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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Last Order was decent but if you've played the game there's nothing new outside of there being more Turks and scenes of Zack and Cloud's escape from the mansion. For the most part if you've played the actual game you've gotten everything else in more detail. Though the fight between Zack and Seph was cool and the scenes actually followed the game though the inside of the Mako reactor where Jenova was located was changed.
  2. Very impressive. The only games I've seen that come near this would be some of the arcade Star Wars games. Though not networked but seem to be similar in setup and view with the large screens and more controls at times. I'd love to play this new Gundam game though to bad I'll never get the chance.
  3. Not even a decent political message. Even that is a horrible mess that it makes no damn sense.
  4. Wow, who ever said that clearly hasn't been paying attention to world events. I hate when people say that the SEED universe is suppose to mirror real world events. Sure after they have twisted, left out certain events to fit their picture. Even then the only thing that is mirror is that the SEED univese is at war and in real life there was a war. Hardly anything is mirror unless you are looking at some very twisted version of events or just generalizing every thing which means you can link it to just about any war that has took place. Would say more but then it might turn political. Still find it weird that some people that watch SEED and SEED Destiny still are confused or just don't even know exactly how the wars in those series started but then go and say things like the post you quoted.
  5. Damn AnimeSource version. Only had the movie had subs, or at least displayed them for me. Ugh. I can't wait to get the dvd though. I though it was pretty good, what parts I saw. I got up until the attack in Midgar where Bahamaut was summoned then no more subs. Checking out the other version. The fight scenes were pretty cool, always good to see the Turks. I like how powers were used but at the same time weren't used all the time. I just hope we see more locations from the game. Hearing the music that plays when you win a battle in the games on the cell phone was a nice touch after Tifa's battle. Also maybe this was talked about later but what is the actual state of the world? I mean other cities and towns. Are they out there and okay? Clearly the city isn't going to be fixed so people had to move out of the area to other places but is there any actual talk in the movie about other areas? Can't wait to see the rest of it.
  6. Damn that was fast.
  7. Like I commented before on the technology aspect. The SEED universe in two series has basiclly blown through about 100 years worth of UC technology(sourced from) in as little as 3 to 5 on screen years. It's insane, especially since they don't even bother attempting to show just why this jump in technology took place or why even certain technology was made. No thought at all was given to how certain technology would logically be used before being introduced. Mirage Colloid system for example. Cloak a mobile suit then cloak a ship. Nothing stopping them from cloaking nukes or other such weapons. The fact that it isn't used (cost being to high is a bs excuse for this universe to use) is one major plot hole that has never been filled cause there is nothing stopping them now. All PLANTs and ZAFT bases on Earth should have been destoryed the second the EA got the plans for the NJC. Things like that just stand out so much in my opinion. No thought was given to this at all. For a show suppose to be getting a lot of money and attention, a horrible job was done on actual planning and common sense. This isn't new though but I'm amazed at the amount of people that haven't even considered this part of the show or act like it doesn't even matter from plot and story points of view.
  8. Haven't never seen Starblazers before the first issue seems pretty interesting. A good mix of new and old characters. Enough information to paint a picture of what kinda happen before but not enough to give everything alway but enough to make you interested in wanting to find out what happen. I do want to check out the series and movies though. Just that whenever the desire to see it comes I'm out of money or the bulk of money is tied up in paying for other things like tution. Like now for example. On the Starblazers's site. http://www.starblazers.com/home.php At the bottom are the images from the remastered dvds of the series(if they were remastered) or from the new web comic or from a new series going to be done? Thinking either one of the first two options but you never know about a new series so that's why I included that.
  9. I remember hearing a while ago that the WWE was going back to USA networks but didn't know about TNA. I've only caught a few of their shows on one of the ESPN channels but always missed it other times cause I was either getting out of classes late or just forgot about. It they are taking WWE's spot on Spike TV then I can finally watch. WWE hasn't been good for years anyway so no harm in getting rid of it for something different. Buying WCW and ECW were the worse things Vince did. No serious competition has made WWE horrible, almost painfull to watch over recent years. At least it was last time I watch but even that was a few years ago with me tuning in once in a while to see what is happening and seeing people I didn't even recognize and others I didn't even care about.
  10. Cool. Looking forward to seeing more of her. Sometimes characters just grab my attention for some reason. Just finished up episode 8 and watching 9 now. Damn this show is good. It just keeps getting better. Not sure if I'll check out the manga. The anime is just so good. I might collect it just to have it in time though. This show has to be one of the most mature and serious anime I've seen in a long time if ever. Mature in the sense that it isn't filled with blood or cursing but in it's presentation(dialogue, actions, emotions, etc) and subject matter. I really wish there was more of this.
  11. Just finished episode 3. Question though. Does the director's daughter Eva ever show up again? Before the 9 year jump she meets with Tenma to want to restart their relationship and clearly he doesn't want to, especially after she treated him. Does she ever show up again later on in the story? If so what is the situation betweeen her and Tenma?
