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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. I thought this was hilarious...wanted to share with all. If it has been posted...my bad. VIDEO Right click Save
  2. WOW! That is all I can say! Awesome pics!
  3. Welcome to the boards...nice pics. That valk does look happy to see everyone! LOL
  4. Sweet! That is really cool! You may have opened up a whole new market! Rob
  5. Man sweet collection of kits. Man those are great! I wish that I had space to build and displaythe kits I have.....grrrrr.
  6. Cool and all...this belongs in the Other Anime & SCI FI Section. Rob
  7. That is very strange...
  8. That is just wrong..... Good thing I am moving back to the States.. Rob
  9. To make any model run worth the money..and to keep it cost effective you would need at least 40 orders. Sculpting price.... Mold Making... probably more than once. Silicone and resin... Possible white metal parts... Clear parts.... Boxes... Time...the most important factor. Things to keep in mind. There are alot of talented sculptors here on the boards that could handle a project like this. If the demand is there then it will happen. Rob
  10. Ewwww gives a whole new meaning to Robots in Disquise.... Optimus Prime - "You don't stand a chance against the all powerful Omni Matrix Super Vibrate twisting action!" "I will have at thee!"
  11. Interesting...what is that from?
  12. That looks like that Korean Knock-Off - Space Gandam...
  13. I think that this is something that we can take into consideration. At the moment I do not have the means to finacially support a project like this. I know that if John did do the project he would need the sculpting money up front. I do not mind holding money for people either if that is the course you wanted to take. And just to put a note on the sculpting it in three months...that would probably make it cost more. When you consider when someone works 8 - 12 hours a day just working on one piece..that can be grueling. I think a more feesable time frame for completeion would be about 5 months. I know that there are other projects that will get worked on before this could take flight, so it would probably be about a year before we could start on it. But I cannot comment for what John will do. I will say that if people want it. And the money is there (Not to sound bad or anything...this is his livelyhood), it will get done. Rob
  14. robokochan

    Jm Gbp Custom

    Man that looks really good! Great work! Rob
  15. robokochan

    Valkyrie Girl

    Wow that looks really good! Great Job! Rob
  16. Merry Christmas one and all! What did the monkey get? Well I got ZERO! LOL. But I had a blast buying my kids thier presents. My son is really into Legos ....so I got him a ton. My daughter...surprisingly enough wanted a tool set?!?! So I got her a plastic tool set and just to keep it safe a doll. I hope that everyone has a Happy and safe holiday. Rob
  17. Nope. That is one ugly toy! Rob
  18. Just so you guys know. If anyone wants these I have them. I also have all 3 of the option packs available as well. PM me if you want one. For MW I will give 20% off of the price. Rob
  19. Very nice indeed! Rob
  20. There is only really one picture of the launch rail and truck. Actually the launch rail was made for this kit. Rob
  21. El-Hazard - OVA 1 & 2 - GREAT! - Stay away from the Alternative World - SUCKS! LOGH - GREAT! Ruin Explorers - So - So Lost universe - Don't Know.
  22. Congrats on the marriage! What is Winging?
  23. Excellent job on those kits!
  24. Congrats man! Good Luck with your new life! Rob
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