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Everything posted by Effect

  1. All that is left for Athrun is to experience something so bizzare that he decides to join up and help the EA under his own will. Then his side jumping adventure will be complete. Then hell be further to being like Char since a lot of people like to compare him to him. Char was apart of the Zeon, Federation(after the OYW and became one fo the people that started the AEUG), AEUG(kinda became Londo Bell so I guess you can count that to a degree), then Neo Zeon. Athrun's gone from Zaft, to 3 ship alliance, Orb(as a bodyguard), back to ZAFT. He just needs that final jump.
  2. Interesting news. While I don't think it's a bad idea to have humanity be whole again, in fact I think all the characters would welcome it if only for it to do away with the natural vs. coordiantor problem. How things are going about it on the other hand isn't the right away. While making his intentions good he's still a bad guy. Like how Haman and Sicisrio(sp?) wanted humans to be united but ruled by them and newtypes. Edit: Hmm just checked out episode 34. You know what that wasn't even really a fight. It was simply a running escape. It didnt' even look like Kira was even bothering to fight Shin just get away the entire time to join up with the Archangel so they could escape. Since seeing about it I don't feel bad about the fight at all either. It was really one sided. Shinn cared so much about the fight but to Kira it didn't even seem to matter but seemed more of an annoyance then anything since it wasn't important to him. AA getting away was. He appeared more concern with getting away. When Shinn stabbed him witht he sword I don't think Kira was shocked from the Minerva firing at the AA. Sure he was worried but it seems the only reason he even got hit was because he slowed down eough cause he was about to dive into the water. Maybe he can't go into the war at full force but has to go down slowly or risk damaging the mobile suit and since it was damaged already he had to be even more careful. That's why he looked surprised I think cause clearly he wasn't a threat anymore, about to enter the water and didn't expect Shinn to go all insane on him.. I think that even if Kira did manage to get intot he water, Shinn would have been crazy enough to actually dive in after him. So Kira lossing isn't something that is bothering me at all surprisingly. What annoys me the most is the beam shot bouncing off the shield. WTF!? Actually the fight between the two of them was setup in such a way that it didn't really seem to matter. What was more important at that time was the interaction between the Minerva and Archangel I believe. That's where the real focus of the later half of the episode was focused on.,
  3. I really want to see where this current arc is headed. I know the one goverment woman knows who Batman is but has she informed Lex in anyway? I wonder now especially after they set Superman up the way they did, forcing the fight between thim and Captain Marvel. I think he was wrong in saying the Justice League weren't heroes anymore, they just aren't nieve about the situation and know that certain people just can't be trusted from experience. Which I think is a good thing since it makes the super heros more like real and normal people that they tend to want to be at times. I really wish Justice League was still an hour long instead of a half hour.
  4. No a Gundam is one of the safest places to be in the world, a mobile suit that isn't a Gundam in SEED seems to be death trap that along with ground tanks. Well Kira doesn't really have a "no kill policy". He just doesn't kill needlessly it seems. He isn't about killing someone or destoryign something if the situation calls for it. After all he knows first hand what it's like to losing someone close to him in battles(Tolle and Flay) and what it's like to end the life of people. Yet at the same time he doesn't let death get to him anymore. Noticed how he saw Heine's mobile suit get destoryed and didn't so much as blinked at it. It was almost like an "oh well" situation for him. I think Flay getting killed really might have hit him harder then we are lead to believe. If her talk to him in the end had actually reached him the way Lalah talked to Amuro, he might actually be different but no he didn't hear or see her. Yet Shin and Stellar can have a newtype moment themselves without any signs of being newtypes, not even the smallest bit of sensing someone cause not long before that Shinn was about to kill her by going straight for the cockpit. I want to see that explained away cause it looked like they both were in a trance and then got woken up from it. So I don't think it can simply be said that is what they were feeling at the moment or wanted to do. It looked like they were actually doing it, at least that's how I feel it was presented.