  12. I just checked out the first episode and continuing to download the rest. Can't believe how good the first episode was. It was good to see the inner conflict Tenma went through from just following orders to the end of the episode where he finally stood up and did what he knew was right. Looking forward to episode 2 and the rest of the sereis now. Has the show or the manga been picked up in the US?
  13. Wait so you're telling me Ramius should have stayed in Alaska after Mwu told her the commanders were gone and there was an active Cyclopes there? 323783[/snapback] No, what she should have done was actually inform all of the other ship captains and military personal on the EA side of what was going on as well. Instead she just informed them that the AA was pulling out and to keep up the defense or to fight hard or something to that affect. It was actually Kira when he came down in the Freedom Gundam that informed everyone, both sides, as to what was going to happen if I recall correctly. Murrue was basiclly high tailing it out of there and not even informing her own side as to what was going on when she should have known they also didn't know what was going on. These people did nothing bad to her or the AA but were in the same position as them but she was willing to leave them to die and was basiclly as bad as the EA commanders that used them to lure in ZAFT, yet she has hate for those same EA commanders when she is exactly the same, using the other EA troops to keep fighting so she and the AA can escape when she could have been covering them since the AA was the most advance ship there.
  14. I like that the series isn't focusing on Naruto anymore. Honestly I can't stand Naruto(the character I mean). He was good in the beginning and during the Wave Country arc but once they started using the Nine Tails power as the reason why he wins all the time and doesn't die (he should have died several times already) and has no need for decent tactics killed things for me. A lot of the other characters are far more interesting. Sasuke became a far more interesting character after the Wave Country arc I felt. Seeing as he's the author's favorite character I think this is why he turned out the way he did. Overall Naruto as a series is pretty much boring me and has been for the last year. That's both manga and anime. The manga even after the time skip hasn't recaptured my interest I'm afraid.
  15. Yeah. It was pretty much confirmed SEED Destiny was a Super Robot show the second Shinn started slicing up a EA fleet by himself after the Minerva left Orb. Only to have that information confirmed again and again each time the Minerva or the Impulse went into battle. Though I am a little surprised that some people in other places are just now realizing this when it was extremely obvious in the very beginning I feel. Just like I felt it was clear Gilbert was evil or a "bad guy" from the very beginning but people are only now stopping their denial of him being bad. Weird and sad I think. I was going to download the raw cause I was hoping Requim would fire a second time but seeing as how it doesn't and the battle is basicly horrible with lasting only a few minutes it seems from reports and with the only EA named character being killed I don't see the point in even bothering. Is it me or do the people on AA have no sense of loyality at all? I mean think of the odl AA crew, especially Murrue and Mwu. They fought along side fellow EA members for a long time, trained with them and befriended them. Yet these two people have clearly no problems at all for switching sides and then turning around and shooting these same people. Or leaving them to die(the bitch Murrue for this one due to the poo she pulled at Alaska). How many want to bet that Mwu feels no concern at all if he happens to come across the Girty Lue in space? I bet trying to contact his former second in command won't even take place but I wouldn't be surprised if he opened up fire first on it.
  16. It's that basiclly what Doom is anyway? An actual mix of Aliens and Resident Evil in terms of style and story, at least to a good degree? Not sure what to make of the movie based on this trailer alone though. So going to hold my judgement until I've seen the film. I've never been a big fan of the games away. I just might go see this cause The Rock's in it. I happen to like him as a actor and he's still one of my all time favorite wrestlers even though he doesn't do it anymore. Checking out the new trailer now though. Edit: Just finished watching the new trailer. I SO hope they are for real with this first persion view and not just teasing. That's seems like it's going to go a long way of drawing people into the film. If it goes over well I wonder how long we'll have to wait before it's copied a lot by other films. Gotta say my interest is really peaked now. Seems like they'll actually be able to make this pretty scary or at least shock the hell out of you a number of times.
  17. I just wish the fansubs for the show didn't take so long.
  18. Finally some PLANTs are destoryed. It's about damn time as well. I just hope Dijbril can get another shot off before it's all said and done..
  19. I rememeber watching, it was pretty good. I never really got why it was canceled. I thought it was doing well.
  20. Ah the Mahna Mahna. Things like that is what makes the Muppet Show so great that and Pigs in Space is great. Show does age quite well over time.
  21. Ugh. I want Apollo back leading Galatica's fighter squadrons, not this crap they have him going through right now.
  22. Sweet. It's about time. I love the Muppet Show. Can't wait to get my copy of this.
  23. Wow this sounds like one despressing sereis. . I still might check it out in time. What about the new OVA? How does that end?
  24. Not sure if this has been talking about but what is the point of doubling up on the shielding like this? Wouldn't having a physical shield be kinda pointless if you have a beam shield anyway? So why the physical shield at all?
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