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That is kinda sad. There was a topic about how the Gundams were used over at AnimeSuki. Chaos, Gaia, and Abyss were really wasted I feel. I guess that's what happens when you just add gundams for the hell fo it. The word Gundam no longer has any special meaning I think in Destiny, same for SEED actually. It's at the point that it's pointless to make mass produced suits when Gundams make such quick work of them now. Just have tons of backup pilots and 3 or 5 Gundams and call that your entire army. At least that seems the direction they are going in. Chaos should have stayed in space with the EA fleets up there. Gaia should have been with some of the forces building new bases, protecting them. Abyss shoud have stayed with Neo in his hunt for the Minerva. Swtich Auel and Stellar in mobile suits and Stellar and Shin could have still meet, just that Abyss wouldn't have been destoryed then and Stellar woudl actually have to meet some other way. Or keep them in the same suits but at one point Stellar is with Neo and Auel and she meets Shin like in the series. Comes back later on and gets captured along with the Gaia. They really could have made some interesting battles with these suits if they had put forth just a little bit of effort instead of having grunts miss Shin as he hovers while he scores direct shots as they are moving around him or running away. If money was a problem, then maybe they shouldn't have so many mobile suits in the series, let alone GUndams and keep battles small scale and more tactical and lost of mobile suits a big thing like in MSG, and other UC series until final battles.
Sweet. More Futurama is always a good thing. I love this show, more then Family Guy to be honest.
This is why when I think back on it, I think the only reason Gundam SEED was as good as it was, was because for the most part it was a retelling of the original gundam series but with some differences. There was only a small part of the series that was really original so it didn't suffer that much. SEED Destiny on the other hand started out great. I don't think anyone can really deny that it started out well with great action, pacing, and evne plot but it quickly dropped. No one could call this a copy of Zeta, even in small parts I think. Sure you can force some connections. Other then that, it isn't copying anything and it's really falling apart when it comes to plot, story, etc. Granted one shouldn't look for complete realism in a Gundam series or any anime series really but there should be logical things in how characters respond or do certain things I would think. The thing that annoys me about Sting being taken out is that they spend so much time playing up the "only a Gundam can match or take out a Gundam" and we end up with him being taken out by three grunts with faces, not even names. They can't even stay true to their own position on things. Had the whole Gundam being able to be taken out by any suit situation been there from the beginning and presented as such with all sides being treated fairly when it comes to combat it would be acceptable but it really isn't in this case. Orb pilots are natural, why is it that they are able to presented well in battle but not the EA. The show is filled to the top with plot devices that at time don't make any sense. That's not to say other Gundam shows don't have them cause they do but I don't think they've been as in your face or illogical as the ones in Destiny have been. Though I'm looking forward to seeing how the Neo/Mwu situation plays out. Mainly because he was my favorite character in SEED but Neo is a crappy character in Destiny. He was good in the first few episodes. Maybe he needs to be back on the Girty Lue with his mobile armor to be effective in a battle and out of a mobile suit. It really does suit him more then a mobile suit.
Also what the hell happen to all the Windams behind Sting and Neo. They just completely disappeared. Not destoryed or anything, just gone. No disabling from Kira either whenit comes to them. Are they just not going to bother to show the Windams anymore? Also why in the hell are these Orb pilots so good. They are naturals last time I checked. Yet EA pilots, get the Stormtrooper effect and if not worse. Stormtroppers had to aim themselves. EA have targeting computers. Yup the EA sucks yet there is no reason why they actually should be sucking at all. That's the whole thing about it. If there was actually a legit, logicial, and common sense reason then it wouldn't be so bad but there isn't at all.
Looks like the screwing over of the EA is complete with this episode. They've basicly lost all main characters. Auel, Stellar, and Sting all gone. Neo seems to be in a coma of sorts. The icing on the cake will be for ZAFT to actually recover the Destory which I think will happen. So many plot devices. Why have the EA mobile suits never performed the way these Orb suits did. The only thing close as been the EA Gundam pilots which ended up being killed and weren't even pure naturals anymore like originally thought since they been reconed as extended or the three Daggers in Gundam SEED that were quickly killed anyway due to the EMP. While this episode was action packed I just found it depressing over all, especially when I think of what the fallout will be an what the upcoming previews are talking about. Trying not to think to much about since there are other shows to watch but it's just sad to see this show turn out the way it has.
I forgot, what was the whole point of this series? I've seen all 4 episodes that have been released and fansubbed yet I still have no clue as to where this story was suppose to go or what the point of it was. Sure there is a war between Earth and the other world but we've never seeing a major offensive on either side, nothing really explained about either side and all we are mostly presented with is the angst filled, adult pilot. I thought all that angst was suppose to go to teenage pilots?
