Thanks Jesse for starting this thread. I will just add to the info.
It will be in 1/72 scale and it will be fully compatible with the 1/72 Hasegawa VF-1 line.
We are going to try and make it as easy to build as possible. The main body will be sold resin. We may try to lighten it a bit but our attempts in the past have failed and made the model weak. So most likely it will be almost all resin like the Fighter Pod and the Glaug Booster.
The Valk will be able to sit inside of the booster. We will try to make it so the valk can be removed. Keep in mind itis still inthe concept stage.
We will use Hasegawa VF-1 Battroids' legs for the undersection. They will be made out of resin, and will come up flush with the VF-1 Model kit.
I am not sure of the cost yet. But I will try to keep it as cheap as possible.
Right now I am going to guage the intrest in this kit. If you want one please post how many you would like to get. This will help me judge the amount of molds that will be needed once the sratch model is built. It will also save on the cost of the kit.
The people on this list will have priority to get the kit. Once the kit is finished I will produce only a few more.
I will try my best to get this completed quickly.
Request List:
Myersjessee - 2
Grayson72 - 1
tsuyoshi1 - 1
Kurt - 1
007-vf1 - 1
ChristopherB - 2
Noyhauser - 1
Penguin - 1
to177 - 2
Lo-pan - 1
wwwmwww - 1
flash - 2
rkiyo - 1
gnollman - 2
wm cheng - 1
dyowelb - 1
Ranger565 - 1
unsped - 1
Batou - 1
Tristan Lindo - 1
flyboy - 1
neptunesurvey - 1 or 2
THOR - 1