  5. Lately I've been wondering if Shinn was real and the events in his life actually took place could the death of his parents really be to blame for his actions. I'm actually more incline to be honest to think that he was always like this even when his parents were alive. I got the feeling that his sister was spoiled and always got her way. Forcing the family to stop to get a stupid and easily replaceable cell phone in the middle of a dangerous area. Makes me wonder how Shinn and his sister were actually disciplined growing up or if they ever were. It certainly lacked it in that scene. So maybe's Shinn attitude isn't a a product of losing his family but maybe this is how he has always been and no matter of talking, punishment, or defeat is going to change him. That's at least the feeling I've been getting lately. I'm still deciding if I'm going to check out 34. I didn't bother with the raw and I'm far more interested in Murrue and Talia actually seeing each other on screen and seeing the Archangel roll again. Seriously, they need to get Archangel's ship pilot, Arnold Neumann, into a mobile suit. If he can pilot a battle ship the way he does, just imagine what he could do in a mobile suit, something that is smaller. Just forgo the heavy armor and just jack the suit with trusters everywhere and let him go to town. Question, since when can beam shots actually bounce off of shields? From the sounds of it, it also didn't appear to be a fair one on one fight between Kira and Freedom either. First Kira is fighting off ZAFT mobile suits protecting the AA as it makes it's escape, forced to go SEED due to the numbers. Then in comes the Minerva and the Impulse Gundam. Impluse gets support by getting new addons. Does the Impulse get a power boost ever time it gets a new part in middle battle? It sounds like Shinn was actually smart to use parts of his Gundam but if he had a complete Gundam like everyone else he won't be able to pull that poo and then maybe he'll have to smarter about his fight. As it stands, this doesn't seem to compare to Athrun vs. Kira where they were actually taking apart each others suits. None of that cheap detacting body parts. Looking forward to episode 35 though to see Lacus's new Dom mobile suits. Also what's keeping me watching is the preview about Logos turning around the battle on ZAFT. If they take the upper hand that's going to be great to see. Good or bad, as long as ZAFT finally starts losing I'm for the side fighting them. It's been long overdue.
  6. Hmm seems things are looking up with this new bit of news.
  7. Hmm is this really needed? The first two X-men films were Wolverine movies, especially the first one. I just hope this turns out well. I like Jackman as Wolverine, I wonder if they will go for a isolated adventure or maybe the backstory on him. Weapon X story? Capatin America? Should be interesting.
  8. True but come on. The way this series is going and has been is there any doubt? I seriously wish they were apart of the EA but I think pigs will fly in Gundam before Fukuda allows the EA to be shown as compentent. Hell even if they were apart of Orb it would be nice but I seriously doubt hat as well. It's the Orb and ZAFT show. The only thing that is calming is that I like to think that the EA in this series is just the Eurasian Federation since we have seen nothing on the Atlantic Federation forces or their areas of control which is basicly all of North America and the parts of Europe around the UK. Maybe even South America if they tried to take it back. That's the only thing that is keep the hope alive for me, that and the last time ZAFT made an all out assult on an AF controlled area they(ZAFT) lost over 80% of their forces.
  9. Finally. Does anyone know if the auto-aim is gone from the Xbox version as well? Trying to decide which version to pick up the Xbox or PC one since I passed when the PS2 version came out in favor of getting Halo 2 instead. Should have gone with GTA3: SA to be honest but oh well.
  10. Hmm just great. Just what Destiny, even more ZAFT ace pilots. What the hell, SEED was from the point of view of the EA and they got crap in terms of pilots and help. Has there ever been any Gundam series where the main ship has gotten this much damn support? Even in Zeta and CCA, they were really limited in terms of ace pilots. Then again even the grunts on both sides managed to have some skill before they were killed.
  11. I agree if this makes the Apple computers cost less then I'm all for it. That has really been the only reason I haven't gotten one, the cost. I'd much rather own a Apple G5, iMac, or Powerbook over my PC to be honest. I just like using those more and I'm more comfortable with it. Four years of using and working on them in high school will do that to you I guess and even after 4 hours of college with PCs, I still prefer the Apple. Getting away from PC gaming anyway other then certain games. Just price wise, even with student discounts is really high.
