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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I wouldn't mind the X-wing series being made in a show or something similar. Just as long as it isn't that god awful New Jedi Order series. Hell even the publish all but admits it wasn't real Star Wars. They said in a statment on the TheForce.net forums that for the novels after the NJO they would be getting "back" to stories and novels that are Star Wars in terms of story and style and theme. Finally admiting once the NJO series was over that it wasn't Star Wars. Which is true. Most if not all of the NJO went completely against the spirit of all the movies. The series was so far removed from the space opera Star Wars was that it drove a good deal of EU novel fans away. This can be seen from the drop in sales of the NJO novels with each novel released. It kept going down and down. Usually Star Wars novel stayed on best seller list for a while. Most of the novels in the NJO series only stayed for a week or two or didn't place at all or were at the very bottom of the list before finally falling off after a week. That wasn't so before. And they stayed less and less as the NJO series went on or just didn't place. DR finally owns up to the mess that the NJO was. A part of the Star Wars universe that was marred with horrible writing when it came to characters, logic, common sense, filled with shock value and ignored past novels. Hell they killed off their best character(best writing, etc) just for the sake of shaking things up. Majority of the story was made up as they went along even though they lie and say it was greatly planned out. The managing of events and characters in the novels and not being able to adapt from canceled novels shows this. Looks like I've gone on to long. As long as it isn't NJO based or has that bitch Mara Jade I think the TV show should be decent.
  2. God I hope its not NJO based.
  3. I think that was the case. Once Mwu got the Strike, I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. I think that might be more to do with Mwu's piloting skills and that he was a newtype. It seemed that once he came in contact with Rau Le Creuset and the Providence Gundam he was completely outclassed due to the power and performance of the Providence. Now if the current Gundams are as powerful as that or more so then the Providence and the Strike Rouge was basicly a copy of it(Strike) and was below the Freedom and Justice then I'd say if they did have another Strike it would have to be completely overhauled in its systems, parts, etc. Speaking of which. I'd love to see how Neo Lorrnoke would fair against someone like Athrun, Kira or Yzak. Newtype vs. the top coordinators. We've seen him go against Ray but that was mobile armor vs. mobile suit. Not really a level playing field. It seemed at the end of Seed that Rau was holding his own against Kira until the very end. I always wonder who would win in a fight. Kira or Mwu if it ever came down to them getting serious with each other.
  4. I don't know, Freedom and Justice couldn't hold back the last Alliance assault. True, but they undoubtedly did better then the Astrays would of by themselves. Yeah, those two are powerful but they alone can't hold back a massive EA or even a decently sized EA force sent at them. Orb would be over taken sooner or later. Didn't last time they were trying to capture their spaceport? This time around they could be out to simply destory everything which means attacking any and everything, making the fight harder for Orb since there would be no one central location where the fight would take place. The whole island would be a battlefield, not simply taking place in the ocean and on the edge of Orb.
  5. From what was said here I was thinking that the entire EA force was destroyed in episode 9. I see that isn't the case, just the ones caring nukes which seemed to be a small force compared to the main fleet that assulted the front line. Seems that both sides took loses but the EA more so. What I dont' get is that why did the ones that had already launched their nukes get destroyed as well? Was that suppose to just attack the nuke parts of the launchers or are simply all EA mobile suits and ships now nuke powered while the Zaft suits aren't? Hmm I wonder why they didn't trying to pincer the Zaft captial and come from two directions instead of the simply the one side. The Zaft weapon could only fire in one direction. Granted the EA didn't know about it, still they had to expect something and they'd have a better chance with forces coming from three sides, the decoy fleet and two nuke fleets from different directions. I wonder who the orange Zaku was. Seriously EA needs to get some ace pilots like that. I just seriously hope this series isn't pro-Zaft all the time. I had enough of Zaft getting the main attention in Gundam SEED.
