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If that's the case I hope they make that clear in the film. That will be interesting.
He could have simply been worried that since they were Anakin's children, they could easily follow the same path. To much risk maybe.
I honestly liked Austin when he was on Nash Bridges. The movies should be interesting.
I was really hoping they would do something with Murrue and Neo. Clone or not I love the reaction and I really hope they don't just throw something together for that part of the story. Neo is a mobile suit is a must see. I wonder who he'll end up fighting in it though. Mwu and Rau should have gone seriously one on one and taken each other out or one taken the other out but we didn't get that kind of fight. When they fought in the end it was so one sided due to the power and funnels of the Providence Gundam. I just hope the Neo and Rey showdown, if they have done doesn't get screwed like that. WHile Rau vs. Kira was great to see I so wanted that to be Mwu vs. Rau.
http://www.icv2.com/articles/home/6211.html Didn't see this posted anywhere so thought I'd post it to let others know. I really enjoyed the Transformers comics. With the shrinking market another company goes down but I would have thought that with the Transformer sales they would have been okay, guess not. I found this on other forums but can't find the link where it officially came from. There was the rumor that things might be transfer to a company called Dreamengine though. Not sure how solid or true that is though.
I think I'm going to take a break from SEED Destiny. Just watched the latest episodes finally. I can see that this is Zeta like but the difference I feel is that the characters were more likeable in Zeta or at least more interesting. I don't find Zaft or Coordinators all that interesting. Now the Archangle crew in SEED were interesting I feel. It was interesting seeing Kira among a group of naturals and fighting against his own kind. That made for interesting drama yet I feel nothing for Shinn or Athrun(never cared for him anyway). At least Camille was interesting in Zeta. Don't think the three EA Gundam pilots are psychos. The first three in SEED were I feel. These new ones just seem like highly trained. Stellar seems to be the only crazy-like one(could be cause they had more expereince with males and she might be the first female enhanced human created). Someone please be sure to note when an episode focuses on naturals(EA, BC, or just another group of EA pilots and ships without being fodder for Zaft pilots(Shin, Rey, etc) or at least others other then Shinn and crew. Thanks
It is a little surprising he's there but I think its a cool picture.
I actually felt that way as well. Phantom Menace seems to flow better and its faster paced it seems. Strangely enough, the scenes they cut out from Attack of the Clones while would have made the movie a little longer should have been kept in since they do improve things. The Padme scenes make the romance between Anakin and Padme a LOT better I feel. The scenes are only a few minutes long but it goes a long way I think to showing why Anakin loves her other then her looks and kinda why she has feelings for me. So it doesn't come out of nowhere. I liked the Senate scenes and those should have been kept in as well. The others in a way were't needed. The scene with Mace, Yoda, and Obiwan was better then the one with just Obiwan and Obiwan but I liked that they showed the Jedi Starfighter hanger, them being worked on, and there are some things said during their meeting that isn't said in the scene that actually made it to the final version of the film I feel. The ones with Dooku really did slow things down at the end should have been cut.
True Plant has every reason to fight back now, just like they had reason to fight back before but see it as the responses tend to be off. The EA attacked one of the Plants to start the first war. Zaft responded by basicly attacking the entire planet with its jammers, bringing all countries to their knees in a way and into the fight if they weren't in it before. Now this was a way to stop the nukes but they basicly took the war to everyone. Causing pretty much all of Earth minus Orb to respond in kind with massive hatred. Its the same thing here yet reversed it seems. A small part of Zaft drops Junis 7, but instead of simply doing damage to one area(if it had dropped as a complete object woudl damage have been to one area or destoryed the planet itself?), it ends up being broken to hits targets all over the world. EA responses in an equal fashion, granted Blue Cosmos took advantage of the situation. What I can' t help but think about is the massive build up that Plant/Zaft was going through. 5 Gundams, the Zakus, new Warships, the weapon that attacks nuclear powered equipment. It seems that Zaft would have attacked Earth in full force even if EA/BC hadn't attacked. So which side is in the right here. I wonder how the citizens of Plant would have responded if Zaft basicly invaded Earth for no reason. Did Plant/Zaft even let its people know a small Zaft faction actually caused the drop and that was the reason why the EA responded the way they did? I don't remember if they showed that on the news broadcast but they showed the nuke attack several times.
