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Everything posted by Effect
I think we might finally see some of the PLANTS go down. I must say it's about damn time as well. Earth has already taken the bulk of deaths in SEED and SEED Destiny. It's about time PLANT took some serious hits. Even if that happens the deaths caused by ZAFT are still going to outnumber the deaths on the PLANTs.
Well this is Fukuda we're talking about... Do people in Japan hate this guy too? 313148[/snapback] This is something I really wish we could find out to be honest. I'd love to know what japanese fans think of the guy and of SEED Destiny.
I was wondering about that as well. If they were students or not. If so then guess we are going to have to wait a good amount of time. I think they are up to episode 16 or 17 I think in Japan an only episode 9 and 10 were last subbed. Well checked out episode 7. Nice episode but really hasn't drawn me in at all to be honest. I don't know the show just isn't clicking with me to be honest. I find that kinda weird as well since there isn't anything outright wrong with the show.
I like how the box says "Mobile Suit Strike Freedom Gundam" as if that's the name of the show.
I wouldn't really say that. True Eureka 7 seems like it's taking its time to develop the characters but Aquarion in my opinion does that but at the same slowly deal swith plot as well. So far in AQuarion we do know who found Aquarion, what it can do and is learning to do. As far as Atlantis goes, we know that the Solar Wing betrayed his kind to help the wingless ones(humans). Before that he was with Toma it appears and was extremely powerful. I get that due to the comments those he fights against. We learn with each episode more about the personalities of the characters and some of their background. Aquarion doesn't seem to be in your fact about it's development but it's still there with each episode when you take into account the character's actions, how they interact with each, and actually how they respond to the different test and lessons they are taking and learning. At first I didn't know the point of the lessons but I think that's the actual character development and the reason why the episodes are being done this way. You get to know the characters by their actual experiences and how they act during these events and they get to now themselves it seems. True I'd like to see more about the Fallen(angels) and I hope they show more soon. In fact they might be doing that now, but without fansubs I don't think we'll know. I guess I just like Aquarion's presentation more then Eureka's. SThey have abou the same amount of subbed episodes out. I'll check out 7-10 of Eureka tonight to give it an equal chance, the way I gave Aquarion though.
I don't know. I've watched up to episode 6 so far and it's not really that interesting. I mean the first two episodes were pretty cool. The characters are interesting but really it's not holding my interest. I was hoping I'd see more of Renton learning to pilot or piloting. Yet all I'm getting is him messing around with these kids or being taken advantage of by the adults in Gekko State. Really a let down, even if the mechs are nice to look at and are interesting. The emotion that was in the first two episodes is pretty much gone I feel. The music in Eureka 7 is pretty good though. I love the opening. Aquarion I feel is the better of the two. I really like the character interaction between the characters and the fighting is always interesting, even if a little predictable. I just wish more fansubs were coming out. I guess my taste just go in the direction fo Aquarion this time. Wish it didn't since it seems Eureka 7 still has fansubs coming out.
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"
Effect replied to Skull Leader's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I really don't understand the hype behind the series myself. I've seen the movies and read the first few books. While really enjoyable I still don't understand all the hype behind it though. -
You need to be very carefull if you do a racial strife situation though. You run the risk of offending and alienating the actual fanbase or good parts of it if it isn't done with a LOT of care in a VERY serious and logicial manner. You can't go half-ass on that. While in Japan it might not be a big deal but the second it goes to other parts of the world, it's going to be under at a lot of eyes. You are going to have to make the story as gray as possible, NO one group is going(or should be) painted as "evil". There needs to be good and bad(in equal measure or more good) in each group in the conflict. In fact more of misunderstands might really be the way to go, that way the viewer has a very, very clear picture of what is going on and can easily see how things get out of hand and why things turned out the way they did. It would be a really touchy situation. A story like that would have to be given to someone that would give their all to it. Someone like Fukuda for example would just end up insulting and alienating several groups quite easily. Just look at how he has presented the Earth Alliance so far SEED Destiny. You can not just give one point of view in this. THey'd have to be very picky about who writes and directs a series like this. It would be so much work and trouble I think it might not even be worth doing even though I think it could end up being something great. Yet at the same time it would end uup being horrible. I don't really see a middle ground on this due to the subject matter it would be covering.
Curious, any more word on this?
I've noticed, and a few others have as well, that recently Gundam X and Turn A Gundam have been getting more positive reviews and opinions as of late. At least as forum membes on different forums go. The way that Gundam X's manga has been extended, it seems like interest in it has picked up and been given a fair chance. It really makes me wonder though. With Gundam SEED Destiny being the main Gundam show airing, MS IGLOO, Turn A Gundam(among fansubs), and Gundam X, along with the UC manga released has been getting a lot of attention. I wonder if this could end up being a message from fans in Japan and even outside of it(among those that view GUndam in fansubs and go on to buy licensed versions) to Bandai in what type Gundam material they want to read or watch, compared to what Bandai is giving now(SEED Destiny). It does seem like even though SEED Destiny is out, Bandai has been putting out several other things that are more unlike what Destiny is. You have he Gundam RPG coming out, the Universeal Century MMORPG, the UC mangas, the Gundam X manga, UC OVA, UC Games(true there is a SEED game coming but the UC one seems to be getting the most attention from fans before it's reelase and after). Now even in the fansub community, GUndam X and Turn A have become increasingly popular in the last year or two. Could it be due to people looking for other Gundam fixes due to not being satisfied with SEED Destiny? Maybe I think.
