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What's with the name of these mobile suits. Seriously though, it makes no sense to give Cagalli another mobile suit. Hell she shouldn't have the one she has now. She's a bad pilot, not even average. The aura of main character can only do so much I feel to keep her safe. She's had so many close calls as it is already. From being shot down in SEED in the Skygraspher, almost getting killed in the last battle there, from almost getting killed by Shinn, the Orb fleet, and even risking physical assult from Shinn in person. Better yet, let her pilot the gold mobile suit. Let her be killed and be done with it I say. It's been long overdue. A suit like this is meant to call attention to itself. That was the whole point of the one Char had. To be a symbol, something that could be recognized as being for the AEUG. You have a suit like this when you want people to concentrate on you during a battle. She does not have the skills to back up that kind of attention.
Add another addition to the many things wrong and illogical with SEED Destiny.
If there is a major battle in space there better be nukes flying left and right from the EA. As long as they aren't aimed at PLANTs then they are fair weapons of war in space since nothing is going to suffer from the radiation. There should be a nuke fired at every single ZAFT ship.
Figured as much. I was checking out the translated version fo X Astray and in that they do have the Eurasian upset with the Atlantic Federation for holding on to technology and saying they have to get ready since after the war with PLANT is over that the AF would be their enemy. I don't believe Dijbril is in Orb at all to be honest. I think he's actually on the Moon in the Lunar Base. Yuna commented on the Moon base being there even if Heaven's Base fell. So most likely Yuna is telling the true but Gilbert is using that as an excuse to attack Orb. After all why would Dijbril go to Orb and isolated when he can escape to another places where there are EA/AF forces? That or he simply could have gone back to North America and who knows what the AF has there since we've never seen the AF defenses in theri homelad save for the Alaska attack
Don't forget that brought back Sting as the lead Destory pilot. The Destroy's then basicly wipe out all of the EA traitors that join ZAFT also a large number of ZAFT ships. Like said they completely wipe out the entire drop force as well almost every single airborne ZAFT mobile suit it seems. Looks like only the sea based mobile suits made it to the base to attack the ground forces theres. Can't believe I watched the episode. Though one comment by Yuna did make it worthwhile. He commented that even if Heaven's Base was to fall there was still the Moon base. The only time ZAFT has been able to strike it successfully if we remember was with GENESIS. Any other time, ZAFT has been pushed back, in fact they didn't try to attack it again head on after they used the Cyclops there the first time I think. What happen to the Destory shields? THey were on the hands. How powerful is the damn Destiny. He was taking full blast from the Destory units. Ugh. A normal beam blast I can understand but the Destory units are basicly walking battleships or fortresses in terms of power and weapons. I'm thinking they use a somewhat scaled down battleship engine due to their size with Trans armor. Shinn dodging the beams is one thing but taking full blast and not being affected it is just to much ugh. Good thing is not many EA troops die and only really surrendered when the Destorys were gone. Poor Sting. He was doing so well to. ZAFT hardly have the forces to put a lot of people in that base to hold it. So if the EA make a come back I can see that base being taken back fairly quickly. Cause a large number of ZAFT troops seemed to have been killed. It looked like Alaska again but this time the EA didn't get the win but still go the kill count along with a number of people that betrayed them. Still a horrible episode I feel due to the over the top actions by Shinn and his Super Robot, Destiny. Against my better judgement I had to check out the episode just to know what I"m talking about. I had stopped watching before that. Though I didn't watch the rest of the episode since I really had no desire to, not even to watch the battle but needed to for some reason. Also the new opening is just plain bad I feel. At least you could count on that but not anymore it seems.
A Jaburo style assult(Char's during MSG) on Carpentaria or Gibraltor would have been nice to see. Mass mobile suit drops, coming from the water, radar jamming, gaining access to the base, deep access. Ground troops inside the buildings and underground. Both bases at the same time if I had my way with one of them actually falling and coming under the command, for good, of the EA. Which is really what they should have done after Alaska and Panama. Panama was a desperation attack and if it wasn't for the rushed Daggers not having EMP protection it wouldn't have done down like that. Alaska, Panama, and Victoria should have been SEED version of Odesa, signling the push of ZAFT off of Earth, the way the Earth Federation drove the Zeon from Earth save a few very small groups that went into hiding due to not being able to leave the planet.
