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Everything posted by Effect

  1. When it comes to a MMORPG assumptions should NEVER be made.
  2. As long as Lucasarts doesn't rush them again KOTOR 3 should be okay if it's made by them. However while it's great that the Knights of the Old Republic era is being made into a MMO I have no interest at all in playing another Star Wars MMO. Not that it couldn't be fun but my interest in Star Wars is kinda a low point right now for any material outside of the movies and the upcoming animated film and series.
  3. I really don't understand the the obsessive need some people have to see those characters revisited again.
  4. Hmm I see talk about the NUNS here. Can I take this to mean they are presented in a good light.....finally?
  5. Just starting to watch episode 6 now but any hint of any decent NUNS pilots yet in this episode?
  6. For the most part the mecha. Story and characters being likable or interesting can always be iffy I feel when it comes to Macross however you can always count on the mecha action. I've never been let down in that area. So far story wise the only thing pulling me in is Alto, Ranka, and Vajra. I don't like Sheryl to be honest and the less of her I see the better. I get the same feeling from Sheryl I got from Myung (Macross Plus). True they aren't the same type of character but the dislike is till there. First impressions go a long way and both left extremely bad ones on me. I didn't get over Myungs and I seems (though I hope that isn't the case) I might not get over Sheryl's. I just finished watching episode 5 and that didn't help as much as I hoped it would. None of the other SMS characters are that interesting save Ozma and don't really see enough of him and there is no NUNS to even like or dislike . Sure there is Catherine but she doesn't even register as being important at the moment. You could replace he with a nameless character(s) and her role would be filled save for that creepy kissing scene.
  7. I just hope BW has it's finger on the trigger for when HG's trademarks actually expire so we could finally be done with this madness. In the days leading up to it they should have someone camped out at the right offices with papers already filled out.
  8. As said before a NUNS vs. SMS type rivalry would have been nice. That's what I was hoping was going to happen with Cathy offering/asking Alto to join NUNS the way she did. Though I hope it could still happen. Perhaps have Alto become disillusioned with the way how SMS is run. Perhaps he wants to go out at certain times but he's held back because SMS isn't the military and it isn't their "duty" to just go out and protect the Frontier fleet but do what they are paid to do. He could end up leaving as a result. At least that's the way I could see it happening if games start being played higher up the chain of command. Cathy's boyfriend seems shady enough to perhaps do that as well.
  9. So is the manga an adaptation of the anime or is it the other way around? Or is it it meant to be a different point of view telling or go off in its own direction?
  10. Which makes me wonder if this is why the focus in Macross Frontier is on the SMS team with the insignias we see completely different from the UN Spacey insignia (What does the NUNS insignia look like?). HG can't lay claim to the new stuff and anything new is a result from DYRL which they can't touch other then to release the movie. Seems (could be mistaken) what needs to be done now is come up with an interesting new name for the series and something to replace "Macross" if need be. Sure there is more to then that but could be they are taking steps with this new series to be able to release it and others outside of Japan without any trouble from HG.
  11. Not really fair to look at it that day since 00 is a different styled series compared to SEED and SEED Destiny and is going to appeal to a different audience (some crossover but not completely). Not only that but you are judging half a series to two full run series. Also Gundam fatigue could have set in with 00 being the 3rd series with SEED and SEED Destiny being released back to back. Anyway back to Macross. I really hope that the image of the UN Spacey improves. While I don't have a problem with SMS being the group Alto joined I was really hoping he'd join the NUNS instead. Or at the very least we would have more UN Spacey characters that weren't looked down upon by the SMS as being cowards or incompetent.
  12. Finally got around to watching the first episode and so far it's great. I've needed a Macross fix for a long time and can't to see how this new series goes. I tried to see how long I could stay away but finally gave in. I don't have any serious preference as to what I want to the series to be like. I've enjoyed all of Macross (SDF, Macross II, DYRL, 7 (series, ova, etc) and Plus). Though I'm not a huge fan of Macross Zero since I didn't care for the story to much but the again I've only seen it once so maybe I have to watch it again. Now on to episode 1. Sure the lead is a pretty boy but at least he isn't totally feminine and has issues with that (nice to see). Him working with mecha suits in school, the same it seems pilots have, makes it more believable he could just jump into a valk and know how to pilot it to some degree. All of the characters seem pretty enjoyable for the most part. I didn't like the Sheryl at first and it wasn't until Alto was telling her off during the evacuation that I started to change my mind. They could have shown that part of her a bit earlier though since I was almost to the point of hating the character and thinking she was a real bitch (she's acting like one but seems that it could be an act or a way of her dealing with something). I don't like that the UN Spacey pilots seem so green though. Also the battles were a bit hard to follow. They looked great but there was just way to much going on at the speed things were shown at. I had to rewind a few times as a result. Can't wait to see how Alto does in his first battle though. Also how old is Ranka anyway? If she is going to be apart of the love triangle I just know is going to take place I rather see her win out in the end.
  13. Okay finally going to take a look at Macross Frontier after seeing how long I could hold off on it. Didn't last to long . Anyway since 4 episodes have been released so far any determination as to which group seems to have the best subs (another reason I was holding off)? Thanks. PS. On a different note I have a question. I have no clue as to where it should it be asked so I'll just put it here as it isn't a huge issue but figure it wouldn't hurt to ask. . I plan on putting the episodes on DVD so I don't have to watch on the computer all the time. Anyone have a guess as how many episodes on average one might be able to fit on a single layer dvd due to the size of MF's episodes? Anyone try this yet?
  14. Bandai had better advertise the hell out of this series. That was one of their major mistakes with the other series they brought over after Wing. Not only that but Gundam 00 has the feel and potential to reach Wing levels in popularity in North America I think if they do it correctly.