I had gotten in by winning a account from MMORPG.com but when I found out I had to put in my credit card information just to beta test the game I passed. No way was I going to put in my information simply to test something when I've never been asked to do that before and I've beta tested several MMORPGs.
Planet and Zaft are no different from the EA and BC when it comes to this. They don't trust the naturals and most likely even look down on them cause they feel they better then them. They hate the naturals just as much. While the EA did start the last war, it was actually Coords that started this one. Also the Coords had to have done something to start the hatred they are getting from the Naturals. I don't believe that the Coordinators were simply inoccent at all from the very beginning, before the first war. Exactly. While I don't believe that ZAFT are the good guys here, their leader just screams "bad guy" to me just as the BC's leader screams "bad guy". I don't think there will be a good or bad side in this war. Just like I didn't think there was a clear good and bad side since both sides seemed to twisted, then there were those in the middle for all purposes if this had been a real setting would have been destoryed by both sides ganging up on them that end up being the preachy type which is annoying. Zaft and Planet need to know they are in some serious trouble. The major reason why they were doing so well in the first war was because they stopped the Naturals from using nuke power. Now that they have that back things should be drasticly different evne though Zaft has better weapons as well. EA and BC should be coming out with some insane weapons and tactics, not having fleets being beaten back by one mobile suit or one ship with a few of them. That's just sad I feel. I always had a feeling that the Earth Alliance Forces should fight better in gravity then they do in space and Zaft the other way around, causing them to have to do interesting things to win battles in the other situation. EA using Nukes and fighting at long distances while in space and Zaft trying to use something else while in space. I'd like to see the EA take back the lands they lost on Earth during the first war since Zaft might still have control over a few areas. They are in a position to take on mulitple fronts now I think since they can use nukes again and that means they can step up their production greatly, or they should be able to. Things are way to one sided now, I agree and that's really my main complaint about Destiny so far. It wouldn't be so bad if it was one sided with such likeable group of charactes but Destiny's Minerva crew aren't as likeable or close to the crew of the first Seed series (Mwu and crew), that and I never cared for Athrun at and it seems to be his show now it seems.
I can't believe I'm saying this but for some reason my interest in Destiny has started to drain. Between the constant focus on Zaft(never cared for them at all would love to see more scenes with the EA and BC actually winning instead of ending up Zaft's wiping boy) and the extreme speed things are moving at(at first I liked it but its moving to fast now that I look back on it) its starting to become less interesting to be honest. Maybe its the lack of character development for the new characters since everything is focused on Athrun for the most part or maybe the whole SEED mode is completely annoying. That and the coord situation never rubed me the right way, don't really agree with genitic enhancement like that. I miss the days when Gundam was about oldtypes fighting newtypes (or mixed groups on both sides) or just normal peopel fighting normal people or people using technology to get better as pilots(Exam system and the Zero system). Other shows tend to allow you to see where the story was going but held enough back. With Destiny it seems they are trying to hard to make things seem mysterious but at the same time leaving things open like that tends to make things frustrating since you can see where things are going. Maybe its just my feeling and no one feels that something is wrong with Destiny. Or maybe I just shouldn't have tried to think back on the series as it stands now as a whole and should have just kept looking forward. Are there anymore spoilers out yet? Any world when the EA will finally step up to the plate and take the fight to Zaft without having their butt handed to them at the end of the fighting, making the whole thing worthless? I mean when the EA sent the nukes at Planet, the nukes were stopped but the one fleet was destoryed. It seems now that EA has the Zaft forces pinned but Shinn goes SEED and destorys them all. It was like that in Gundam SEED I believe. The EA would gain a little ground only to have Kira and crew come in and stop it or Athrun and crew or Zaft pull something out of their ass to stop it. Its a little annoying for the most part. I want to see a solid victory for the EA and Shinn and crew realize that they are in for some serious trouble, not be concerned and then end up winning in the end or doing some major damage.
