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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. The closest thing to that was the Figure Oh! #77 (I think). It wasn't every toy and model but it was pretty close. Rob
  2. RIP ....man this sucks!
  3. Hey nick, If you want I could probably host those pictures for you. PM me and we can work something out. Rob
  4. Hey EXO...why aren't you a member yet?
  5. hey EXO...you want one? I can get them still.....
  6. The Black Hole Movie ROCKED!!!! It needs it's own pinned thread! Little know fact that V.I.N.C.E.N.T was actually a Power Suit for Guaba. You heard it here first!
  7. The price quoted on the page is 1313 Yen - $11.00. It is Due out this December....Whoa that is next month! Rob
  8. Schweet! Man I really need one of you guys to do a custom for me. Awesome! Rob
  9. Just added the World Hobby Festival Pics. Be warned there is nudity..... Also added links to the Gill-Gill Photo-gallery...insane skills! Rob
  10. Hello All, Just wanted to put in a plug for the on-line forums I have set up. It is still new and I have alot of work to do on it. But it is getting there. What I am mainly trying to do is bridge the gap between Japanses Kit designers and the rest of the world. There will be lots of tutorials from some of the more famous Kit and toy designers here in Japan. I have talked with a few of them and they are all onboard.. Anyway if you get time check it out! ROBOKOCHAN Rob
  11. This thread needs more Valk-Girls! I need a fix.... This is a plea to you polidread!
  12. Sweet! Looks Awesome!
  13. I would use something small....obscure... HAMSTERS! Nobody would suspect a Hamster! Start at the bottom and work my way up....
  14. Man That looks great! I wish that I had the space to display stuff.....stupid Japan and thier Micro houses.... Rob
  15. I have the metal Skull Logo one with the Macross Kite. Best watch I have ever had. It has survived 2 G-Shocks and is still working...while the G-shocks stopped. Can't beat this watch. I wear it proudly!
  16. Jesus people. Normally I don't say anything when I am not really involved. But I have to say something. Why are you acting like babies? Waaaaa Waaa Waaaa. I can understand how Yamato feels. Nothing pleases you. $80.00 a kit is a steal for what John had to do in order to make these things. Do you even remotely have a clue as to how much time it takes? What is involved? NO you don't. You actually think John is like that. You actually think John is trying to "steal" your money? If you had problems, why didn't you take it to PM so it could have been resovled in a decent manner. Nah you didn't think that he may have been more than happy to correct the errors. You didn't even give him a chance. I have business with John for over two years now. NEVER has he just took someone's money, or not cared about the quality of his work. He has always gone out of his way to make the person buying his work happy. Making statements like the one you made about just shows how ignorant that statement was. Shows that you really don't know anything about him. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if he decides not to do anything at all for you people anymore....... Bah it is useless to say anything else....
  17. Are you sure it's in there? Looks like an empty blister pack...
  18. They should have made Pee Wee Herman as the main star in this movie...then it might actually be entertaining.... Title: "Lord of the Kong Hanging From Two Towers - Return Of The Pee Wee" Rob
  19. For me it was when I was a kid. I was flipping through the channels and I came to the PBS Channel. They were not showing Robotech..but Macross. It was the second epidode of the series during a big battle. Valkyries were getting shot up and as one exploded you could see the siluette of the pilot getting incenerated. I was like Whoa.....and I was instantly hooked. Unfortunately my Mom came in later and watched alittle and I was forbidden to watch it....too violent.....
  20. Nice job. How long did it take you to make?
  21. Awesome! Thank You!!!!
  22. I hope you had insurance on that! That is absolutely riduculous!
  23. Looks great (As always!) John!
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