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Everything posted by Effect
Great on both the music video and script. I'm tempted to reading it but holding off to see how long I can last. I did save it though.
Rey and Gilbert are standing side by side, Gilbert in a black robe with a hood over his head and Rey in a black pilot's suit with tinted visor. Rey holds his hand out to Shinn and says "Come with me to the Dark Side." Actualy, if Shinn had to kill Stellar that would make him even more psycho (well it would in real life anyway). I don't think offing someone she swore to protect would give him any sort of stability. Good point. I agree, killing Stellar isn't going to change him for the better, it's just going to make things worse. The way he is now, it's just going to send him in a rage of the likes we've never seen with him attacking both EA and ZAFT I think. Then again if he does snap to an even more extreme degree, having him kill someone like Luna or maybe causes someone on the Minerva to be killed directly because of his actions might start him on the path of a wake up call. Also the idea about him being in a situation talking to an alliance officer of a child would be nice. I really wish something along that line and the one I suggested would happen. He needs to realize there is a human face behind those mobile suits he's destroying and drop the idea that all of the EA is stupid, etc...
I've been thinking that for a while now. Or better yet, Shin just needs to spend some time injured around the people he's fighting. Like being nursed back to health by some people from the EA, yet he doesn't know that some of them are actually EA soliders and the don't know he's ZAFT yet he sees what he has actually done to their families and all the orphen children he's made as they curse ZAFT and more importantly the Impulse Gundam or Destiny Gundam. As he grows to care for them and understand them, he then finds out that they are really EA soliders and sees why they fight and why they are actually siding with the EA(not the same reasons as the EA leadership which I bet goes for majority of the EA troops). Get him where it really hopes if he's to change. Like when Athrun was kicked by the oprhen in SEED cause ZAFT killed his family. Shin needs to be put in a situation like that for any type of change to take place. He needs to see that he's just creating more people like himself and he has to see it first hand and such a way he has chance of casting the blame on to others but to accept it himself and how he's acted during this war.
Anyone else tired of Destiny having Shin go SEED but then wasteit by having him attacking stationary targets? How is that showing how badass he is when he's attacking targets that clearly can not fight back or even get away? That's like someone getting all pumped up, going into a rage and then going over picking up a computer or something and smashing it and that's suppose to show how great that person is. At least when Kira, Athrun, and Cagalli went SEED they were busy fighting other mobile suits and other Gundams. Shin vs. Kira was nice but and ends the debate if Shin was going to be better then Kira when SEED, non-SEED Kira > SEEED Shin. I was really glad to see that the Orb mobile suits didn't just blow up. Now only if this same treatment can be given to the Windams and Daggers. ZAFT has gotten this treatment from the very beginning and for the other factions it's been longer overdue. Shin's like a beast in episode 28 and that isn't a good thing. He's just straight angry and full of rage. I would not be surprised at this moment if he ended up going rogue and becoming the final bad guy to be taken out. Any progress he was actually making has just been thrown right out the window I feel.
That trailer looked really good. I honestly never watched Firefly when it was on. Kept missing it but Serenity is a film I want to check out.
Gundam toys in the US are officially dead..
Effect replied to DarkPhoenix's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I can't say I'm surprised. Gundam Wing and Mobile Suit Gundam really were the only two sereis that got a decent amount of advertising. 0080, 0083, and 8th MS Team got a lot of play but were mainly promoed at night since that's when they aired. G Gundam on the other hand just really appeared one day with no promos on TV save that week it aired I think. SEED also just appeared one day as well, with no promos save a few days before it came on. If it wasn't for the internet, I doubt I would have known about those two coming on when they did. I still feel it was a mistake for them to release MSG after Wing and the other OVAs. They should have released the movie versions or cut those up into episodes. Then again I'm not sure that would have worked. I think the problem was that the marketed towards kids or maybe they simply took it for granted that just becase it had the name Gundam on it that it would sell. Also CN didn't edit the show. From my understanding they themselves don't do that but the companies they get the shows from do. Editing aside, maybe it wasn't the editing but the actual stories that viewers didn't like. Sure it was hughly popular in Japan but that doesn't mean it would be here. Difference target audience. Maybe it's the general feel of the show, maybe viewers simply couldn't connect with the characters. I really doubt that Gundam SEED Destiny will be aired on TV though in the US. One reason I say that is how the EA is shown, and which countries they represent. This has nothing to do with FCC or parents or anything. Just that I think viewers themselves just might not find a show, that has a faction that represents the country they are in, shown and presented the way SEED Destiny presents the EA that enjoyable or interesting since the part of the show that they might relate to is case as evil every chance they are shown. That's just my feeling. Also, maybe it's that SEED tried to hard to make their world relate more to the current world. While other Gundam sereis while taking place on Earth didn't seem similar to the current Earth we live on and that took away from of the lure that Gundam series tend to have. Just a thought. I still would like to see how well Gundam X and Turn A Gundam would do if they were shown on TV and toys were made. I think the results might be surprising. edit: spelling. I keep thinking one thing and typing something else. -
What I recall is that the Tallgeese in it's original form(built a number of years before the year Wing starts) was to large to be mass produced. It would cost to much and require to much power, also something that powerful really wasn't needed I think as well, so it was scaled down into the Leo mass produced version we see in the show. Tallgeese 2 doesn't appear until the very end of Wing cause by then I believe that the Tallgeese 1 was either abadoned or seriously damaged. So it was basicly an upgrade I believe to more of a match for the mobile doll mobile suits and the upgraded Gundams. Tallgeese 3 was a new suit I believe or another upgrade. I honestly always though it was just the Epyon Gundam modified to look like the Tallgeese and given the beam cannon for long range combat since the Epyon was a close range combat suit. Epyon was built by Treize long into the series.