That's good. Honestly while movies are fun to look at I'd rather the game be longer instead of much of the disc being taken up with movie files. With the way game engines are setup it can be done but still a few movie files are nice, especially at key moments. While I like to consider myself a RT and Macross fan and New Generation is my favorite part of RT I have to say that Invasion was a disappointment. I still had fun playing through it but there are a lot of things wrong with it. I haven't gotten a chance to sell my copy yet though. Will most likely go to EB to do that with two other games. Battlecry was a much better game in terms of graphics, story, and characters I feel. VC having less month and time to make Invasion shows I feel. Maybe VC should have been allowed to make the Southern Cross/Robotech Master game like they originally wanted instead of HG telling them to make a New Generation based on instead. Maybe things might have turned out better.
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I always thought AOTC cleared this mess up. When Anakin and Padme are talking she ask if it was forbidden for a Jedi to love. He responds that attachment is forbidden. Jedi have to have compassion right? So that means they have to be able to love just not become seriously attached to something. Its the loss of that attachment that can pretty much push a person to the darkside. Or cause serious conflict. In the game Knights of the Old Republic this is talked about a little when one of the Jedi had to fight and kill his own wife cause she sided with the Sith. This made him leave the order and exile himself from everyone basicly. Not having sex, that was never touched upon or hinted. Also some Jedi have married in the prequel era. Honestly from my understanding I would think they would allow a Jedi to be married for different reasons but only if they were in control of their emotions. At least that's how I see it. Serious emotional lost is likely to make anyone go crazy or turn but if they were in complete control of themselves they would be able to handle it which is most likely those that are married and have children in the prequel era are Jedi Masters. Which might make Anakin's marriage a key point in his fall. While he is powerful, he doesn't tend to have the control over his emtions. We saw how he acted when his mother died, and basicly before that how tended to lose his temper at times or was to full of himself. Which is also why I believe they trained from a very young age to better shape the mind of a Jedi student and help then better control themselves from a younger age(maybe allowing them to marry once they are older, say in their 30s or 40s when they have more expereince and a ton more control). Just a few thoughts. Just the whole TOTJ, KOTOR, etc eras seem to be point that there are reasons for the changes and way the Jedi Order in the movies do things. Lucas does tend to have a lot of input on things that cover the Sith and when the Tales comics were coming out he provide background notes, and basicly checked out certain details, so he could still be working off some of that past in his reasoning for things in the films. On another note, I was checking out the deleted scenes on the Attack of the Clones DVD, they really should have left the Padme house scenes in the film. Would have made her character a better and the relationship between Padme and Anakin a lot better I feel.
Not really, Athrun will have his own faction with Minerva (kinda like AEUG). That's kinda why Athrun got Saviour. I'm guessing Athrun is AEUG and Archangel will probably by ...what's that group name in Zeta.....Karaba. TITANS? But highly unlikely....since I'm sure Dullindal will make him join ZAFT again and use his Zala name to gain him more support, just like how he used Mia. Minerva also seems loyal to Dullindal what with the captain having hanky panky relations and all....so i doubt they will break off from ZAFT and form their own little faction. That's how I took things to be honest. Sure Athrun would be off on his own but I don't doubt Dullindal will already have a press confrence or camera crew or TV ad already setup and ready the second after(actually before) Athrun agrees to take the Saviour. Athrun will most likely end up being Zaft's poster boy even if he doesn't want to or know about it.
Not like there was an actual link to the article.