Actually I think things would have been better off if they simply did something like Gundam Evolve. In that each episode had no connection to any other and just showed random battles with suits from any sereis going at it. After all it would sell the models they want. Clearly story isn't something they are going for her to get people interested in toys or models. What does make sense is why would this damn island nation be so important. One well place nuke or not even that. Just bombard the damn island from the atmsphere and it's gone. Do it night and day to wear down the surface to air missles. Or just take subs and surround and blockadge the island. Orb shouldn't even be a damn issue. Cause if this show had any type of realism or any type of logic for that matter, Orb wouldn't last a day when it came to serious fighting. EA wouldn't be defeated the way they have since they seem to be igoring a good part of the world in this show(exactly why does the EA have any damn reason to trust Gilbert) yet continues with the bashing. Citizens in this show make no sense in how they are presented. Granted I'm not a big fan of G Gundam but it was a hell of a lot mor enjoyable and made far more sense then this series is making.
Ugh and even now the EA can't get a damn break. I really see no need to continue watching Destiny anymore until the final episode is done. Cause it seems it's finally a ZAFT vs. Orb situation. I just don't see why Fukuda didn't simply have Orb vs. ZAFT in the beginning so his version of a perfect Japan could shine through instead of bashing of the EA and the countries and people it's suppose to represent. Ugh.
LOL. It's a thing of beauty. I guess this answers how some (at least one person) japanese fans feel about Shinn and like to see him get punched as well.
I kinda get the feeling that Bandai itself has actually forgotten what made mecha so popular and why it sold so well. Sure it had to look great but think back to other shows when it was becoming popular. There werent hundreds of different versions. In fact the shows, either it be Gundam, a Super Robot show, or some other mecha show had a very limited number of mechs. It was how they were presented in those shows I believe is what got people interested, made people buy, and made those mechs popular. Bandai seems to think that buyers only care what the mechs look like and don't care about how they are actually presented. Honesly I think the Dagger and Gouf are some of the best old school UC like designs in the SEED universe yet instead of actually playing them up in the show to get people to want to buy them(which would in turn make for an interesting to story causing more people to actually watch), both designs have basicly been thrown to the waste side and are mere background pieces that hardly see any type of action. Same for the Zaku Warror. So many Gundams have killed that special meaning Gundams used to have or represented. Pick up one but no reason to get others it seems since they don't ever do anything decent in the series, so no interest. I think this could be why the sales for the Impulse Gundam were low, from what I heard. For all purposes it's a repainted Strike Gundam and I'm sure the Strike Gundam was still being released. The time when they finally got around to showing how cool it(impulse) it could be is the same time they introduce the Destiny Gundam and Strike Freedom, etc. It makes me wonder if there is any type of thought going on here in terms of how to market Gundam anymore. Or is Bandai simply taking for granted that it's "Gundam" and it will sell no matter what so they simply don't care and just pump out toy after toy for the sake of doing it. Wouldn't they lose money like this in the long run due to wasting resources? At least in their Gundam budget? Then again maybe this is working for them and how fans get interested in products differ greatly. How has the toy market in Japan been when it comes to Gundam? Is there a flood of Gundams and a very dry market for other mobile suits that people want instead?
Wich would be horribly amusing, considering that many "childhood" stories are actually quite dark, or at least quite a bit darker than they're presented when Disney and company get ahold of them. True. I keep forgetting about that. Some of those storys were dark in their own right. It's been a while since I've read them, though I'm gald my mom picked up a collection of those stories. In fact she's the one that first let me know of the differences years ago. I had only know the Disney versions until then.
What I like about the character designs is that everyone looks different and unique. Compared to SEED and SEED Destiny were nearly everyone looks the same save for hair and clothing differences. I'm looking forward to the new Gundam RPG(if it ever gets translated) cause the character designer for Turn A Gundam did the designs for that game as well.
