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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. My site is back up. You must have gone when I was updating it. Sorry about that. Rob
  2. Oh yeah the Artmic Design has mostly Mecha and Character Designs. The ship designs listed are the Paranoid Starships. ROb MN
  3. I have the Artmic Design Works Book. If you are interested drop me a PM. It does have alot of Gall Force Mecha Designs in it. Rob
  4. That is amazing! So did you put a pillow under the Valk when you frist tested it? Rob
  5. Amazing work as always John! Actually at the moment it is very afordable. Check out our website. Rob
  6. YOWZA!!!! Man she is nice!
  7. Now that is friggin hilarious!
  8. For the love of Pete...please re-size those pics. Thank you for the new pictures..but took forever to view.... Rob
  9. Very Cool Game. The sound does go in and out. I personally suck at games and a nice feature would be to give a little leway when your new guy appears. I don't know how many times I died before I even got a shot off. LOL All in all great game, good graphics and sounds. Rob
  10. Hello All, For all of those who are interested in getting the Tachikoma. Pre-Order are now being accepted on my web-site. