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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. I disagree with this. There will always be room for modifications and customizations on any model kit. If a high detailed kit came out, most fans would be very happy. Especially modellers who do not have alot of experience making something more detailed. In the post you made above about the 1/48 Strike resin. That is an ultimate detail kit..yet you are going to make it variable. It is a prime example right there. Such as? Building them only or have you worked for a company as a designer? Also you didn't answer my last question. I guess you don't have to I was just curious. If there is another MW member here in Japan it would be pretty cool... Rob
  2. Hey Hobbykits....are you in Japan?
  3. Since Hasegawa was not going to release it..they did make it possible for fans to do the conversion themselves. That is why the plans to do it were released. As far as I know it was done a total of 3 times. I am sure that it is more...it is just that they have never been published. I would like to try it one day....but it will have to go on the pile of the other billion things that I want to get done.... Rob
  4. In May I will be in Wyoming. That is where my family are currently living, so it is the safest place for me to go to first. Still trying to decide where my permanent residence will be. yep the whole clan is coming. Rob
  5. Actually no I am not. And I know exactly what scratch building and resin conversion kits. I have had the priviledge of actually talk with some of the original sculptors of the Hasegawa Models. I have seen the presentation pieces that were submitted for Hasegawa's review. At one point in time they did consider doing it. And some of these designs have appeared in Model Graphix. For what I understand is they scrapped the project due to the cost of making them. It was cheaper in the long run just to keep making the kits the way they are now. Rob
  6. Actually there is. Not for commerical re-sale but the Hasegawa's can be converted to be transforming. I actually have the plans for it alothough I have never tried... And at one point Hasegawa did consider making a transforming Valkyrie based on these designs. (Waits patiently for Hase to reconsider doing this...) Rob
  7. Do you think he will come back? ROb
  8. And a PG VF-1 would cost just about the same as a Yamato as well. When all is said and done most people pay about $130.00 for a 1/48 minus shipping and such. Most new PG kits from Bandai cost about the same...except they would be more expensive to ship. Thus actually costing more money. Plus as stated many times before...not as durable. Rob
  9. I wouldn't cross your fingers for too long...they may get cramped. I really doubt that Bandai will make an SOP Andromeda. I think there is a better chance of them re-issueing the rest of the 1/55 Macross line before they do that.
  10. Hey Nick, I will be staying in the U.S. for a couple of years.... mainly for family reasons. I plan on openeing a Hobby Shop and such. I will make trips back to Japan like twice a year. I just haven't really decided where my final destination is going to be. At first I will be going to Cheyenne WY. But I am thinking on living in Arizona... Rob
  11. Here's one. 1/72 Regult Resin Kit. It is obviously a recast of something (Hope it isn't Cap's Kit) AUCTION Here is the title: dvd ova Macross Valkyrie glaug 1/72 REGULT Resin Figure
  12. Hey guys, Anytime in July would be perfect for me. I am planning on coming back to the States around May, so that would give me plenty of time to get stuff ready. Rob
  13. They should...but won't. And as far as the HCM series ever coming back...well the orginal molds for the toys were destroyed..sooo. I would like to see a Valkyrie done in the metal craft kits that are coming out now. Some of those are really detailed and have a nice weight to them as well. Rob
  14. Will do Nick. By the way when will it be? I will be back in the States no later than May of this year. Also I most likely will be able to bring all kinds of Macross goodies.... Rob
  15. Man I don't know how to play poker at all. Hey Exo could you teach me...?
  16. The Soul Of Popynica Yamato is just about the greatest toy ever created! You will definately not be wasting your money if you buy one of these. I myself have 2. One to display and one to give to my son when he graduates from college. Rob
  17. If anyone wants these....I have them in stock. Rob
  18. I just realized! I will be in the U.S. for this one. I might just be able to go to my first MW Con! But I though Nick was going to host it again? Rob
  19. Is it the double zeros? Anyway Happy New Year Everyone! Take care! Rob
  20. What Graham said!
  21. But Samurai-Monkey will contiue to produce kits...
  22. So has anyone found the easter egg of the Ep III DVD? The one with Yoda Rapping...if not I have that one too. I could put it up. Rob
  23. Glad you all liked it! Rob
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