Actually that is not true. When you submit a kit to be licenced, the frist question they ask you is "How many do you want to sell?" Then they base that number against the price you want to sell it for. This amount dictates how much you have to pay the compny issuning you the sub-licence. 20 is the average that most people accept so they don't have to pay higher royalties to the company. If you want to sell 50 or 100, then you have to pay more money to the company issuing the licence. BW or other companies do not set a limit. Wonder Festival does limit the amount of kits you can sell if you are new. If you return the following year you can sell more. Basically a resin kit designer will choose to make a limited amount of his item so he can charge more. If you are a larger company than you do get special consideration. Basically when you get issued the stickers you have to pay the money then. Doesn't matter if you actually sell the kits at the event or not.
As far as Macross kits go at the Festivals, we may see an extreme decline in the amount of kits released. BW is limiting the amount of Stickers issued from now on. I have already applied for a re-issue of the licence for my Pod and they have basically said NO, and this stems from the current legal issues going on. I would imagine that until it is settled. I personally am hoping that this is lifted sometime soon as I want to get other kits licenced.
Rob MN