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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. Hello All, I cannot get Yamato Parts anymore. Yamato isn't releaseing the individual parts for sale anymore. I am sorry but I just can't do it. Yamato basically ignores my requests for parts. And even on the last order they gladly accepted my money but didn't send the parts. I do not mind others using this post to offer parts but please make it clear that it is not me offering the parts. Thanks Rob
  2. Actually that is not true. When you submit a kit to be licenced, the frist question they ask you is "How many do you want to sell?" Then they base that number against the price you want to sell it for. This amount dictates how much you have to pay the compny issuning you the sub-licence. 20 is the average that most people accept so they don't have to pay higher royalties to the company. If you want to sell 50 or 100, then you have to pay more money to the company issuing the licence. BW or other companies do not set a limit. Wonder Festival does limit the amount of kits you can sell if you are new. If you return the following year you can sell more. Basically a resin kit designer will choose to make a limited amount of his item so he can charge more. If you are a larger company than you do get special consideration. Basically when you get issued the stickers you have to pay the money then. Doesn't matter if you actually sell the kits at the event or not. As far as Macross kits go at the Festivals, we may see an extreme decline in the amount of kits released. BW is limiting the amount of Stickers issued from now on. I have already applied for a re-issue of the licence for my Pod and they have basically said NO, and this stems from the current legal issues going on. I would imagine that until it is settled. I personally am hoping that this is lifted sometime soon as I want to get other kits licenced. Rob MN
  3. Hello All, They probably came in yesterday. I will be going to the toy shop today to see. Once I do I will post here the shipping totals. Rob MN
  4. All of the above.
  5. I am from Florida.... But now I reside in JAPAN! ROb MN
  6. Cool story...interesting read. If they actually did make the movie like that it may be tolerable. But if they did...the movie would be longer than LOTR The Return of the King....but interesting. maybe ol George should get whoever wrote that to write the scripts. Rob MN
  7. Man Jesse! Those look simply amazing! Rob MN
  8. Wow! Cool Custom! You did a great job with that. Are you going to do more customs? Rob MN
  9. Hey Jesse, Looks simply amazing! Outstanding work my friend! Rob
  10. Wow! Excellent find! Just curious...for $2.00 shipping, how long did it take to get to you? I am seriously thinking about getting some stuff from there. Rob MN
  11. Man those are sweet! Thanks for the pics! Rob
  12. I haven't gotten them yet. But I have also not recieved any delay notices. So they should be here this month. Knowing yamato it will probably be the last day of the month . As soon as I get them in I will post it here and send everyone a PM. Rob MN
  13. It's nice work and all.....but ...uh.....what are you going to do with it? I assume that is your garage and it is almost touching the ceiling. Are you going to display it in front of your house or lay it on it's back in your garage? Rob MN
  14. That is too funny! But she is kinda cute..... If this sells I am going to try it as well
  15. Man I did not hear about that! I tell you ...that Pikachu is EVIL! Rob MN
  16. Now that is truly absurd!
  17. Congrats Kevin! Rob MN
  18. Spiff, I agree that his business practices are not at all desirable. I personally do not have an order with him....I am just trying to help out as a contact in Japan. While I do feel that you have a right to be angry but let's not give Jesse any more stress than needed. I know that Jesse has tried extremely hard to get this situation resolved as quickly as possible. And I know that the situation will get resolved. Tanmen has said that he will complete things by this coming April. I will make as many calls to him as necessary, I will even go as far as to go to his office if needed. It is only a two hour train ride away. Rob MN
  19. (Heavy Sigh) I'm Gamlin....
  20. Very Nice indeed! Better than I could do! Rob MN
  21. man everbody else spends way more than I could ever dream of doing. The most expensive toy I have ever bought was the VT-1 1/55....and paid about $400.00 for it. Then I bought an autographed Gold Movie Book for $400.00. Sold both of them though... Currently the most expensive toy I have bought (That I still have is) a B-Club resin Kit of the Android from Mario M-66 Black Magic (mario). I paid about 14000 yen for it MIB un-assembled. And the Space Battleship Yamato Soul of Popynica - Big Scale - $198.00. ROb MN
  22. Letter has been translated. I will send the info to Jesse and let him post it. I also called TANMEN and verified the information he wrote. Info is coming soon. Rob MN
  23. Too Funny! Priceless! Rob MN
  24. Hey Guys ...do you think we could actually get a list going of who is really going to buy this thing? That way we could at least figure out how much this thing is going to cost everybody. Just a suggestion. ROb MN
  25. Looks Awesome! Now make a 1/1 scale Mylene Jenius! Okay maybe not 1/1 but I would settle for a 1/2. Rob MN
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