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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Been looking to get Budokai 3 before it was released. Both IGN and Gamespot give it a score in the 8s out of 10 and are calling it the best DBZ game to ever be released. Personally I can't wait to play it. http://ps2.ign.com/articles/566/566915p1.html?fromint=1 - Score = 8.0 http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/dragonb...ai3/review.html - Score = 8.2
  2. Didn't know that. If wonder if they wanted it to relaunch the Gundam franchise why didn't they make it longer instead of reducing it to movie. They might have done better if they had made it at least an OVA so there was character development and room for more battles.
  3. Its about damn time they finally changed the control setup.
  4. There is also the Zone of the Enders series. Both were really good I feel. There is always Front Mission 4 but its more of a turn based RTS. I didn't care for it myself from the demo, I did like Front Mission 3 though.
  5. I finally picked up Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker and loving it. I thought the graphics would make the game bad when it was first announced but after playing it in the stores my opinion changed but it was only recently that I was able to pick up the game. Since there is a new Zelda game coming out in 2005 I've been trying to think where that came could fit. Not I've only just started playing (up to the island where you have to try and buy a sail(can't find the place) so maybe this might be explained later and I didn't play Majora's Mask. During the opening to Windwaker when its explaining things it talks about the Hero of Time. This is the adventure Link goes on in Legend of Zelda: OoT. Then it explains that the even came back to the land of Hyrule and people hoped the Hero of Time would come to save them but didn't. They never explain exactly what happens to the land but due to who the villian in Windwaker is I'm guess something happen during that time. Maybe the new Zelda game out in 2005 would take place during that time? Think it would be interesting since they talk about that era but don't explain anything, at least from what I can see. Or perhaps the kid you play in Windwaker might be the one you play in the new game? What do you think might happen? Also how are the Zelda games seperated? I was think it was this but not sure. Zelda(NES) and Link's Adventure(NES) = One world and timeline. Link to the Past(SNES), Link's Awakening (GB) and Seasons games(GBC) = one world and timeline OOT, Majora's Mask, and Windwaker = One world and timeline Or are they arranged in some other order? Thanks.
  6. I enjoyed MGS when it came out on the PS1. MGS2 was kind of a let down since I wanted to play as Snake, as it was advertised. Not really interested in Snake Eater at all to be honest. Honestly I thought the first Metal Gear Solid had the right balance of action, sealth and enemy AI. They are maing it harder and harder now that it isn't really that much fun anymore. At least to me.
  7. I finally picked up Metroid Prime 1. I'm kicking myself for not getting it sooner. Such a great game. I'm not a huge Metroid fan but I did enjoy the NES, GameBoy and SNES versions. Still I wish I had the option of playing in 3rd person view at certain times. Especially when jumping across platforms. Once I finish this I'll be picking up Echoes. I just hope they continue with the series.
  8. This is interesting. I would have thought BC would have been behind the drop but not so. Still they don't fail to take advantage of it. Part of it is going to fall no matter what. Its the aftermath that will do the damage. Is colony big enough to kick a significant amount of material into the atmosphere? Or are we really just talking about a good deal of landmass being destroyed or the coast being hit by some serious tidal waves? Good to see Athrun back in a mobile suit. Still I hope they give more time to Rey. He seems like an interesting character. Would have liked it if he was the main character, at least main Gundam pilot character.
  9. When I first heard of this wasn't sure if it would be any good. From the sounds of things I don't think I'll be picking it up. I was hoping it would be an original story running side by side with the Fellowship's quest but what is the point of simply following them? Or showing up to help them fight certain things when that sure doesn't happen in the novels or even movies? They could have simply had a story take place before or after the Fellowship left or after the Ring was destroyed.
  10. From watching fansubs and then the dub on Cartoon Network I have to say I like the subbed version more. Not that the dub isn't actually good and I think the voices fit the characters but I don't like the dialogue changes. For example, the end of the first episode I felt was more dramatic in the fansub version then it was in the dubbed version due to what was actually being said and it was being said. There are other changes like that in the dub that make those same scenes not as good as they should be when compared with a fansub.
  11. I thought it was going to be based off Doom 3.
  12. Seems like the Rock has been pretty busy. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0425005/ I wonder when he'll start using his real name instead of going by "The Rock".
  13. Ugh this show. I knew it was a bad idea watching it before it even came on but I figured what the hell I need background noise but ended up watching it. A half hour of my life I won't get back. I'm usually not so quick to judge things but this was seriously a stupid show. Even with the lose in translation which I think was a big part of things I still not sure it would have been any better in the original japanese.
  14. Watched both shows. THey didn't seem to be edited at all.
  15. Thought I'd post this in here as well since both thread seem to be still alive and this one has less post so people are more likely to hit on this one if they haven't been following the other thread. The Episode 3 video game trailer is up. http://www.lucasarts.com/ep3/ I must say I wasn't that interested before but now, I can't wait to try it out now.
  16. The Episode 3 video game trailer is up. http://www.lucasarts.com/ep3/ I must say I wasn't that interested before but now, I can't wait to try it out now.
  17. Think about that, and how the whole Star Wars story pans out. You've actually answered your own question. I think the problem is that people tend to think that the Force is actually good or that it actually picks a side when it comes the Sith and Jedi. I have the feeling that is more neutral. What better way to balance it then to take out both sides.
  18. If I recall Obiwan has to take Anakin's lightsaber since its the one he gives to Luke in Episode 4. Would make sense it beign blue during the fight. Though I'd rather it be read or some other color. Oh well.
  19. Since the EA had gotten their hands on a the designs for the N-Jammer Canceler, that allowed them to use nukes in the final battle, couldn't that have simply been adapted to their power planets are at least used to take out the N=Jammers on the planet? After they built more N-Jammer Cancelers I mean. Would be nice to see what happen when it came to this situation.
  20. I don't doubt the EA would respond in kind if a colony was managed to be dropped. Since the EA could use nukes again that would mean that Earht's power problem is over and that they'd be back or even in a better position for producing weapons, etc. I wonder if ZAFT is fully prepared for another war. Sure they have their new mobile suits but there is no way that the EA would go on the offensive like they have with stealing ZAFT's new Gundams unless they were full prepared for a full scale war and fully ready to deal with the fallout of that action. With a new battleship in space it could be that their fleet is already rebuilt yet ZAFT might not even be aware of the build up. Which reminds me has there been any information at all released on who the situation between EA and ZAFT really is? Sure they signed a treaty but are each other's borders still guarded? Do ZAFT still have any lands on the Earth? I would have though once they could use nukes again and before they took the fight back into space they would have tried to bring almost all of Earth under their control, gather all space ports. Again, something else. Is ORB even on Earth anymore? Or where it was before? Or did the EA fully take that over in Gundam SEED forceing ORB to take up someplace else as their home? Maybe we have to wait till more episodes come out but was wondering if anything was said on this or if anyone came across anything touching on this information.
  21. Waiting for the extended dvd boxset to be released. I have the normal version of the movies already. I couldn't wait for for the extended dvds when they were coming out. So if a boxset comes out I'll be picking up right away.
  22. Maybe Kira wouldn't be the one piloting Freedom. Also maybe its a Earth Alliance suit?. They seem to be pretty good at stealing Gundams.
  23. Or the voice could be like that cause Anakin is still young when he becomes Vader and the Vader in the OT is in his late 50s I think. The voice does continue to change right over those years?
  24. I hope we get more points of view from the Earth Alliance/Blue Cosmos side of things but not always as they are evil though.
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