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Everything posted by Effect

  1. I think the Windams pilots must be taking shooting lessons from the same person that taught Stormtroopers how to shoot. Its getting crazy now. Then again, no more crazy then Kira and Athrun's multitargeting show while inside Freedom and Justice.
  2. Caught the Power Rangers: SPD episodes on Toon Disney tonight. The first two episodes. Acting needs work but that might improve as time goes on. Still, don't really like the blue, green, and pink ranger that much. The red and yellow rangers aren't that bad though. Though I don't really like it when they start adding aliens to the shows. I've always found the different series more enjoyable where the setting is more like present day. Like Dino Thunder, Ninja Storm, or the series with Mighty Morphen characters. Things like Time Force and Lightspeed Rescue not so much, didn't enjoy those shows at all.
  3. Great images. I can't wait.
  4. After watching the latest episode, great to see Neo and the other Alliance Gundam pilots in action. Really Neo could have left the Windams at the base but then again, they would have ended up being killed anyway since Shinn most likely would have ended up at the base anyway. Still Athrun should have done more to to Shinn then simply hit him. The way he was acting, sorry, angst or not he is a military soldier. Where is the punch in the face? The physical abuse. Shinn actually needs a serious beating where he needs up needing medical treatment before he acts straight. Cause really he doesn't think straight. A normal person would most likely end up thinking that due to their actions the submarine was destoryed and they could have stopped that if they had only come back. After all they are your fellow soldiers. No, he feels his actions are justified cause he saved those people. Its like the destroyed sub is an afterthought for him. His priorities are really screwed up more so then I thought. That base at the moment was no threat, the Gundams and Neo's Windam were. The peopel there weren't his concern, no matter how he tries to justify it. They could have always came back to it later. I'm just glad the next episode might deal with Shinn being qualified to be a mobile suit pilot. I don't think he should be behind one. He's a threat to the Earth Alliance yeah but he's also a threat to his own side. The boy has a serious case of tunnel vision. Don't think he's going to change around until someone else close to him dies or he gets a beating. Then again, even then he'll just put his blame and anger off on someone else. What in the hell were they thinking with this character? Athrun vs. Sting. Maybe the location has to do with it. Don't think the addition of the Windams is the case since they seemed to be going after Shinn instead. Could be the difference between Earth and Space. Maybe Athrun fights better in space. Though I like to think that Sting, Stellar, and Auel are simply getting better. Something interesting came to mind. I still think Gilbert is evil. Why I say this is, the Gundam that Auel uses. It seems to be made for underwater battle. If he had peace in mind, why have something like that developed unless he planned on using it on Earth where its performance can shine? He seems to be able to act well which would have fooled those that were on Cline's side, thus the reason why they would have trusted him.
  5. You know that would be an interesting twist if Shinn ended up on the bad side at the very end due to what has happen or will happen to him. I get the feeling that he might die as well to be honest. If Destiny is going to Seed's Zeta and Camille ended up screwed up at the end of Zeta, something similar happening to Shinn makes sense. Since he is already messed up I feel, the next step would be death.
  6. What about Rey, he's all by himself. It looks like Shinn is going to get Steller and between her crazy fits and Shinn holding on to the cell phone of his dead sister, they are a good match. No need to put anyone else into that mess.
  7. Ah I see thanks. I've always wondered and not sure if I ever asked this but between the original Japanese version and the US Power Ranger versions, which version tends to have the better presentation when it comes to locations, special effects, and filming? I know the Power Ranger versions always seem to take place outdoors in a lot of light and move between several locations. The clips I've seen from some of the Japanese versions of the shows, the areas were at night or just a little dark. Then again it could just been the clips I've seen from time to time.
  8. remaining ? You mean some of them died in the series?
  9. Where did you download it from? I like that they Power Ranger series has tried to keep connections with the past sereis. Tommy coming back and being the mentor in DinoThunder(still have to see the last three episodes, I missed them) and Conner saying his cousin was at the ninja training school in Ninja Storm and now this Blue Ranger being the son of the Jason from the first Power Ranger series. Do the original Japanese versions of these series have these connections or is it just the US versions?
  10. Okay, question about the Astray mangas. They don't go in order do they? I mean the character Lowe from the first volume of Gundam SEED Astry, his story doesn't continue in Volume 2 or Volume 3 does it? Why did they break things up the way they did? Also are the Astray mangas taking place during Gundam SEED or is it actually a Prequel story? Or is it both in that certain volumes take place during SEED and certain ones take place before it? Is Destiny Astray going to be like this as well? Thanks.
