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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. Not at the moment. I don't have any poured right now and I am trying to complete other projects. I may get a few more made up but the chances are very (very) slim. I am going to use what resin I have left to complete the Valkyrie Booster and the Ghost. Those will be the final projects. The Glaug Booster and the Zentradi Fighter Pod will probably not be re-done again. Rob MN
  2. Hey Mods when you get time could you please un-pin the Clear Fast Packs Order Thread in the Toy Secdtion. It is just about wrapped up and doesn't need to be pinned anymore. Thanks Rob MN
  3. I have alot of them. Never could sell them. if you want one just send me a PM. ROb
  4. Project is back on track again, alittle delayed but back on track. Nothing a 240lb angry American couldn't handle. As soon as I can get a completion date I will let everyone know. Rob
  5. Thanks for the support. we will get something worked out as soon as I get the kits from the guy. Those of you who were lucky enough to get the Glaug Booster and The Fighter Pod, hold on to them. they have just become very limited models.! Rob
  6. Okay here is the story. For some reason or another this guy didn't pay rent. Even after we gave him money to do it, and paid him for the stuff we were having him do. I do not have it in my possesion ...yet. But I will this weekend. As for the Ghost...it is in limbo. I was told it was finished but have yet to see it. My trust in this guy is fading fast...actually it is gone, along with alot (and I mean alot) of money. I will see him this weekend and get the details. Like I said I just need someone to make molds and cast it now. I have asked him to take pictures repeatedly. Anyway this willbe the last project from Angry Monkey Models, until I learn to cast that is.... A very sad Rob
  7. Sorry about a delay in replying. The project has run into a bit of a snag. It is not dead. Turns out that the guy building it didn't pay his rent and was evicted. I was trying to track him down. Found him and he has finished the kit. Now I just need someone to cast it and make molds. Hopefully I can find someone in the U.S to do it so it saves on the shipping. Any volunteers? Rob
  8. I will post more on my site. Sorry there wasn't more Macross. He didn't get a chance to take many pics because of all the people and time restraints and finally people yelling at him for taking the pics. He said the Yamato guy looked like he was going to burst a vein or something. . here is a final shot of the Pinky St. Girls. man they are cool! I hope they do some of these figures of macross! Thanks Rob MN
  9. The decals and runners..
  10. It's backside...(get your minds outta the gutter! )
  11. The VF-0B...just stunning!
  12. Heres the Milia Figures....
  13. heres one motre of the Monster..sorry about the blurriness...the cas was in the way and the Yamato Guy was yelling at people...
  14. here you go graham!
  15. Have pics of the show. Will post them tonight. Rob
  16. My partner may be going to this. If he does I will post the pics he takes. I will talk to him tomorrow. Rob
  17. robokochan


    Why on God's Earth would you want to do that. Frist off the VF-1's never had light up heads. Second this isn't Robotech... Please please don't ruin a perfectly good 1/48.... Rob MN
  18. Hello All. I want to conclude this by next week. I have limited space in my office and ned to make room . For thosde who haven't paid the shipping I will PM you again. If you no longer want the Clear Fast Packs I can give a refund of the Clear Fast Packs price, minus the $10.00 for the book. Rob MN
  19. It should be. I don't think it would be a problem. Rob
  20. Heres a scan of the side of the box. This show the combinations with the full armor.
  21. I was wondering if anyone else has seen the new Animation (I think) called GET RIDE! AMDriver. I was just in TRU today and I saw the toys...figured what the hell. Plus my son was screaming for me to get it for him. (To my surprise he wanted this over the Deka Ranger toys!) Basically today I bought AMJacket 01 and Amjacket 04. They have the coolest helmets. On to a semi review. The basic packs come with 3 sets of changable hands. One Gun and One Battle Knife and a Surf (Sky) Board, that doubles as a shield. These things are really articulated! I count 22 points of articulation! The toy itself stands about 4 inches tall and is very sturdy. Great for play! My impression of the toy is that the creators (Without having seen the animation yet) combined Mospeada Ride Armor and mixed it with Bubblegum Crisis. These figures are great for possible custom projects. Which is what I am going to try and do. I plan to try and make a complete set of Bubblegum Crisis Armor out of them. Draw Backs. The figure doesn't stay wellon the Surf Board. It needs anothor foot peg in the front. Also they are not as detailed as the boxes show. Other than that excellent toy! I belive there are a total of 5 in the series. They also have Add-on Armor and other specialty sets. You can buy them as a set or individually.
  22. OMG! I am MINMAY! Stupid Quiz....
  23. The Takatoku's did not have Die-Cast Nose Cones. ROb
  24. Just got off the phone with TANMEN. I have sent an E-Mail to Jesse detailing the conversation. There will be an update soon. Rob MN
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