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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I hate the time travel in Enterprise. It used to be a rare thing in Next Gen, DS9 and even in Voy but they seemed to do it more then the first two shows. Enterprises entire story is based on it and its sicking in my opinion. Doing a prequel was a horrible idea, they just should have kept moving forward or did a show set very close after DS9 but during the time of Voy or after the latest movie.
  2. I really hope someone saved it. Did anyone?
  3. Does anyone know if they are still online somewhere?
  4. Hmm it looks like something you'd find in the Zone of the Ender's universe. Look pretty good though.
  5. The Fortress might be interesting.
  6. Possible spoilers I don't know much about the Superman comics, , but does anyone know what they are refering to in the last paragraph?
  7. Comedy and drama are good as well. What are their names?
  8. Has there been any new scifi anime (dealing with androids) similar to Ghost in the Shell and Armitage in recent years in Japan or fansubed?
  9. Hmm I think that might be all of them. Was there anything else related to Macross II that was released that took place after the series?
  10. I thought she died as well. How does she come back to life? Some alien force, magic, etc? Also how popular of a character was she anyway in the comics? Daredevil was the first I heard of her and figured they made her up just for the movie.
  11. Release date for Shadow Force (still not crazy about the name) is 2005.
  12. Well its official. The new Robotech series finally has a name. Took them long enough to announce it. The new section is up as well. Though there isn't much there yet. http://www.robotech.com/series/?seriescode=SHF http://www.robotech.com/series/?seriescode=NEW They both take you to the same place. On a similar note, it seems that HG do have the rights to the Macross: Do You Remember Love movie. The setup for DYRL is similar to that of SDF Macross with BW keeping the Japanese rights and TP getting the international rights. What I heard though confuses me a little( I was listening by phone for a bit near the end) is what I think Tommy(I think it was him speaking) said. That TP's right grant them any financial success to SDF Macross(original macross series is what he said I think). But until the whole legal mess in Japan is sorted out, the movie can't be released even though HG (according to Tommy, actually spoke to him on the phone) wants to release it right away.
  13. I saw it today as well. Great movie, I can't wait to see it again.
  14. I can't wait to see Spiderman 2.
  15. I kinda think that a lot of people had Xenogears in mind when they played the game. Honestly in my opinion XS doesn't even begin to compare to XG in terms of gameplay, characters, world, and story. It just doesn't. XS beats it out in graphics. The Gears in XG were a great part of the game and were very usefull even when you didn't have to use them. The AGWS are just a pain in the ass no matter how you look at it. They are slow, no way to repair the damage when you need it. You are better off outside of them at times. Characters like Ziggy and Momo were interesting but that was it for me. The female lead in XS was just so annoying, especially her coworker. Maybe XS is and was the result of them trying to draw out a story over several games to get more money. I've heard about the unofficial prequel thing in relation to Xenogears. Should be interesting to see what happens in the story if they reach the point where XG was suppose to take place. Personally I'd like to see Square-Enix build off Xenogears themselves.
  16. I have to agree with Xenosaga being extremly boring. It looked great, no doubt but that was all it had going for it I'm afraid. I've played tons of RPGs, since FF, Zelda, and Dragon Warrior back on the NES when I was little. Xenosaga was the first to bore me, never paused so many times and started doing other things. To much of a interactive movie then a game. I'm not looking forward to Xenosaga 2 to be honest and doubt I'll pay it any attention.
  17. Okay. Would someone mind explaining what makes this a good thing? I'm sure it is but I've never really been into table RPGs, never had anyone to play with to be honest.
  18. Seriously I do think its just to early for them to bring her into the mix. Now if they go up to the point with him in college then I can see them bring her in for an episode or two. He's still in high school right now, granted going on his senior year but I think its to early for her to be in the mix.
  19. I really enjoyed T3 as well. Like the different approach it took.
  20. Is Jessica Biel's character suppose to be a vampire or a human?
  21. I gotta say I really enjoyed myself. The ending was a welcome change from normal endings that seem to go with movies. Looking forward to a third movie if they make one. The universe was interesting as well and would love to see them expand upon it. I just have to pick up the game now.
  22. Congrats Amy and Graham .
  23. I finally got a chance to watch episode 4. Honestly I didn't like it that much, at least when compared with the first 3 episodes. I'm hoping the final episode is much better. The bombing/nuking of the island was interesting. Though I really wish things would move along faster though. Much the series seems to be about showing off the animation but not so much on the story and when they do get to the story they cram so much into to small of a space. I have to say my like of the show has decreased over the releases I'm afraid to say.
  24. I just picked up the game today. After reading the manual I have a really good feeling I'm going to like the game. I mean I was interested before and the whole idea seemed pretty exciting. So are there any others playing besides those that have already said they are playing?
  25. 233mb The size isn't that bad. Will take a few nights to download I guess.
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