  6. Have to agree here. Really I don't see what's so great about her.
  7. The ending of .hack//sign was strange but then again it wasn't never suppose to end the story, just that chapter of the overall story. It picks up in the games and then again in the other series and special episodes. Still I think the game just booting everyone might have been the reason but then again I always though it was Tsukasa finally coming to terms with everything and finally wanting to leave(remember she didn't want to really go back to the real world due to her situation and always logged in to escape things) that allowed her to finally log out and return to her body in the end. That's really how I always took it but then again its been a while since I saw the show and her case was different from the others that fall victiem to the game. That difference in culture really is a pain in the ass. Still I think its a good reminder for people to realise that as much as we enjoy anime it was never and still isn't aimed at those outside of Japan and not created with non-japanese in mind. Every once in a while they'll be a show where things will wrap up nicely or at least decent to some degree but not many. I guess we just have to come to accept it. I just wish that more animation was done domesticly but aimed for teens and adults as their audience and not just kids. Maybe then we could get some animated shows with the story level of some anime with better endings. I mean I don't really need everything spelled out for me and don't mind trying to think a little but I'd at least like some closure in a show. Can one have closure without having everything spelled out? I think you can but I dislike it when a show starts developing so many paths and story elements only to simply drop it all and end a show. Tokyo Underground for example. I download the fansubs and enjoyed it all until the very last episode. They had so many characters and they were all important and they did nothing with them in the end. Even the main characters, it all just ended. I hate experienceing that. This is part of the reason I always make it a point to find out the ending of a show first, and in detail because I sent down to watch something. A bad ending can just ruin the entire experience and make you feel like you've really wasted your time. RahXephon is the type of ending that I thought was good. What was said through out the show about the different characters allowed one to realize at the very end that the other characters lives turned out good by just seeing the main characters at the end and how their lives turned out.
  8. Yea, like said Madman is release Voltron in R4. The second boxset is out I believe. Its also out in the UK as well I believe though I think they released the Vehicle Voltron episodes first by mistake. Or I could have heard wrong but either way its out in R2 as well. WEP is dragging its feet when it comes to the R1 release of the dvds though.
  9. I just hope that movie has some type of closure and doesn't just simply end. Still knowing that the game Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII will take place a year after FF7: AC, I think its safe to assume that there will be a number of things left unexplained which will do damage to AC's enjoyablitiy.
  10. Has there been any word when EA/BC will start doing some serious damage to Zaft/Plant? Just like with SEED, I'm simply tired of constantly watching Zaft outclass the EA and the EA simply rely on numbers.
  11. That was my impression as well. Had they kept running they would have actually cleared the impact point by a good distance since they were standing still for some time. They actually would have just gotten blown a way a little from the blast the way Shinn did. They'd still be alive if he hadn't stopped to go and find the sister's cell phone. Another thing that is seriously annoying me is his constant blaming and talking down to Cagalli. I'm getting sick of it and he really needs to be put in his place for it. Sure he's in pain and lost those close to him but he's not the only one. Maybe they are trying to make viewers feel sorry for him and are trying to further pound away that war is hell but they are doing a horrible job at it since we saw what went on in Gundam SEED and what the charcters went through. Shinn's situation is nothing special compared to the others. Yet it seems as if they are trying to make it appear that way, as if he has some extra specail reason to be hateful to those that don't deserve it and those people have to take it without decently defending themselves.
  12. Man that sucks, that the music music isn't on the dvds. Glad I was wondering if I should have preordered but I'm glad I didn't cause if I did I most likely would have canceled. I don't think its overracting at all. Its simply the matter of them seeming to bascily hold back this information until the last minute and releasing an incomplete product. Really I wouldn't care so much but like said, Bandai was one of the companies trying their best to stop digisubs, HK, and fansubs in general last time I checked. Yet they go ahead and release an incomplete product. Its things like this that tend to drive a good deal of people to seeking out fansubs of licenesed products in order to get a complete version of the product even if it isn't official. Just one of those really annoying things. Like a company stopping a extremely well done fansub that happens to translate everything on screen(signs, letters, etc) and gives explantions on things (due to culture differences) only to get an official version of the show and see that just the dialogue is translated and even altered a bit and nothing else is done, even when the screen tends to focus on signs, letters, or certain actions. Hmm maybe not the best thing to compare it to but I think you can see the direction I'm going in. Just for sake of asking, does this really annoy anyone else when you get a official release of a show and compare it with fansubs?
  13. I can understanding a translating company not wanting fansubs around once the show has been licensed but it doesn't make sense for a Japanese company to send a letter in from my understanding. - Japanese company creates an anime and is shown on tv or released on dvd in Japanese and in the R2 format. - Sales are primaryly and almost all Japanese sales. - No english version or R1 version, thus no sales from outside of Japan unless someone imports a R2 version and knows fluent Japanese(most likely low numbers) - No lost money from English speaking customers since the product wasn't aimed at them anyway. No one is claiming ownership either, last time I checked. So I just don't see, mainstream or not why a Japanese comapny would get into much of a fit over series that haven't even been licenese or doesn't show any signs that the shows will be. Napster, well I think bad music in general had just as much in killing CD sales as downloading did, if not had more to do with it. That an the crazy pricing for CDs in general.