  12. I could never get into this franchise no matter how much and how many times I've tried. Banner of the Stars is based on a series of scifi novels in Japan. Think galactic warfare, Empires vs. Empires. Yet the story is basicly told from the point of view of an offshoot of humanity as they try to conqurer a federation/alliance of normal humans. The main character is a royal family member Lafiel and the son of normal human ruler of a planet that surrenders his planet to Lafiel's people. As a result the people of that planet feel he betrayed them and sold them out since he was made a nobel as a result. Thouogh they would have been killed if he hadn't, though normal humans are basicly treated like trash I think anyway so one might think death might be perferable by some anyway then to live the way they have had to live. His son is the guy you see in the image and is so far removed from his own kind of species. He's a member on Lafiel's ship when she gets her command. The stories are really about them getting to know each other, grow, maturing in the wake of this galactic war. Honestly nothing in the show clicks with me. The fact that it's told from the point of view of Lafiel's peopel is the main reason I feel since they are fighting against normal humans. Maybe if it was mix, or if it was normal human vs. human without the alienness of Lafiel's people it might be different. The fact that it isn't kills it for me and I tend to force myself to watch when I want to give it a try and I end up quiting soon after. Reading summaries is more bearable to be honest. Also I think I remember the war being kinda one sided in favor of Lafiel 's peopel from the start. Kinda think Gundam SEED Destiny in how it's all one sided in favor of ZAFT. I think it's the same feeling here which I can't stand in any show really. I don't mind one side lossing but I can't stand one sidedness in shows of this nature where its all through the eyes of one side and never from the other side.
  13. What?! My bad. I meant to say Han and Leia. Was typing pretty fast.
  14. The sequel trilogy, doubt one would be done in ways we'd think. I mean who though the prequel trilogy would turn out the way it did story wise? From what I recall reading and being told the story idea that was out there when it came to having a rough idea of what the entire story looked like according to Lucas was that in episode 6 it was suppose to be just Vader and Luke would fight him. Then the next trilogy was suppose to be about Luke looking for his sister, the continued fight against the Empire with Leia rising to leading it(she wasn't leader of it, just one of it's leaders. Mon Mothma was it's #1 leader I believe(wish she was in the movie the way she was in the novel), she's the one all in white in Return of the Jedi talking about the Bothans that died to get the info on the second Death Star). Then Luke and his sister were suppose to finally confront Palp to end things with the two of them going on to rebuilding the Jedi Order(being very close with Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the droids). Yet all of that got basicly merged with Return of the Jedi as Leia ended up being Luke's sister, Luke confronts both Vader and Palp together. In fact the comic sereis Dark Empire is basicly looked upon as the closest thing to what the sequal trilogy story after the OT would have been about. In that you have Luke trying to fight the dark side form the inside by becoming an student of the reborn Palp(in a clone body, how he planned to stay immortal by moving his life force from body to body as it aged), he fights the rebuild Empire from the inside but slowly falls to the dark side. Leia tries to bring him back, ends up fighting him in a lightsaber duel (Luke has been training her). She brings him back and in the end is her and Han and Leia's unborn child(named Anakin) that brings and end to Palp(he wanted the unborn child for himself). I think Dark Empire 2 and Empire's End are about Luke taking on Dark Jedi and the reborn Palp one final time but he is really weakened though but is taken out by Solo with no where to transfer his spirit so he ends up finally being defeated. What I also remember it being said in magazines is that Lucas actually enjoyed Dark Empire and gave copies to his staff one christmas as presents. Anything that had to do with the Sith in comic form he usually was questioned and approved or denied certain things. After all he's said to be a comic reader so it makes sense he'd pay more attention to Star Wars comics and it's details then the details of the actual novels. edit: Oops. Meant Han and Leia.
  15. Gotta say, Mask of the Phantasm is the best Batman film made. I just don't see why they don't get a insanely high budget and do an animated Batman film. The cartoons have always told the Batman story far better then any live action film can I believe. Imagine if one had a hollywood budget behind it with a few years for animation to be done.
  16. Not really interested in this as well to be honest. Sure looks like a decent explosion movie but the idea behind it doesn't interest me at all to be honest.