The problem with the Turn A design is a lot of people don't bother to see it in action. They see an image and just jump to the conclusion that it's ugly or whatever and don't bother being opened minded enough to give it a chance. Once you've seen it in action, every forum I've gone to people have said they were wrong about their first opinion and seeing the Turn A in action changed their opinion and it's look didn't bother them anymore. It's kinda sad really that people just look at the design and automaticly write the show off as a result. It does make me wonder just how big the ratio is between those that actually care about the stories in Gundam compared to those that only care about the mechs and the action and don't really give a damn about the story or characters.
I mean from how the world was actually setup. It pretty much snowballs from there and I do think the only reason SEED was decent was because it was a straight up reworking of MSG, some parts were more copies then others. SEED Destiny is very loose in how it takes elements from Zeta, which is why it suffers so badly I feel. The elements taken from Zeta just don't work due to how different the story and context are.
True. There really isn't anything wrong with the SEED universe persay. It's how it's being handled that's the problem. True, get rid of Fukuda and his team and I'm sure wonders can be done with the SEED universe
That wouldn't be a bad idea. A group going off to explore space, a good mix of both naturals and coordinators with two main characters being from each group. No war but exploration. I know people don't like the idea of aliens in Gundam but I really think it's about time to be honest, at least on a small degree. A change is needed and this would be an interesting change for Gunda. You can still have the same elements all the other Gundam shows have had but it would finally be about the human characters working together for a common goal. Still have the angst, uncertainty, the arguements but in the end they dont' fight among each other but try to protect each other from another threat. Though what I'd really like to see is the mobile suits tuned down though. Gundams can still be interestin gbut all these weapons aren't needed. Sick witht he beam saber and rifle or some other type of gun. Make interesting battles, not spam battles or exploding mobile suits. A more adventure themed show like Gundam X would be great I feel.
Turn A Gundam has to be one of the best Gundam series ever made I feel. My number one favorite and pretty high on my overall anime list as well. It's a great example of a very strong character driven story that's not made to sell toys or models. It's pure story where the action helps the story but is not the main purpose or only purpose of the show. A Gundam series, UC or not cause Turn A isn't officially UC, done in this style where it's all about the story(can still have great battles) first and for most would be great and is exactly what Gundam needs, along with a good timeslot for it. If we could have series like that as every other series with the ones before it being just to sell toys then it would be worth it getting series like SEED and SEED Destiny that bring in the toy sales, while shows like Turn A Gundam (where story is first and given the main attention) are shown for those that what great stories. Profit from shows. Isn't a lot of money made via advertisments/comercials that play during time slots or does it work differently in Japan then in the US? I've never seen a fansub that has comercials so I don't know exactly if they are that important to shows. Or could it be that Bandai doesn't care about them and perfer to make money off of toys first and formost. I always figured it was, have a strong show so that more people would watch and more would see the comercials. That way due to ratings you coudl charge advertisers even more money for comerical time thus the show and station making money. Or does that only benefit the station/channel and not the show?
I hope it's a story driven series, not a sell toy driven series. I don't care if it's in UC or CE or anything else. Although having good mech design will be nice too. 312004[/snapback] I agree as well. A completely story driven show would be great. Especially if they don't have anyone related to Fukuda or SEED Destiny's team near it.
Wow that's fast in bringing it over. AnimeNewsNetwork says it will be 50 episodes. I wonder if they will try and make a franchise out of this or once the series is over, leave it alone. So episode 9 is subbed. What episode is currently out in Japan right now?
Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"................. *EDIT* This question was posed after MS IGLOO was discussed. 311868[/snapback] I'm really looking froward to what this new series will be. I just hope they release more information on it soon.
I don't know. Checking out the raw, lets face it I needed to see Strike Freedom in action , the newtype ping for Kira just seems so right. Though when it's used is questionable though. It should have been done before the ZAFT ships opened fire on him, him sensing the danger, not before he let loose his bits and weapons on them.
I've been wondering about this. The show was really starting to get interesting as well.
Like said before, SEED Destiny is a Super Robot show. Now while there is nothing wrong with a Super Robot show featuring Gundams. G Gundam is a good example but it didn't try to hide what it was. It ewas clear and open about that. SEED Destiny has tried to be sneaky and shady about it. Being a Super Robot show trying to pretend to be a "real robot" or "military robot" show. I think SEED Destiny and really a lot of the negative opinions and feelings about the show might have been different if Fukuda and the show itself had been open and truthfull about the shows nature and went at it full force instead of this halfass poo that we've been getting, being one thing but pretending to be something else and failing at both..
I heard Kira finally has the newtype flash while using Strike Freedom. Any truth to this? Edit: Okay here we go. Came form the episode thread over at AnimeSuki
I've been waiting for this. I can't wait.
Actually I have stopped watching it. Then I realized that I like discussing Gundam. So in order to know what I'm talking about in a discussion I check out different parts of the latest episodes. I don't care about the series anymore. It's pretty much a lost cause now anyway. Though I do like talking about Gundam SEED since I did like that. That usually leads to talk about Destiny. I don't hate Destiny 100%. There are elements that are decent but overall, there is more bad then good in my opinion. Even if I do continue to watch it, the parts I do check out, add up to less then 20 minutes of my time which I end up doing something else at the same time anyway.
Ok, there is no way Destiny is even close to the insanity that was the Duck! 310359[/snapback] Y eah. Destiny is far worse. Luna the next Flay? Hardly. Aroudn this time Flay was beginning to deal with her problems. What started off between Kira and Flay as needing equal comfort and her also wanting him pay for breaking his promis in her eyes ended with the two fo them having real feelings for them. Not to mention they both liked each other to a degree before they ended uup on the Archangel. Sorry but the Luna and Shinn thing doesn't make much sense. It seems she's falling for the killer of her sister, while Kira was trying to protect Flay's father. The relationships aren't that similar I feel. Flay and Kira actually made sense and we saw it build. This Shinn and Luna thing doesn't and looks so forced and seems last minute.