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Really, how so? I mean I'm glad they have finally taken notice if that's true. It's about time. I've really wonderd what fans in Japan really thought about him and Destiny's present state and it's director. I know from post over at AnimeSuki that ratings have been dropping in the latest episodes, maybe they'll take notice of that but with episodes being done a few weeks ahead of time not like there can be a big change right away if there was ever one.
To me, this says it all. I really feel that 10-20 years down the road, people will have very fond memories of the prequels and appreciatte them much more than they do now. I agree that was an interesting article. I'm glad they did it as well.
I miss Azrael to be honest. He was a good bad guy. Not the insane kind but still evil enough that you want to find out what he does next. Mean while allowing his side to actually be shown as strong. Does SEED Destiny have the same writers as Gundam SEED or is it a completely new group? It really does seem like its a completely new group that doesn't really care about what happen before or didn't even try to build on what happen before or put forth any real effort into the story. Then again this could simply come from them making it up as they go instead of having one planned out before hand like other series.
Yet he is the one that writes their checks or is reponsible for them getting their checks and using the technology to create those effects. Yes others have been very important in making Star Wars what it is, there is no doubt about that, but when it comes down to it in the end, without Lucas there would be no Star Wars. There would be no ILM, Lucasfilm, etc. The story of Star Wars and it's characters would not exist. There would be nothing to write novels about, to make video games about, to market. Everything starts with Lucas and is traced back to him. He owns the rights and is the creator and can do whatever he wants. Granted we don't have to always like what he does but he has every right to do.
Must say, it was great seeing Destory in action. Finally the EA is taking the fight to ZAFT. Granted I wish the damage being done was done by actual Windams and Daggers but Stellar does quite well. She wipes out that entire ZAFT force and the city for good measure. She clearly knows what she is doing with Neo and Sting watching her back. Sting is actually freaked out about the power Destory has and how well Stellar is using it seems. Neo on the other hand I believe seems amused at how well Stellar is using it as well. One city down. Now I really don't want Destory to be destoryed. If they can hit a few more cities that are filled with tons of ZAFT mobiles suits and land carriers before it is destoryed then Destory Gundam would have had a good showing. So far it's done more damage then the Psycho Gundam (Mk 1 or mk2) ever did. And it has fully transfromed into full mobile suit mode either. They had better come out with another Destory if this one is destoryed. I'm praying that it does not end up in the hands of ZAFT. They have enough god damn things to play with. Stop screwing over the EA Fukuda.
The Jedi weren't agaisnt emotion. It was control over that emotion that they really stressed. This is something that Anakin never learned no matter how muhc Obiwan or others tried to teach him. As for attachment, I think it made sense. Jedi are about selfless service. It's been shown they can be close to people, close as family even and they were able to have sex if they want. Nothing stopped them from that. It's that having extreme attachments were bad since upon losing those attachments would cause extreme emotional trouble, causing a perosn to lose control. Anakin's fear over losing Padme and how he responded to the death of his mother are clear examples of this I believe why the Jedi taught dettachment. Jedi were going to die, in doing their job even before the war, one just needed to accept that as a fact of life and be able to move forward. I think that was the main thing they were trying to push. That while you would miss that person, you couldn't let that grief, etc pull you down cause that itself would lead to the dark side. The novel version of the film goes through a lot of that with Obiwan when he see friends die around him, comes across the bodies of the Jedi children, while fighting Anakin. It's that abiltity to let go and focus which allows him to fight Anakin the way he does. The novel makes a point to point this out several times. Does the film show any inner thought process of this? Or for any of the other characters? Like characters speaking in their mind? People took that whole "there is no emotion" wording of the Jedi Code to seriously and to literal when it first came out in Episode 1 and ignored what they actually saw on screen. Clearly the Jedi do show emotion, it's just that they have to control it. Which makes sense, they aren't normal people and have great power that needs to be kept in check or we get people going to the dark side and the results from that. Sith caused the unbalaned. Dark and light both need to exist, like up and down.
Well Anakin was Vader in Episode 3. After Mace dies, Anakin is considered Darth Vader. Even in the novel he's refered to as Vader as in "Vader said or Vader moved or the Sith Lord did this or that". Even without the actual suit he was actually Darth Vader. So it was Vader that fought Obi-wan. It was Vader that lead the assult on the Jedi Temple and killing the Jedi (adult and children). Just minus the black suit. The whole Temple thing I think shows how far gone he was, how selfish he was and how evil he had become. For all the problems he had with the Jedi Council what did those kids ever do to him. More then likely a LOT of them if not all of them looked up to him and Obiwan and more so Obiwan since he was closer to them in age as they were two of the most powerful and famous. Also I love how it had all those throw back lines to the OT. Either said by Obiwan or Anakin/Vader through out the story. The novel had quite a few and they didn't feel forced at all. Was this the same with the film? Finally getting to go see it Saturday(with parents, sister and my aunt and a few other family members).
