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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. I will give TANMEN another call tomorrow. I will post the results directly to Jesse. Rob MN
  2. I think it is because Ostrich is just a cool name for a plane. It would seem kinda silly if it was called the VT-1 Super Chicken. (Something else that runs away from fights...only smaller....but tastes kinda good.) Rob
  3. Here you go. Not the best but my first attempt. Took off the front landing gear for the in-flight look. ROb
  4. The Ghost from the TV Series. Nope I'm Da Pimp! Rob
  5. Okay now that is just wrong! Was it really necessary for the close up <insert vomit emoticom here> Rob mn
  6. Update: The Scratch Built project will be finished by next week. Hopefully I will be able to post some pics up by this weekend. This goes for the Ghost as well. Rob MN
  7. The word is "pimp". Now I just need to get one of those pimp hats for my monkey suit! Rob Well... somebody had to do it. This just became my new avatar...hope you don't mind
  8. One Sunday moonlit night, a tiny egg lay on a leaf. The suddenly with a POP, out came a very tiny, very hungry catapiller. On Monday he ate through one Red Apple. But he was still hungry. On Tuesday he ate through two oranges. But he was still hungry. On Wednesday he ate through three plums. But he was still hungry. On Thursday he ate through four pears. But he was still hungry. On Friday he ate through one ice cream cone, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one piece of cake, one watermelon, one lollipop, and one slice of cheese. Later that night he had a terrible stomachache. But on Saturday he ate through one nice green leaf. He felt much better after that. The next day was Sunday again. The tiny catapiller was no longer tiny, but one big fat catapiller. He built a small house around him called a coccon, and stayed in there for more than two weeks! Then he nibbled a small hole in the cocoon and pushed his way out. What was he? HE was a beautiful butterfly! M7 or The hungry Catapiller...it's just about the same. Except M7 has Valkyries and singing. Rob MN
  9. Hey Hatrist, Why don't you just go ahead and make a thread in the Wanted or Dealer Announcements section. If it catches on then it might have a good chance of getting pinned. Just a thought. Oh yeah...sorry for going to Off-Topic in your thread It just kinda happened. Rob
  10. Here's Mine. latitude 34.6697 34ー 40' 10" longitude 129.4691 129ー 28' 8" Good Old Osaka Japan! Rob MN
  11. Honestly I don't think anything surprises them anymore. They just say " Oh look there goes Rob Sensei again......." (insert some strange behavior here). Rob
  12. Wow you don't know who Mika Tan is? She is kinda hard to miss!
  13. The word is "pimp". Now I just need to get one of those pimp hats for my monkey suit! Rob
  14. Whoaaa! That is too cool. Hello everyone welcome to the future!
  15. I think it would be a great idea. Yes there is a WHERE TO BUY on the main page, but it hasn't been updated in a long time. I am a vendor of sorts, but mostly I consider myself as a service provider if that makes sense. ROb
  16. I agree with most of what you said. But one way they could get their fighting spirt is through the Kick-Ass Video Games that are out now. I mean when I was a kid we had Asteriods and Berserk. Rob MN
  17. robokochan

    Hikaru Magic Cycle

    Too Funny! We need to bring back the Funny Poses thread. That thing rocked! Rob
  18. Man that is alot of LEGOS!
  19. Oh Man! Nipple Cream ROCKS! I use it everyday! Wait...did I just say that out loud? ROb
  20. Okay Folks! It's Update time! Sorry about my lack of replies here lately...it is really hard to juggle a more than full time Kindergarten Job, Moving to my newly built house, and doing auctions so on and so forth...... Okay now for the update...and I will have some pics soon. (As soon as he lets me take them. He's shy.... Anyway what I have seen is a work of art! It is coming along very nicely. We decided to go with the Super Valkyrie Hasegawa (As suggested in this Thread). Okay now for the completion date. The scratch built version will be completed by Mid-May at the latest barring any unforseen mishaps. The molds may even be finished by that time as well. Since it is GOLDEN Week here in Japan, I have an entire week off to work on this. And work I shall! I want to get this out as soon as possible. Oh yeah and the GHOST will be done at the same time. Thanks for your patience! Rob
  21. Just an update. Next week is Golden Week here in Japan. It is a National Holiday in which everything (and I mean everything is closed), but it should not affect my normal shipping day. However mail may be slow. I have also gotten a report from the Post Office that mail going to the US will be delayed because of the HOMELAND SECURITY thing...whatever that is. So even though it is EMS it may take alittle longer to get the package. Sorry for the inconvience. I want to try and finish this up by next week. Some of you have PM'd me again with requesting your totals again. I will get to them as soon as possible. If by some chance you have not heard from me after today please contact me by E-Mail - monkeynugget77@hotmail.com Rob
  22. It took a big dump? I think US $17,100.00 is pretty darn good for a used wedding dress!
  23. Very Nice! Very nice indeed!
  24. Looks awesome Chad! Excellent Job!
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