I'm thinking Neo and his unmarked squadron/fleet are the real good guys in the end. He got word that Dullindal was planning to attack earth, so he does a premptive and steals the Gundams. Dullindal somehow provided the Zaft terrorists with the equipment to colony drop junius 7. He probably expected it to fall but had contingency plans in an event that it didn't fall. I'm thinking everything was going according to plan for him except for the Gundams being stolen and Athrun and Cagali to be caught up in the whole thing. After all he had to leave the Minerva in fear she wouldn't survive. Still too early to tell....but if this really happens, i can gawk and say "I told you so!" That's a very interesting theory. I honestly can really see that.
Finally we'll get more scenes with the three Gundam pilots and Neo. Long over due I say. Anyway episode 10 did have a lot of talking. I wish they hadn't had the Lacus look-alike show up though. Having Planet, or at least seeming to be split on the Earth situation was interesting. Some wanted to fight yet it seemed like an equal number were angry at the Planet leadership for allowing this to happen and think they should do everything, even step down to avoid a war. At least it seemed that way. I feel sad about Mia though and I have feeling that she'll be among those that die through out the series. Most likely after finally feeling and believing herself(Mia) to be finally needed. Hmm Orb going with the EA. Looks like Athrun will rejoin Zaft, even if in appearance only(wonder how Kira and friends will take that). Zaft drops down to earth again it seems but from what was said in the other post it seems they are in for a world of hurt. Especially since dropping items to stop Earth's abilit to use nukes wouldn't work this time around. One might think that Earth pilots would be a lot better at fighting in gravity as well then compared with Coords. Then again that could be wrong or wishful thinking. I just hope we finally get some EA aces that aren't crazy and don't end up switching sides or forming their own faction. Hmm Dullindal and Neo working together. That would be interesting. Personally I think Dullindal just SCREAMS not to be trusted. Kinda like he has villan writen on his face. Actually I've been thinking. This massive build up forces on Zaft's part. Maybe Dullindal had been planing to attack Earth all along just that the Zala faction wasn't counted out and the EA beat Dullindal to the punch. The whole stealing of the gundams might and might not be part of the plan though which tends to put a problem in my theory.
This has got my interest. I think if done right this could be pulled off. Honestly I thought the first Power Ranger movie was good for what it was and that's kinda the closest thing we have to compare what a live action GForce/Gatchman movie could or would be like. I guess it depends on how its marketed and who its aimed at. People would be more forgiving if its aimed at kids and young teens which it should be seeing as its going to be a Disney film and that's who the actual show was aimed at though adult still enjoyed it either cause they grew up watching it or just happen to enjoy animated shows no matter who the official target audience was. I think this could turn out good to be honest or at least decent enough that you can enjoy it with a smile and eat popcorn. Then again there are still going to be those that claim that their childhood is being ruined. Oh well.
That's an interesting idea. I always thought it was interesting that Patrick Zala was trying to say coordinators were the next stage in human evolution. Then the one guys says that "we coordinators didn't evolve in the first place" or something like that. It could be possible that BC know very well about Newtypes or the chances of becoming one and see the coordinators as a problem in the way of this of what they call a natural evolution.
That's pretty much it. But like with anything you may be force-sensitive and have the potential to become a Jedi but that doesn't mean you should be trained. Just like there are people that have the qualities of a Marine but doesn't mean they should be trained for different reasons. Mental unbalance for example. The prequel Jedi tried to catch people like that during training I believe and stopped if they felt the person wasn't right to continue on to be a Jedi. Try to stop people that would more likely go dark for different reasons or just weren't suited for the life style even though they might have been good. Luke's seems to train any and everyone with force potential no matter the age. This causes some of his students, who he thought he could help, to go evil or continue to be evil. This is where the Shadow Academy(headed by one of Luke's former students(one of his first) in the Young Jedi Knight series comes about. They train Dark Jedi while Luke's academy trains Light Jedi. Also the time between Luke's first group of students and Return of the Jedi is like 10 years I think, mostly adults as well. One was actually a Dark Jedi of sorts others were simply thoughts that were force sensitive. It was small around 10 people I think. The large number of his students and Jedi come from children that were trained after that first group though there are still adults that get trained. Most of the first group went on to be teachers. The problem is that they are trained pretty fast. The younger ones have gotten more training though. But while Obiwan became a Knight at around 25-29 I believe, these kids are being called Knights in their early 20s or late teens. They don't seem to have the amount of control the prequel Jedi had. They are to emotional(mostly the adults tend to have the proper control and even then that's few). Mara Jade is an example of a person that shouldn't have been trained(but Luke trains everyone pretty much, which would make sense since the numbers are so low(currently after the NJO story arc(19 book series) there are around 50 left I believe or around that when there were close to a 100 before the story arc started)) as a Jedi cause she's everything a Jedi shouldn't be plus she has no control over her emotions or mouth.
