are Prime's and Megatrons. All the other voices are new. I actually like Hotshot's new voice to be honest. Starscream is kinda bad in my opinion. Cyclonous' game voice would fit Starscream better I think. Red Alert's voice is alright. I don't hate it or really like it either. Same for Tidalwaves. I wonder if there are other characters that are unlockable in the game. You seem to only be able to play as Prime, Hotshot and Red Alert. The site is pretty cool.
  21. Tommy Yune said in RT.com's chat that they had finally gotten around to properly getting the license when people were asking about the DYRL toys. Which means they did not have the rights before hand. People are thinking that maybe now after this legal mess that there might be some talks on behalf of Tatsunoko Pro since they are listed as working on DYRL, not sure how big of a part though. Or maybe they tracked down the rights for DYRL and that might include some toy rights, thus getting around BW. No one really knows and you can never get an answer out of HG. Maybe by AX they will explain it more. Lot good it will do them. They canceled the second set of DYRL poseables and canceled the Kazaki poseable as well. So only the Roy, Hikaru, and Max versions will be released.
  22. Haven't had a chance to play ZoE: 2nd Runner yet but I haved played the first game and seen the Idolo OVA. I plan on picking up 2nd Runner soon though. Will there be a 3rd game? Does the game allow for it story wise or does it end things?
  23. The show was pretty good.
  24. That was changed as the OT went on. So I wouldn't pay that much attention to that. The original ANH novel came out when the movie did if I'm remeber correctly.
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