I never really could get into Ghost in the Shell, the first film anyway. Since watching Stand Alone Complex I've grown to like it but that's mainly because of characters like Batou and Togusa. I really can't stand the Major at all to be honest. I'm not sure if it's the character's personality that makes her come off as extremely bitchy or if it's just her english voice. I can't stand her. I really wish that Batou was the main character. Does anyone have that feeling when it comes to Ghost in the Shell? Which would you rather have the focus on and why? Seeing as Batou is the main character of the second film I think I'll finally check that out. Less Major is always good I feel. I don't think it's because he's male either to be honest. After all I have nothing against female characters. Hell I love watching Armitage and she kicks as much butt as the Major does but while I love her character I can't stand the Major though. So gender really isn't the problem for me. Batou comes off as a badass but at the same time he isn't cold. He's likeable in his own way I feel.
Wow, those are really detailed. Makes me wish there are other robots in the show that will appear.
So it was a Mirror Universe episode? Cool.
Missed the episode. Exactly what happen?
Looks pretty good. It seems more companies are moving toward the direction of making MMO games like this. You have Gulid Wars where you just jump into the action and start playing and gives you more of a single player experience while still being able to have guilds and meeting and play along other players. Tactica Online is similar in that respect, same with Gods and Heroes. Anarchy Online has always had that single player experience with their mission based system and how playes leveled up in outside areas. Age of Conan looks pretty interesting.
I wonder if they'll increase the number or do another season if it's popular enough and the toys are selling really well.
Episode 2 was pretty interesting. I think it's quite clear the emotions and feelings they are feeling when they combine. I wonder if it's simply because of Apollo is combing with her that her feeling is so intense or cause the others seem to be feeling the same appear to be more in control and just not pushed as much. Or it could be an age thing. Anyway I didn't expect the whole thing between Toma and Aplloinus(sp?). Talk about your interesting love triangles, rectangle, etc. Though I'm liking how Apollo's past self keeps appearing the way he does. Silva's past life just automaticly reponded as well. I wonder if we'll have Apollo himself piloting the Vector Sol soon. I hope so from the looks of things for episode 3. Really curious as to what Apollo's elemental power is.
While I'm not a huge wrestling fan I've been kinda enjoying TNA Xplosion. Maybe it's that they have a lot of WWE stars that were there in the late 90s is really when I started to watch Raw and Smackdown during high school to join in on the converstations that were taking place the days after those two shows aired.
I don't see how you can make a statement like that based on one episode, well maybe two episodes. We have no clue how it's being received in Japan. Cliche isn't a bad thing but even then I don't think that Aquarion so far suffers from that. Sure it has some similar things but so does nearly ever other show. It's what happens when you develop a story, certain things tend to go certain ways, it's what you do after that and how you tell a story is what is important. We'll have to wait till dvds come out to see how well they sell. There is nothing about the show that says it will fail, just because some people dislike what they see. Who says a show has to be completely original to do well or even to be interesting anyway? Why can't a show or show creator give viewers what they actually want to see even if it might be cliche in some parts(which all shows suffer from I believe)? Or do what they actually want to see and make a show that is just enjoyable and has a decent story? Anyone know where to find the ratings for episodes 1-3 or does SnA come on cable channels in Japan?