  15. So how far ahead did they jump time wise?
  16. Seems it's a one time stream at the time they stated and then it's gone.
  17. How strongly is Lee out of the running when it comes to being the 5th?
  18. Great to know. "The Girl in the Fireplace" was another of my favorites as well.
  19. They are wearing the same space suits. Lets not forget that Ming offered her support to Nena and her brothers. She is who Nena would have gone to after after they were killed as well. That scene was about the 0 Gundam and CB and they were all shown so it only makes sense they are together. I do think the Innovators will be the antagonist but that doesn't mean as a result CB will be cased in the light of being the "good" guys resisting against the big bad Federation. I always looked at CB as being the bad guys since they were the ones starting the fighting. The three super powers were simply defending themselves against CB which were the aggressors. CB might have a noble objective but that doesn't make them "good".
  20. Last weekend was the first time I had seen the "Blink" episode (on BBC America). I must have missed it when it originally came on the SciFi channel. That was really good and scary at times.
  21. I get the feeling it won't be a resistance movement. Based on who we see with the gundams I have a feeling that CB will really be the bad guys this go around. Though I wouldn't be surprised if we see another faction rise up with the Federation possibly caught in the middle. On one hand we have CB with the Chinese woman that wants the world to burn with psycho Nena in tow. Then the Federation with the Earth based aces now apart of a single group with our new masked pilot. Also we have the guy that betrayed Coroner with his little group most likely controlling the Federation to a degree but clearly wanting power and control for himself and his group. The Federation at this moment seems to be the only sensible and "good" group out of the three. The Federation faction outside of say the Gundam X and Wing (even then the true enemy was Oz) has never really been the bad guy that needed to be resisted. There were a lot of shades of gray. (Not including the SEED universe since the writing itself was slanted against anything that wasn't Zaft, Orb, or a coordinator.). The Titans were really more of a separate group in Zeta I believe that took over and in the end didn't the Federation end up supporting the AEUG? It was said that season 1 was suppose to be about destruction and season 2 would be about rebuilding I think. Perhaps the focus might be on the Federation and how it deals with outside groups (CB) and inside groups as it tries to keep itself together. Season 1 was already focused on CB. Seems like like a repeat to focus on them again as they go for a "redo" to remake the world.
  22. Was pushed back I believe to 2009.
  23. This is why I enjoyed the mini-series that were done and can't really watch the movie to be honest. This is how the mini-series was broken up and really is the only way to really do this story since there is so much. You'd have to break it up into more then one film, at the very least 2 if the pacing is really fast and the most 3 or 4 if you want to include everything. A single film could work if they made it more original and told it from the point of view of a single character instead of providing an overall story of everyone and everything. Best example of this I could0 think of, and sorry it has to do with Star Wars, is the novel I, Jedi and the trilogy novels The Jedi Academy. I, Jedi takes place before, during, and slightly after that trilogy but it's told from the point of view of one character and what he was doing during the time (before coming to the academy, during his stay, and afterward). So while TJA events where taking place and important they weren't central to the I, Jedi story but provided a background. If one were interested they could go back and read that series of books to fully understand what was going on at the academy and with it's characters. That could be done to a degree with Dune in a film I believe leaving those that want to know more about what is going on to pick up the novels for further understanding. There is the problem of it being accepted, who is the focus of the film, and a studio and director getting the okay to even to it. This would be more original yet at the same time maintaining it's link to the story. I'd rather see this to be honest then a straight adaption of the books or another remake of the original movie or mini-series.
  24. Finally picked up an Xbox 360 (Pro version) a few weeks ago. Enjoying it so far but the talk of how the PS3 is selling more has started to worry me and has caused me at times to wonder if I made the correct decision. Time will tell I guess. I only have a few games so far. Mass Effect, Blue Dragon, and now Phantasy Star Universe. Did get the free Live game they offered due to Live being down for a while, thats fun. I'm splitting my gaming between the 360, PC (mainly RTS and MMORPG - Everquest 2 at the moment), and the Nintendo Wii/DS. Though I haven't picked up a DS game in some time and might not get another one until the summer or fall as I don't play it a lot. My Wii has been collecting dust since Christmas. Last game I played on it was Medal of Honor Heroes 2. Waiting for the WiiWare channel and more RPGS and Nintendo games. I passed on Super Smash Bros. Brawl in the end. No one to play it with and really not that big of a fighter game player. Oh well. Do need to go back and finish Twilight Princess though. My only major issue is how much games on the 360 cost. Mass Effect hurt to buy to be honest since I got it new when I picked up the system. Looking back I should have waited a few weeks and picked up Lost Odyssey since I didn't realize that ME was going to be more of a shooter but I'm getting used to it. Was thinking it was going to closer to Knights of the Old Republic in gameplay. The story is keeping me playing though. Might pass on Mass Effect 2 though. Blue Dragon and PSU were used. PSU is the last used game I get from Gamestop though. The disc is kinda messed up but it works, going to try some disc cleaning stuff to see if it will work. If not take it back in a few days. It was cheap so I can take the money hit on it but still annoying. Blue Dragon on the other hand is enjoyable but to easy. Going have to get the hard option soon and start over. A 360 game is going have to be really something for me to buy it full price. Hopefully Grand Theft Auto 4 will be worth the buy since that is the next game I'm going to buy. Shooters, have to say I don't care for on the 360. They look great and games like Rainbow Six Vegas worked pretty well. I guess tactical shooters work best for me. Pure FPS though I'm not liking with a controller, not after the Wii and PC. I can't respond fast enough and/or keep on target.
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