I honestly wish game developers would actually fill the dvd up with levels, areas, and gameplay instead of filling it up with tons of cut scenes. I've always wondered how much space many of these games that use dvds would take up if you removed all the cut scenes from the games and left the gameplay. I'd imagine they aren't using up much space at all. I'm sure Square games are really guilty of this with it's Final Fantasy games which have becomre more about the cut scenes then the game play at times. Compared to Nintendo games that while using mini-disc most likely use up all of the disc and even have to use more then one. FOr example Tales of Symphonia for the GameCube uses two mini-disc yet has no cut scenes outside of the opening anime. Everything is doing in game, even scenes that progress the story is still done in the same way that you move around and play the game.
From the novel that was the case. Mace was able to receive the attack undamaged I believe and basicly reflect it right back at Sidious/Palp. Sidious couldn't stop it once it came back and hit him.
Seriously I hardly see how people can just say that what Sony was showing at E3 is what they are going to get on the PS3. The FF8 dance cutscene demo is a great example and it was nothing more then a cutscene. The true test is actual gameplay footage with user interface, you controlling the character, etc. The footage that Sony showed, did they actually say it was gameplay footage? Or are people getting so caught up in the hype and awe and just assuming? Meanwhile Microsoft with the Xbox was showing actual playable demos that were still made on alpha kits with the beta kits coming out soon. Remembering the whole PS2 hype, people really need to becareful before they start prasing Sony. Also another thing, is it even certain that many people are going to be able to tell the difference between the different systems graphics wise? If you have a action packed game and constantly moving are you going to even care about the extreme small details or how real the war looks. Are people actually going to stop and pause the game and awe at the graphics or are they simply going to care if they get a great explosion and then move on to the next area and kill the next enemy or next part of the story. Really use all the numbers you want but does it really matter anymore? Personally an explosion is an explosion. If it look nice then so beat it, as long as the graphics are somwhat better then the last system is all I ask for. The only time graphics mean a damn to me is when I'm playing a game like Myst. Developers can use all the tricks they want to hide graphics flaws in a game any other time, doesn't matter to me. I'm interested in the end product not some tech demo. Also how do you even know if those demo's by Sony were being played on a PS3 kit. They could have it hooked up to something else in the back the way they did with the FF8 dance cut scene.
The thing about the Jedi Council and Anakin I found very interesting and not really insulting to be honest. Granted I've only read the novel and not seen the film but in the novel part of the reason they didn't allow Anakin to have a voice in the council or any say was that they didn't want him on the council. His outburst in the council was a prime example of why as well. Allowing Anakin to voice his opinion in the council would basicly be the same as giving Palp a vote and this was stated. In the novel they also take noticed of how Anakin is actually speaking as well. He uses the world "we" a few times and that's referign to Palp's office in that he's apart of it. He's already clearly identifying himself with Palp's office, as apart of it, not just there to report back to Palp himself which is what he was there for. The Jedi were basicly forced to put Anakin on the council as well. A thing I found interesting about the novel is that at times it seems Anakin knows why the Jedi Council doesn't trust him, and why they even fear him. He basicly buys into Palps talk cause that is what he wants to hear even though he knows it's wrong. He wants to be free to do whatever he wants and when he's finally given that freedom he goes off and we see what happens. The Jedi might have been arrgoant to a degree but didn't need to be destoryed the way they were. Not sure how well the movie gets these things across though. I thought the novel was great by getting into the heads of the characters and showing their emotion and Anakin's fall. What I really like at one point it was made clear, via Yoda, that a Sith can not make a Jedi fall. That Anakin choose this path himself. Palp might have pushed him but in the end it was clearly Anakin's choice in the end and his own selfishness that caused him to fall. It did seem he put himself in certain situations to cause himself grief. He could have told Palp no but his idea of loyality made him not do that. Had he just talked about his problems and feelings eariler I doubt things would have gotten so bad for him. Doubt he would have been kicked out but would have been helped with his control. Obiwan made a good point in the novel that having power alone wasn't enough to be a master. One had to master themselves. This was something Anakin clearly couldn't do nor was able to do and I'm sure the Jedi Council knew this and his outbrust at them clearly showed that and even Obiwan understood that all to well since Anakin always disobey orders, etc. Anakin himself knew this as well. I did like it that he didn't want to be a master for the sake of being a master but because he wanted access to the restricted files but even then had he simply trusted Obiwan enough and talked to him I doubt he would have put himself through so much problems. He inability to talk and open up when it matter all the while being extremely emotional was interesting. I wonder if he just assumed a lot of things though without actually trying them. It appeard that he assumed Obiwan wouldn't understand or that they would kick him out of the order. All of that was in his head but why? Was it all Palps talk or did he want to think that on his own? Honestly the more I think about it and look at his character, I wonder if even without Palp talking into his ear all those years, would he have fallen anyway? I'm kinda of the opinion yeah he would have but it would have taken a lot longer before he finally went out of control. Can't wait to see the film and see how that version is. I do recommend that people check out the novel version as well though.