  14. Same here. I always thought fansubs was how companies knew which shows to get the rights to so since they know people would pay for officially translated dvds or vhs with an english track or at least subbed that they can play in their dvd players or vcrs. I've gotten a lot of shows due to viewing fansubs. Hell I'll be getting Scrapped Princess once its out in a heart beat since I loved it when I saw a fansub copy of it. I've been like that with other shows as well. Companies know people think like this. Yet people do save money as well cause I've seen shows I would not want to waste my money on cause I didn't like it. I always figured fansubs was part of the reason why anime has gotten so big since it opened more of it to fans and companies outside of Japan.
  15. Same here. Fansubs do help me decide what shows I want to spend my hard earned money on. Still I never thought that companies outside of Japan lost any money on fansubs. Since they would have never gotten those sales anyway. A lot of shows still aren't brought over by other companies. Though what makes me wonder is do the raws really hurt them? Aren't a lot of series shown in TV in Japan as apart of cable or free in that people can record them if they want. Meaning that the few raws that might be released on the interent might now even be causing that much trouble in lose of profit. So I really don't see why companies would make a big fuse over fansubs. Wouldn't fansubs show current companies importing anime which shows are most likely be popular with fans or what genre is currently popular so they can take a jump and start seeking the rights to shows in order to bring them over so they can sell dvds or get it on TV so they can reach an even larger audience and more more money? I don't really see the downside of fansubs for the Japanese companies to be hoenst. I mean its not like they would be losing money when they wouldn't be making any money off of those in english speaking companies anyway. Especially if the show hasn't been licensed or a good chance it won't be.
  16. I have to agree, that is a crap list for the most part. "Of all time". Hell a lot of those shows were released less then 10 years ago and are only domestic. I enjoyed Gundam SEED but it has no business on that list, RT especially shouldn't be on there cause it isn't even really anime anymore since it was changed and edited together. It would be one thing if the original series that made up RT were there but RT itself has no business being there for the very nature of how it was created. This comes from a RT fan as well. There are things on that list that are still being released I think or that were just released in the last year or so.
  17. So clone is mostly the best guess then it seems.
  18. Is the fansub of episode 8 out or is this based on the raw?
  19. Still but marriage in a show of this nature is never a good thing and usually ends in a tragic way. Either one of them is going to die or one of them is going to hook up with someone else breaking the heart of the other. From the opening I'm guessing its going to be the 2nd to be honest.
  20. These episodes came come out soon enough. I'm still waiting to see how Athrun, Shinn and crew react when BC puts their plan into action. I'm sure they would expect it but wonder how they will deal with it. Also if Orb goes to the Earth Alliance I wonder what Cagalli will do.
  21. A beta would be nice but I'd never buy one. I didn't even get a Alpha or one of Toynami's VF-1. I had my Yamato VF-1 Strike from last or the year before last and I'm happy. That's it for Macross toys for me. Prices on both sides are just way to high. Even if I did have a job, don't think I'd be happy or comfortable spending the kind of money some of the others here do.
  22. Ah getting to personal. Never a good thing I feel. Good to see some people are still playing. I can understand quiting though to concentrate on real life though. Hmm have they put up the chirstmas trees and decorations in the cities yet like they did last year?
  23. Sorry for uping this again. Man its been a long time. Anyway is anyone still playing or went back to the game? Was thinking of playing again. Currently updating it now but haven't fully decided if I'll play again. I'm thinking I'd start again once finals are over and I'm home for that month. I had picked up EQ2 but my desire to play quickly disappeared after playing and won't be contininuing after my free month is up. FFXI on the other hand I did enjoy at times and feel I should give it another try. At least another month or two maybe.
  24. That's how I understood it from playing the game. If anything Revan and Malek would have been to young or not even born to have fought in the first Sith War since that happen around 30 or so years before Knights of the Old Republic takes place I believe.
  25. Wonder if HG will set their lawyers on the show's creators? Graham That would be interesting, seeing as the show was done by Cartoon Network last time I checked. I wonder if HG wants to burn anymore bridges and chances of getting their new show on the air. I can't wait get Megas on dvd. Has anyone seen the Bruce Cambell episodes? The 2nd one he did voice work in had his character is in a robot that looked like Ash form the Army of Darkness movie. With shotgun and chainsaw for hands. .
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