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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. My condolences. Rob
  2. Okay, Here are some of the details. It is being built from scratch again. I have to check on a few things before we can start it. But what I can confirm is. It will be built by John Moscato. So high quality is not an issue. Thanks John!! It will be hollow an highly detailed.. It will be compatible with the Hasegawa VF-1 Super Kit (pending designs) In the future if enough people get them, there will be a launch vehicle made as well. I will have full details in the new thread. Give me a day or two and all will be revealed. Plus something to make all MWers happy! Rob
  3. project is back alive with a twist and the serious help of our fellow MW members. I will start a new thread with all the info.... Rob
  4. Thanks for your support (as always). Basically what is going to happen is, well i don't know. Try to recover. Who knows he may magically fix everything and have it for me next week. But it is unlikely. I no longer trust him. Also turns out that he lied about the Ghost being finished as well.... Oh Well lesson learned. Never pay for a contract service up-front, or at least until the project is almost finished. I think I will just make it myself...I can do it. rob
  5. Hello All I bring sad tidings to this project. Yesterday was the completeion date of the Booster. It was finished. Completed. Ready for re-casting. However due to circumstances I can't even begin to understand, it is broken. The excuse given to me was that he let a friend look at it and they dropped it. I have been told that it will take a month to make a new one. Which means I have to buy more supplies for him to make it. I have already spent $1500.00 on this project so far and what I have is a pile of putty and styrene. I cannot afford to re-finance this project. He says he will start on it again with what he has....but unfortunately I don't believe him. It has taken every ounce of willpower I can muster to remain calm when speaking to this gentleman. Anyway I have told him that I will not give anymore money to this....and if by some chance he manages to do it I will start a new thread. I offer an apology to all of those who were looking forward to this, I just wanted to provide something that had never been done before. Again my Apologies. Rob
  6. WTF????? Check this out! AUCTION I guess this is a new aproach... And this is off... BUTTMAN
  7. I have seen a few of them. There should be a Big West Sticker on the outer box (Card-Board Cover). They were offered at one of the Dealer Toy Conventions and were for display only. If my memory serves it was a lottery type deal. Rob
  8. Looks Awesome Jesse!
  9. Hello All, Jesse has okay'd me to post the update directly into this thread. So my wife just got off the phone with TANMEN. Sad to say he has not mailed the kits out yet. He told us that he was very busy working on Konami projects and was unable to get them to the Post Office on the promised day. When asked when he could do it he said that he didn't know. Of course that was unacceptable and my wife let him know just that. So here is basically what is going to happen. To help smooth this process along, (And being extremly frustrated) I told him to just send me the kits. I will in turn send them out promptly. He said he is going to send the resins and a refund check for the shipping. He can have them sent to me without having to leave his house. But to send it via EMS he has to take it to the Post Office, which according to him he hasn't had time. He will be sending them to me on the 20th of this month. I hope that this is acceptable to all who are involved. I know that I really have no part in this but I would like to make sure this finishes okay. Rob MN
  10. The Yahoo Auction Service will be down for awhile. Basically I have no capital to keep it floating between buying thng and recieving payment. Until I can get my own account it will be dead for awhile. There are many things I am trying to recover from at the moment....a big one is this resin project. However if there is something you are looking for just e-mail me or PM me. I can try to find it without using Yahoo Japan. My resources are expanding every day. Rob
  11. I am hoping both of them will be finished at the same time. The priority is the Booster. Since I invested to most money in that But Maybe he will surprise me and have both of them finished... Rob
  12. Well it is update time. I have been told that this will be finished next week. I was told by Tuesday Japan time. If it is completed I will be posting pics and taking pre-orders for the kit. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and it will be finished. As some of you may know this will be my last venture so I want to go out with a bang. Rob
  13. Yep they absolutely do. They pay girls (and guys) to bring in thier undergarments, photograph them taking them off so the are garunteed fresh, seal them in plastic and put them in a bag with a photo of the girl. They usually sell for about $30.00 - $50.00 depending on the age of the girl. Plus they also sell things that are too gross to even think about.... Rob MN
  14. Can you please not do this. At least not now. There are people here who still have pending transactions with the person who created this kit. It is great that you want to help out the MW community but right now this may hurt more than it would help. And these are the people who would be interested in this product. I hope you are not offended by this post. But the situation in which I speak of is almost resolved. But if by chance the person who created the kit reads this and gets offended you may end up hurting many members here. Rob MN Edited for spelling
  15. Just to let everyone involved know. I will be calling him again to see what has happened. I will post the results to Jesse as soon as I get ahold of him. Hopefully by this weekend. Rob
  16. I have done business with them. Fast Service and quick with communication. Also their shipping isn't half bad either. Good Store. Rob MN
  17. Hello All, Sorry about the lack of updates. I have been super busy with work and taking care of my wife (She is due next month with a new bouncing baby monkey). I wish I had news on the Booster, but I don't. It is sad to say that the guy making it has gone missing in action again , and short of actually breaking into his apartment I can't get anything. It isn't dead...I have invested too much into it and come hell or high-water I will see it finished. Rob
  18. I think you should say "years"......YF-19 FP
  19. Man that looks simply AMAZING! So what do you plan to do with it once your students have finished it? Will it go on display at the school? Rob MN
  20. Congrats Graham! Rob MN
  21. My dot isn't there...Osaka Japan.. I must be a stealth monkey
  22. Wow I made the list. However I am not the actual one making the Valk Booster. It is almost finished.....ran into a few labor issues with the guy building it for me , but it is back on track and should be finished early in this month. Hopefully I can get some pictures of it this weekend to post. Rob MN
  23. THAT IS SO FRIGGIN' COOL! Excellent job! I think this is one of the best customs I have seen. Please please post more pics! Rob
  24. Sweet Job Sam! And the paint job on those spread legs is awesome! Look forward to seeing it fiished. Rob
  25. Wow! Great Job! Looks excellent! Rob MN
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