Ya I was kinda thinking the same thing. Bale is a cool actor, but he's not really a convincing Batman. Plus, that ugly ass costume, and bright lighting doesn't help either. When he saves Katie Holmes, and when he's running through Arkham, it looks kinda ridiculous. What the hell happened to stealth? Yeah. I thought the preview was pretty good but Christian Bale's "Batman" voice did seem weird. That's really the only thing that stood out to me as a problem. It's either a case of being so used to Keaton/Conroy/or even Kilmer's voice or just having to give it time and hear it more and different dialogue. I think they all did a good job of playing the part to be honest. Clooney's voice as Batman wasn't that bad but then again it was his normal voice and that alone made it seem off cause there was no change in the voice like the other actors(not counting Adam West here good or bad though in this entire situation) or voice actors. The Batmobile still takes some getting used to though. Woudl have loved to see one similar to the past views. It's the huge ass tires that is making it hard to accept. I'm sure in time it will be fine. It's still cool to see just seems off.
Maybe Nintendo is being realistc. They don't have the backing of huge companies the way the gaming divisions of Sony and Microsoft have. People seem to forget that Sony and Microsoft have gaming divisions and are apart of much larger companies. Mean while Nintendo is completely 100% and not as big as those two other companies. I'm sure if we took Nintendo alone, and compared it with the Sony and Microsoft's gaming divisions alone(in that they broke away to becme their own companies without Sony and Microsoft backing, closer to how Nintendo is setup and works and have to work on their own) that Nintendo would stomp them and they wouldn't be as big as they are now. That isn't the case here though and I'm sure Nintendo clearly knows that so they have to do things a certain way. Sony and Microsoft can afford to lose tons of money since they tons of other things they do in other areas.
I dont' think it has anything to do about being unprepared. After all it's not like they forgot about the event. More like they set out to do something and did what they want. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they actually held their own show sometime later where everything is focused on them 100% without fighting for attention from Sony and Microsoft and all the other game companies. Didn't Sony do something like themselves before? At least Microsoft had games that could be played on the Xbox 360. The Ureal demo on the PS3, honestly I don't seem it looking that different from anything on the Xbox 360. Everything else was tech demos. And didn't we all learn a lesson before when it comes to Sony and even Xbox and tech demos. Also when is the Tokyo Game Show? Isn't that as big as E3? Or close to it. Maybe they'll say more there. Only selling point? Huge library of games, free online structure, new next generation games(more of this innovation Nintendo is in to). True we haven't seen what the games will be like or anything else but the same can be said for PS3. We've only seen tech demos and the game demo that have shown don't look that different from what is currently out I feel. Then again maybe I'm just not "wowed" by graphics anymore and I don't care about little details.
I'd have no problem with Shin being an Ace but he's done nothing Ace worthy. He's fighting mobile suits and ships that clearly can not damage him. Abyss was taken out like a punk as well. What's so great about hoping from ship to ship taking out targets that can't move? Or killing grunts? It would be one thing if the grunts actually were a challenge but they aren't so using them as an example of why they are aces doesn't work I feel. I still had some hope for Shin but not anymore. I'm just looking forward to the day he dies. Him being right in what he said to Athrun or not, the whole situation has just made me dislike him all the more. So glad there are other series out there for me to enjoy. Destiny clearly isn't one of them and I doubt it will be.
To true it seems.
Has anything changed in FFXI? Different interface, more areas, maybe instance zones to make more room for hunting, etc?
Isn't that part of the opening for Journey to Jaburo . I remember seeing that scene before, yet the one I saw had three Zaku's coming across the Gundam and the Gundam firing a beam rifle on them through buildings, using the vulcan guns and then charging the Zakus. It looked exactly like that graphic wise as well. People honestly think that could be game footage? Looks clearly like a FMV to me, like what we see as the opening for Zeonic Front.
I'm already reading the novel but from the previews, the novel still can't get across the real look of the film since the novels seem to be more about the inner feelings and thought process of the characters. So it should go along well with the actual film. I not going to rush and see the film though. While it's great to see it along with a pack theater I'm going to wait till after this weekend and then see it.