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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. Cool game kinda...
  2. Got it...Love it! Highly recommended! Rob
  3. Nope only Hong Kong. But I also found out that if I go to a larger post Office I get to avoid the questions...but I still have to fill out the additional paper work which is a pain. ROb
  4. hello to all involved, My wife just got off the phone with TANMEN in an hour long conversation. basically what it comes down to is he said he will send the models to me by next week. If by chance he does not follow through, I will have another call placed to him. So I sincerely hope that he follows through. I know that he has been given many opportunites to fufill his comitment to those who purchased something. It is my sincere hope that this will be finished soon. Rob
  5. Don't worry about Shawn. He will be taken care of...it's his website Rob MN
  6. I have updated the frist post with clearer instructions for the raffle. Rob
  7. Can't see the pic. Man it is really stealthy
  8. That is a plan. We are going to shoot for WF winter 2005. And I do believe with 99.9 % that John is the first one to build it. (Successfully that is) Rob
  9. That does look really nice...do some panel lines in light gray and it would be rockin! Rob MN
  10. Thanks for the screen caps CDR Fokker! Wow teh booster itself is actually white. I could have sworn that it was light gray and dark grey, or even a Low Vis Style.. Anyway I would like to thank everyone for thier support and especially thank John for his amazing skill, attention to detail and last but not least his supurb creativity! Thank You for making some of our dreams come true! Rob
  11. Spoke to my wife and had her call now. He is not home at the moment and we were told to call back around 8'00 pm. I will make the call and post the results in this thread. Rob
  12. My apologies for the lack of information. I am planning on calling him again to find out what is wrong..or what happened. I want my wife to make the call as she can communicate with him without mis-understandings. She just got out of the Hospital from having our baby...so I am not going to ask her to do anythng right now. I hope you can understand. Rob
  13. Also I would like to mention we are now accepting pre-orders for the kit. I have posted a thread in the For Sale section...so get 'em while they're hot! I also have a favor to ask. We are trying to figure out the color-scheme of the Booster. Is there anyone out there who could get a screen capture from the TV series? It would be much appreciated. I know there used to be a color picture floating around of the booster. I don't know if it was offical or fan-based..but if anyone had that... Thanks Rob
  14. Simply beautiful John! Rob
  15. Well the post office here in Japan just opened up after the O-Bon vacation. I make my trip to mail out items as usual. Packages to America....No problem Packages to UK.....No Problem Packages to the Philippines....No Problem Package to Hong Kong....Red Flag...Stop.....problem. I guess it turns out that Japan is cracking down on boot-leg items. So anything that goes to Hong Kong now...you have to jump through hoops, fill out additional forms and have your package re-opened and inspected. And they are not very gentle about it either. Luckily nothing was damaged. Questions: 1. How often do you send items to this person? 2. Have you ever mailed items to this person before? 3. What is the purpose for mailing this item to Hong Kong? (??????!!!!!!) There are a few more but I can't think of the exact wording right now..... Prior notice to this change woud have been nice since I am that particular Post Offices best customer. But no warning or notice. This is the kicker. Afte they document everything...and I mean everything..they have YOU repackage the item and seal it. then they send it off like nothing happened. So now they have all of this documentation...great. So they are cracking down on botlegs...great. I applaude them. But if they feel it is such a big deal then why do they allow the package to continue to go out? And I asked this question. Here is the response I received after waiting for almost 30 minutes. If a company complains to the government that a item is being copied in Hong Kong, they take all the "invoices" and find out who is sending items there, then they investigate it. HELLO! MOST OF THESE ITEMS ARE ALREADY BEING MADE IN HONG KONG ALREADY! WAKE UP! Grrrrrr! That was the stupidest answer I have ever heard. These toy and model companies kill me (as well as others non-toy related). Blame everybody else except for themselves. If they are so worried about it now then they should move their factories back to Japan and manufacture items there. So basically what it comes down to is that if I send an item to Hong Kong now, it happens to be copied by somebody, and that company complains to the government, then I have a chance of being investigated. Man you gotta love this backwards country, good intentions...once again the wrong way to do it. Like trying to kill an elephant with a BB gun..... I know this is not really related to toys, but there is not really a forum for shipping and this does kinda relate to toys and models...sorry MODS if this is in the wrong place. Rob
  16. Check the main site...there is an exstensive list of Macross related models, toys, books ect. SHE Rob MN
  17. Whooaaaa! It's a FAN YANG! You don't want to mess with a Galaxy Defender that comes with a Fan Yang...there is no defense....the ultimate weapon! (Ducks super bubble beam emited from the Fan Yangs multi-orificed moisture shooters... )
  18. Noel has one for sale right now. price is very good too. YF-19 1/100 WAVE Rob MN
  19. Congrats on winning the contest!
  20. So where is this place? Come on share the secrets.
  21. Well he just paid..and fairly quickly as well. Edit: Whooohoooo my 1000th post
  22. Hey John, As always...late to the party. Words can't describe how beautiful that is....I am speechless! Rob
  23. Hell all, It is with great pleasure that I announce the birth of my baby girl! Her name is Arisu Pamela and (to me) she is absolutely beautiful! She has all of her fingers and toes and is all around healthy and very very loud. Man was she pissed to be taken out of that nice comfortable place.. Sorry for the brief post, just wanted to let everyone know why I have been so scatter-brained lately! Rob MN Sorry Mods I know this is off-topic but if you could leave it up for awhile...
  24. Man this guy is bidding on one of my auctions....should I be worried??? Rob MN
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