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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. That is just about the funniest thing I have ever read (How did you know I was making a giant evil robot monkey to try and take over the world? <_< .) However you have the ransom all wrong. I will hold the world at ransom for exactly $80.00! The price to replace my poor VE-1 . And because you demand it I will post some pics when I get home tonight. I live in a Japanese Mansion, and my "Shoe-Box" House is on the 10th floor. It's not too bad. I got the biggest one they had to offer...but still too small and yes you could probably buy a small country for the price I paid for it.
  2. Thanks for all of your symapathy...it is much needed. It was put up high enogh so he couldn't reach it...still wondering about that. Yes I did yell at him...not for breaking the toy but for throwing it off of the balcony, which may have been a accident. If it would have hit someone it probably would have killed them. You would definatly see it on the news and Yamato would have to put a warning label on the boxes I did give him a bootleg valk before. One of the VF-19's. He loved it although it is in pieces now as well. <_< Starting to notice a trend. And I am glad he was playing pilot in stead of Sailor Scout. I would super glue it back together...but I couldn't find all the parts and it was kinda twisted in strange positions....time to just get a new one. Rob
  3. Earlier in the year I started a thread actually praising the Yamato VE-1 when it fell off my bookself. Well it seems as though this Valkyries existance wasfated all along. This sad tale involes a 4 year old child and a balcony on the 10th Floor. Somehow my son managed to get ahold of the only valkyrie I have on display (The Yamato VE-1). How he got it remains a mystery , he has proven to be more clever than I anticipated. Anyway I went into my office (House Office) and noticed that my VE-1 was not there. There were random pieces on the floor. Frist thought..."Damn it fell again." So I start looking for it, under the couch behind boxes ect. Nothing. Only 1 fast pack and the dish. The fast pack was next to my desk and the dish was behind my door. At this point I know my son has it! So I search the house. I find him..."Where is Daddy's toy?" He doesn't reply...this is bad. I ask again...he answers in Japanese....really bad. That means he has done something really wrong. After about 30minutes of talking he finally points to the balcony. At this point fear runs through my body I go out on the balcony of hy house...there is nothing there? Nothing. I go over to the edge and look down. And I see a small spot of gray laying in in the grass. I think to myslef "No he wouldn't have done that....but as much as I denied it...it was true. It was the VE-1. I then went down and tried to find all of the pieces which I could not. Surprizingly enough it wasn't in bad condition. The Back-pack hinge broke, both wings snapped, the tail fin assemble was completly destroyed. Moral of the story. Valkyries cannot survive from a 10 story drop. Second result. I now have VE-1 parts if anybody needs them. Rob MN
  4. Okay I have a suggestion....how about the Minmay Doll inthe Chinese Dress. OR if we want something that cannot be taken seriously, rather comical, ect. Something that we could throw fruit and hamsters at......Macross 7s own BASARA. Wait a minute..that would be like an Anti-Mascot wouldn't it? But I also think Blake_Art's Valk Girls would be good as well. Is this something that we are going to rotate every few months or a permanant one? Rob MN
  5. What scale is it? You could probably get a modle kit of the same scale and use it. Or they may even sell props at a hobby shop. Making one would be very difficult because of the angles and such. Rob
  6. Very nice. I like it!
  7. Since it is the year of the monkey and if you guys do vote for EXO, I would gladly take his place. And yes I do spank the monkey...but only when he is bad.
  8. I would use a Dremmel or a mini saw....exacto knifes work okay but take a looooong time. Rob MN
  9. "...Don't you know you got...Spank the Monkey......" LOL
  10. Oh yeah...BTW I'm all for the mascot thing too....
  11. Dear God No Max...you brought that back from the beyond. Everybody wants to know what happened to the Megaroad One...here is your answer. MINMAY ATE IT! "Mmmmmm Megaroad one in Chocolate and BBQ Sauce....."*slurp*" And that is what I calla getting sucked into a Balck hole at the center of the universe! ROB MN
  12. In DRYL when Hikaru gets back on the SDF-1 and is talking to Minmay in his room, there is a VF-4 Model on Hikaru's side table. Rob mn
  13. Cool Colors! And it comes witha a top. Now who can beat that for a bootleg! I want one too! Rob MN
  14. Man that is ONE BIG Door-Knob if you ask me - I could go with the confetti thing...it just looks...I don't know.....squishy.... Rob mn
  15. Okay I printed the pic out and showed my wife (Yes she is Japanese). This a loose translation as to what is going on. Basically it is the end of the Macross TV Series. The "Actors" want to know what is going to happen next, as Kawamori says they aren't needed anymore. Minmay says - "I just want to sing one more song...." Hikaru is grabing the VF-1S head in defiance.. Kawamori is saying "You guys don't have to do anything anymore...it's over...(loosely - no direct translation) Max is calling Kawamori an "Idiot" The Bridge Bunnies are aiming for Kawamori and the one that is speaking is saying "Impossible!" (maybe) She did say that it was difficult to read and it was "Slang" Japanese - This was probably a private joke among the Studio Nue / Big West group - or even just directed at Kawamori himself. Rob MN
  16. Okay, I have a question about the Mega-Road Class ships. In Flashback 2012 it shows the Megaroad-1 taking off. Oh such a emotional happy moment. Anyway as it's taking off it looks as though there is a waterfall coming from the entire length of the ship. What is that? It's only coming from one side and it doesn't stop. So anyone have a clue about it or was it such an emotional time that the ship itself was crying with happiness? Rob MN This IS a serious question! What is that mystery moisture?
  17. The frist Valk I truly owned was a Bandai VF-1J Re-Issue...once I got that I had to all of the 1:55's. And thanks Mike I now have a VE-1...not built yet, but I still have it! Rob MN
  18. Welcome to the greatest show on earth! We will feed your addiction! You will be "ONE OF US!"
  19. It works it really does!
  20. Welcome to MW! Today is the frist day of the rest of your life.....let the insanity begin! There is a Thread about 1/48 problems pinned in this very section. ROb MN
  21. Man that looks SWEEEEETTTT! I am glad that the 1:55's are gettin' some love again. Outstanding work! Rob MN
  22. It may be on the "Feet" or on the back-side. It would be rather small but there should be markings somewhere on it. It's been a long time since I have had one of those so my memory is a bit foggy. You hit the nail on the head with the pricing...unless you are in Japan and then the price would sky-rocket. Rob MN
  23. It's a Takatoku. You can tell for sure by the stamp brand. Takatoku will be in japanese, and bandai will just say "BANDAI". Rob
  24. Most EXCELLENT! I love it! Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing the pics in teh How to section! Rob MN
  25. Welcome to MW! remember not to look the animals directly in the eyes and you will be okay. Rob MN
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