  17. When I watch the first Zeta movie trailer there is something I noticed from that trailer that I haven't felt with the latest series like SEED or SEED Destiny. At the end of the trailer where Camille in the Mk II dodges a beam blast and you see how close it was on the camera it's almost as if you can feel the power behind the blast due to the sound at that moment and from the look on his face you can see how dangerous the actual fight was. You can see how intense it is. I havent gotten that feeling from SEED or SEED Destiny. I did get the feeling in Gundam F91 though (the last UC series I watch besided Zeta) in a few scenes. Maybe it could be Tomino's actual directing style or the sound effects that UC series tend to use that AU series don't use at all for some reason. Or could it be both are movies but then again I think there were momens where I had the same feeling in Zeta, Char's Counter Attack, 8th MS Team and Turn A Gundam.
  18. I haven't checked out this series yet but I have played both games(still working through ZOE: 2nd Runner) and have watched the Idolo OVA. The orbital frame Dolores in this series, is she piloted by James Links or is the AI in complete control during the entire series? Also does this story stop before the 2nd Runner or does it go past the game or into the games storyline? Does anyone know if there are anymore plans for Zone of the Ender games or anime or manga? Thanks.
  19. There is always downloading the episodes. Not saying I'm in favor of it just that there are other options.
  20. Improving on the original. To this day after finally watching SDF Macross years ago I don't understand the thinking. If you just watch the original Macross you can clearly see tha almost all of the Macross Saga episodes are the same as the SDF Macross episodes other then the talk about Robotech Masters and Robotechnology and additions of words like "gee" or "golly". How anyone can believe that the Macross Saga version of SDF Macross is better is honestly beyond me. Robotech's addition, such as narrartor speaking all the time with false information sometimes, certain words here and there were there are no need lowers it in quality. RT has the cheesyness factor with some of its changes, especially if you look back on it now. Not sure how it was taken when it first aired though. Now nostilga is a big factor for a lot of people in both fanbases but its kinda sad how it blinds certain people. You can like a show and still acknowledge it's faults. It's thoughs that refuse to believe a show has faults, when it clearly does, that I find just plain sad. Being pro-Robotech is one thing. Being out of touch with reality and being a complete ass, the way mgrexx acts, is something completely else.
  21. I think so. I think from the EU it was said that the Arc troopers which were trained by Jango himself and then Clone Commandos like seen in Republic Commando game had more individual traits when compared with normal clone troopers. I'm guessing this is true of the really high ranking commanders like Cody as well.
  22. Lucas has said that the Stormtroopers in Episodes 4,5,and 6 are a mix of both. After the Clones Wars, normal citizens were accepted to become troopers, along with Clones. Though I don't think he says that they are the same Clones taken from Jango Fett. One thing I wish was in the film that was in the novel was the character of Needa that was in the OT. He's in the novel, commanding the ship that causes GG's ship to break apart and start falling towards the planet. I also wish Tarkin had a line at the end of the film. We see him looking out at the Death Star beign bult and then moves to the side.
  23. Was it Fukuda that said Mwu and Rau were the last or only newtypes? I don't think we can really go by that. Since it seems that he doesn't really know what he's talking about half the time when it comes to his own series. He's the man that said that the weapons on the Archangel could wipe out a mobile suit with no trouble yet started to babble when someone asked about Mwu stopping the blast from the Dominion and then made some other excuse for it and basicly ignored the question? Then there is Neo and Rey, not to mention Kira's sensing of Rau at the very end of SEED. It seems he says one thing, ignores it and does something else down the line.
  24. I wonder if Shin will forget that it was he that went straight for the kill by slashing at the cockpit. While Kira went for the weapons, actually as a result saving Shin's life in the process. I'm more interested in seeing what happens next because Murrue has now seen Neo. Strange. That interestes me a LOT more then what will happen between Kira and Shinn to be honest.
  25. He lives. In the end Palp orders Commander Cody to ready a ship for him so he could go to where Vader is. Seems like he moved up the ladder once Order 66 was given. That or since he was the only clone named, his name was used so it would connect with the audience more. Could possible mean that he was one of the most highly ranked Clone Troopers, hmm would be could if he showed up in the TV series. Maybe end up becoming a Red Guard or something due to being so close to Obi-wan and knowing how to protect a force user or how to work with one since he was around one of the best.
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