I give u Spaceballs: The Collector's Edition
Effect replied to bandit29's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Great. I neeed to get this on dvd and it looks like it's going to have some pretty good extras as well. -
I don't recall everyone saying they would move. I remember Andy talking about himself, Lacus, and Kira. Did Murrue ever say she was moving? Those kids, Kira's mother(she said her home was Earth as was Kira's to Kira and he agreed that he would be coming back to her I believe). I believe it was Murrue in one of her stupid moments that kicked out the idea that she'd join ZAFT to fight against the EA due to what she was watching on the news. Never mind that what she was watching was most likely pro-ZAFT stations from pro-ZAFT countries that would be strongly biased in their favor and wouldn't even mind twist certain things to get what they want across. She didn't show any signs that she even considered that and just mindlessly accepted what she saw. I so wish Natarle was still alive.
It's here...Shadow Chronicles screenshot!
Effect replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
That's it. That was the feeling I was getting from the animation, amaturish in a way. Maybe it's because it was rush or they simply said it was rushed after viewing the finished product. Maybe if they hadn't tried to 3D it the way they did. -
It's here...Shadow Chronicles screenshot!
Effect replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
While I think David Lucas is a good voice actor, it really just didn't fit Scott at all. Way to deep and just had the wrong feeling. Now Ariel, did anyone notice that bad editing when she started talking how her mouth wasn't even moving while she was talking when she tired to face Scott. I wasn't sure at first but when I watched it again, she's talking out loud since there is no change in the tone of her voice but he lips aren't moving as they pan away from her. Also the mecha had this weird look to it. It could be that while having a flat background, looked more like a still painting then anything else. As a result the 3D look to the mecha makes it look so......well ugly in a way fake(as fake as you can get in animation). Not the mecha itself but when you take the entire thing. It's kinda hard to describe to be honest but I know I don't like the merging of the two of what they are doing here. Also since when does Scott call Ariel, well Ariel. He always calls her Marlene, even after finding out about her in the end I think he still calls her Marlene or refers to her as that. -
The problem I have with that is that Athrun left Orb to go to PLANT to find out what was going on. He wasn't there, so how could she talk to him. Especially since the EA attacked. He shouldn't be upset with her. If he actually trusted her, he would actually assume there had to be some reason this took place. If he didn't have any faith in her or felt she wouldn't do something like this withotu reason, after she accept his offer, then he should never have asked her to marry him. He clearly wasn't ready then if he's hold that against her. Again, if he's her body guard, then he should know how Orb's goverment works. He's around her all the time. He should know that she can't simply make a decision and expect everyone to agree. With that he shouldn't be blaming her. He knows she's inexperienced and young. A good leader doesn't always do what he or she wants but what is good for the country and it's people. Those are hard decisions that can't be made based on emotion alone. Something she's learned from SEED, that she can't simply act on emotion. She's being forced to grow and has a lot of responsiblity, a lot of which she wasn't ready for I believe. Athrun has never been in that position, so her judging her doesn't make sense I feel. After all, he had Rau and his father to order and direct where his life was headed. He joined the Three Ship Alliance after Lacus directed him and when he had no choice cause his father shot him. He is FAITH, meaning he doesn't have to listen to anyone but the Chairman but he stays on the Minerva, accepting Talia's orders and then goes as far to inform her where he's going when he doesn't have to say a thing to her. He needs to be a follower, decisions made for him. I think that could be why (though the writers and director might not be even thinking about this) he was upset that Heine died. It looked like Athrun was all set for Heine to step in as leader of the mobile suit forces on Minerva. Ready to step back and say yes sir and be ordered. Which is what he might miss most of all. Yet he tries it to order around Kira and Cagalli and I don't think it works that well, though he might think so. He doesn't really look at the bigger picture at times I feel. I think he likes it when it's simple. When it's ZAFT vs. EA, with believing ZAFT is good. That way he doesn't have to look at the situation as being gray and doesn't have to look out the box. I think he through everything in Cagallii's fact cause he simply doesn't know any better or how she felt at all. Or that he doesn't want to know how she feels or what she went through or is going through. My opinion of Athrun has dropped to an all time low. He could have been one of the better interesting characters after his experiences in SEED but they've just regressed him even more. Then again, maybe he's the type of person that never changes even though he might try to. Him mopping around in the beginning of Destiny I think had more to do with him missing being in ZAFT instead of trying to figure out what to do. I think he knew what he was missing but knew that he's friends wouldn't agree with it and that he could be like Kira and be happy living with Lacus, the orphens and his mother in a normal house.
I see, thanks. Still waiting for episode 2 to be subbed. Wish I could use bittorrent in school to download the raw.
The timer might be how long you have to hold out, similar to Federation vs. Zeon in some missions.