This is great news I feel. I really enjoyed playing AM' Alice. I always wondered what a movie would be like. Dark is obvious but I wonder how people will accept it. I think you'll get a good deal of peopel checking out just to see what this version of Alice in Wonderland is like, especially if that angle is greatly played up. Yet it might get a lot of heat for turning a childhood story into something so dark. Either way I don't think it will go unnoticed.
Turn A Gundam is great but you should go into it with an open mind. It's different from other Gundam series. Don't be expecting big battles all the time or mobile suits to be exploding all the time. It's really character and story driven. It's not the toy comercial other Gundams shows tend to come off as. That's the best way to look at it I think. It's all about the story and characters. In fact some of the best scenes in the show are the scenes that contain no battles or that take place after a battle One of the best parts of the show is the constant character development. There are a lot of characters in the show but each of them gets developed. No episode ever really feels pointless since there is always a purpose to what is shown. The mobile suit designs are good I feel. A lot of people seemed to be turned off by the way the Turn A looks but really once you see it in action a few times it shouldn't bother you at all anymore. You get used it and come to like it, especially when you see it in battle. If you are a Zaku fan you'll love it since it's one of the main mobile suits of the series. You'll love it if you give it a shot. Honestly it's my number 1 Gundam series. The movies are just as great even though they cut out some of the story and things are rearranged at times. The music really drives both the series and movies. There were times I found myself tearing up due to the nature of the scene and the music that was playing. Maybe I was being overally sensetive at the time but it's that good. I so wish the rumor Turn A Space series Tominio wanted to do was allowed. Would have been far better then the SEED universe
Anyone know what movie he's doing? I heard he was director but also heard he was actually acting but not sure which it was.
Edits like that I don't really mind to be honest. Changing them from brother and sister to be more cousins wouldn't be so bad. Lessens the weird creepyness that comes up every now and then.
The thing is that Shinn knew full well that the pilot of the Freedom was a friend of Athrun. He knew how Athrun felt yet he went out of his way to get in Athrun's face while Athrun was turning around to leave, minding his own business, to brag in his face. Shinn started that knowing full well how Athrun felt before he even launched. Shinn basicly force Athrun to do that. Had Athrun walked up to Shinn after he got back and went up and hit him then I'd say Athrun was out of line but that isn't what happen at all. Shinn forced the confrontation between the two of them and paid for it and Athrun looked like he was ready to through down and I think he would have won had they not pulled the two back. Shinn deserved what he got for simply being a pure grade A a-hole when he got back, not because he was doing what he was ordered to. He should have left Athrun alone when Athrun was actually leaving the hanger but he didn't do that. Shinn should have shown a little common decency and left him alone. Someone also mentioned this on another forum. After the entire situation with Stellar, Shinn can't even seem to connect his situation with Athrun's. That never clicks with him at the least, not in anyway, shape or form. If the rumor that Athrun is suppose to surprise both Rey and Shinn when they go after him after he escapes I hope that will leave a lasting impression on Shinn, especially if it looks like he's going to be in a Gouf while in SEED mode(from what was said in one of the previews I think).
True. I guess that was simpling it down to much. Though I would have thought they'd put a different team to fix the mistake of the first team instead of putting the same team on it since it would be hard for them to think objective about seeing as they are redoing their past work.
I noticed that aas well. Shin finally got the Bright Noa treatment. What he needs is the Wong (Zeta) treatment though. Go Athrun. Finally I'm starting to like him. With him escaping next episode finally things are getting better with his character. I'm guessing Shinn, knowing that the pilot of Freedom was Athrun's friend was glad he "killed" and was bragging about it and insulting the Kira. That finally set Athrun off, still thinking Kira is death. Speaking ill of the dead is something you don't do. It was long over due but he needed to get beaten the way Camille got beaten by Wong. The scene afterward, Athrun looks like he was ready to go all out. I think he would have won as well since Shinn seem to a raged, ready to go, due to how he gets angry but Athrun appeared angry as well but in more control. The scene where Cagalli was feeding Kira was pretty awww. Which of the two is older anyway? Is she the big sister or little sister?