I think those two were already posted.
Not sure about this but last time I heard it was around 10,000 around the time of Episode 1. That number was suppose to have dropped a lot due to the fighting of the Clone Wars with Jedi leading strike teams, armies(General Obiwan for example), in starfighters(Anakin and others), etc. That's not a lot of Jedi when you look at how many people would be in the galaxy in Star Wars. That number might include all Jedi(students, Knights, Masters, and maybe those that dont' become Knights but move on to being doctors, farmers, aid workers(think humanitarin aid type of work I believe),m etc).
Actually that's not true. That was just once case which was shown on the Star Wars Holonet site before Attack of the Clones was released. They couldn't find the parents since the infant was found alone among ruble. They thought the parents were dead so they took the child in. Later on the mother appeared and they felt it was dangerous for the child to go back after beginning training. I don't remember how much time pasted between the mother showing up and them taking the child in. All other times they get the permission of the parents. They dont' take the children by force if the parents don't want them to go. Its when the parents allow them to go, that they aren't allowed contact and I'm sure parents are told this ahead of time. Thinking that their child would do great things. There are most likely those that change their mind later one but by then its to late. The Jedi didn't steal babies. This is an misstatement that has been going around based off of one event that that was taken wrongly. They Jedi don't steal babies or take them by force from parents. Some parents actually are glad to give them up since they don't want kids anyway. The new Yoda novel actually deals with this in detail I believe. Also they didnt' go arount starting fights. The Jedi in the prequel era actaully seemed to be apart of the Republic goverment in that they were allowed to do certain things. Also they were protecting a Senator of the Republic so it was a serious matter. In Episode 2 it was a matter that had to do with them, themsleves since they were chasing a criminal. They didn't destroy the bar. They kept things quiet, got the changling and then quickly left. The bounty hunter pulled the gun, they were looking for her since she ran in there to escape after her plan failed. Its not that Jedi weren't well thought of, by their enemies they were hated of course but I haven't seen much that seems to show people hated them. The Jedi Purge is interesting in how it takes place. The Clone Wars itself is part of the purge it seems since we know who is actaully behindit and pulling the strings for both side. What happens in Episode 3 will further show what happen to the Jedi and how they were killed.
Yeah when the character of Mara was suppose to be in her 20s. She'd be in her 40s by the time of the Young Jedi Knight series. That might be a better choice for a series if Luke is suppose to appear once in a while since that is how he is in those series of novels. And most likely a TV series will be aimed at kids and teens so having young teens as the characters would be the best bet. At leas I would assume it would be aimed at young viewers but as a result adults would enjoy it. Just how the movies were aimed at all all ages. I'd expect a TV series to be aimed at all ages, more of the younger viewers then adults so they could market toys, etc. If that were the case then Mara the Queen B wouldn't even appear since she isn't in that series. At least that I can recall but its been a few years since I've read the series. There are also the Junior Jedi Knight series as well but that focuses on Anakin Solo while the Young Jedi Knights focus on Jacen and Jaina Solo and their friends. Either way Luke does only have cameos once in a while.