  11. 30 mobile suits . I'm really getting sick of these beatings the Earth forces are always getting. Where is the balance. Sure things got crazy in Wing but at least it got to the point where it was simply machines being destoryed since they weren't being piloted. Its as if the creators and directors of Gundam SEED Destiny have forgotten that there are actually pilots in these things and don't care about the kill ratio. It would be more interesting if there were a few mobile suits on each side, making for interesting battles with each of the pilots getting development so when they die, their deaths meant something and at the same time could show how senseless war is. Its just really silly now. This is really one of the main problems I had with any and all Macross series and even Robotech. But at least in there, there was a balance. No one side took all the deaths, each battle, a fair share on both sides were killed. In SEED and now Destiny, the Earth forces always seem to die. What's the ratio , something like 50 Earth Alliance soliders or pilots have to die before 1 Zaft pilot has to be killed on screen? Or 100 to 1? I'll download the episode anyway since, well I'm not paying for it. I just wish this would change. Not upset or anything, just annoyed a little at it.
  12. I really hope Zaft doesn't end up winning this. They do don't they?
  13. I never cared for the higher ranked officers hitting characters like in other UC series(Amuro and Camille getting hit) but really I don't feel bad about Shinn getting hit. Out of all the characters in other series, he is the one that really deserves it and then some.
  14. About damn time someone slapped that kid around. A few swift kicks are still in order as well I feel. Any Earth Alliance Gundam and Neo action?
  15. Honestly, I've seen people say FF7 was filled with plotholes but I just didn't see it. The only thing that was left unanswered my opinion was actually the ending with the offspring of Red XIII and what happen to the world which seems now will be explained in the film and in the upcoming new Final Fantasy 7 game staring Vincent. Seriously, when people say there are a lot of plotholes, I wonder if they've actually played the game or actually paid attention to what they were reading if they did. A lot is explained in the main story, some things are explain in side quest when you go back to certain areas. Some people just follow the main story and go from battle to battle and not really pay attention to all of the dialogue. That or its been so long since they played and don't remember certain things and just assume its a plothole. What type of examples of plotholes do you have?
  16. I can't wait for Neo to be shown in a mobile suit. I just hope they don't wait till the end to show it. Or at least show him more in this mobile armor.
  17. I agree, the premise for Enterprise was really good but the way it was finally presented was bad. I agree, the new season is actually good since they finally cut out all of that time travel crap. That's what killed the show. They over did the time travel bit, made a story arc far to long. Its nice and good to have an overall arcing storyline that's in the background but when you make every show about it, and a person misses an episode you've just lost the viewer. Even though season 4 is good, it being on Friday nights pretty much doesn't help since its going up against the SciFi channel dueing that time with their slot which has both Stargate series and now Battlestar Galactica. All three which are really good. I agree, a break is really needed. 3 years might be good. Doing a prequel was a bad idea in the end I feel. Several reasons have been listed. They should have simply kept moving things forward or filled that gap between the original Star Trek where the movies left off to Next Generation.
  18. I had forgotten all about this thing. Didn't the group actually break up?
  19. I saw that list. I'd like to know how these SEED Destiny characters are ranked so high. Really has there been anything in SEED Destiny that would give reasonable cause for them to be ranked over the the other characters from series that have completed full runs which as a result means their character has been developed? I would think it would be reasonable for SEED Athrun to be ranked high but how and why are SEED Destiny Athrun and Kira ranked about their SEED versions. They've done nothing so far in Destiny. I guess one shouldn't think to much or take such a poll serious anyway since it most likely the reason why Destiny characters are on there like that are because the series is currently being released and fans just might like the way the characters are dressed on the mobile suit they are piloting. There really isn't much else to go on it seems when it comes to Destiny characters..
  20. Epyon.....hmm I was thinking it looked more like some strange combination of the Tallgeese mobile suit from Gundam Wing and the Air Master Gundam from Gundam X.
  21. Fansubs for SEED haven't stopped even with the dvd release. Doubt them being pulled will happen or give a clear sign of when the official dvds will come.
  22. I have to get this dvd. I love this movie, like others I end up watching it everytime I catch it on TV.
  23. First time I've heard of that, would be interesting. Maybe they could run everything HG has in house with their own staff and let the HG staff go. Still I haven't heard this before.
  24. Don't think we can call the three Alliance Gundam pilots evil. Now, Zaft's leader just screams it though, same like the Blue Cosmos leader, just they move in different ways.
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