So it seems like Athrun escapes in a Gouf then. At least Gouf is said at the end of the preview for 36. Now if the previews are saying Athrun goes SEED while escaping and damages Rey and Shinn, it just plays more into the whoel Athrun does better in mass produced suits then in Gundams. Which while nice to see is completely annoying. As for Destiny's storyline taking a dive. Well after the first 7 episodes it did drop and hasn't really climb up I feel. It's more of a taking two steps forward and one step back with each episode. Sometimes one forward and three back. A lot of the episodes are pointless I feel since they never actually add anything to the actual plot or character development. Maybe 5 minutes might advance plot or character development while the rest is simply pointless eye candy it seems, just a reason to show mobile suits being destoryed and I can't stand that. The most important momens of episode 34 took place before the actual opening was shown I feel and that's just plain sad.
Those intersted. Here are before and after screenshots for the graphics upgrade that everyone would get even if they dont' get the latest expansion. Also starting June 22 there is an open preview for the game up till the game is released in July. You have to go to fileplanet to get the key for it. http://ac.turbinegames.com/index.php?page_id=351 Before - After http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/setView...howArticle/3152 http://www.mmorpg.com/images/screenshots/062005/3807.jpg
I was hearing how the Combat Upgrade wasn't been well received. There was just something about EQ2 that stoped me from enjoying that game and made me appericate EQ1 more. Personally I thought Star Wars Galaxies was great before the CU. I didn't see why people made a fuse but they are paying for it now arent' they. Had they just been quite then they wouldn't have gotten the CU. So what if no one had to group, you see many and read about many characters in Star Wars going solo all the time. It's a space opera, not Everquest in space. That's what some people wanted I think without knowing it and now that's exactly what they've gotten and they have to deal with it now. I'm looking forward to Asheron's Call 1 expansion Throne of Destiny. I'm not picking up the expansion until I see some reviews from players and sites but even if you don't buy it you still get the graphics upgrade. There appears to be three levels. Level one is what they have now, level two is the graphics they've shown off in screenshots so far,and level three will be high quality graphics that the expansion owners will get soon after the game goes live. So even without the new landmass, AC1's world is still huge. I've also heard that towns and portal locations have been revamped. Even if the numbers aren't the same as something like World of Warcraft the world of AC1 is a LOT, LOT, LOT more alive the the world of Asheron's Call 2(which is it's major downfall and flaw). I think I'm swearing off SOE games finally. Just to much disappointment in how they are doing things. Vanguard looks interesting but I really don't want to have to overhaul my computer to play it. Perhaps why I'm going to try AC1 again and why I'm playing Ultima Online now(45 free days from the direct2drive.com purchase). I did like the early Everquest but at the same time it was frustrating but that could be more to deal with it being my first mmorpg and being so young when I played and now I'm used to mmorpgs. So it might be worth a shot. Though I actually love it when games have zones to be honest and I'm not sure if Vanguard will have that.
I was hoping Athrun would take Meyrin with him. It's about time someone switched sides already. It's been long over do. Honestly I always thought she was a really under used character. Just to cute it seems. She seems better suited out of the military anyway and more with charaacters like Murrue and Milla and Lacus.
Still it's so out there I could actually seeing it happen. I don't even think Cagalli needed to be in the Strike Rouge to be honest. There was nothing wrong with her commanding her ship in battle. Not everyone needs to be in mobile suit combat. It would have been nice if she got in there and commanded her ship against some ZAFT battleships or kept EA ships away. After all SEED seriously lacked any type of proper fleet battle or ship to ship battle. Even the Dominion vs. Archangel kinda got overshadowed by the Gundams fighting and Mwu taking that blast. All rights, Archangel should be destoryed since that blast should have gone right through Mwu and still hit the Archangel. Then again this is Destiny we are talking about so I guess anything is possible no matter how much sense it lacks.
Isn't that picture of Cagalli fake? In that she has her old piloting suit on, and the image is the same one that was used as a promotional image back when SEED was coming out? Also someone on another forum made a point that if this was the case and something this would already be talked about in an article or at least commented on in model magainzes since Freedom is such a popular model and toy. So it appears fake. She can't even use Strike Rouge properly, how the hell can she handle a Freedom class mobile suit?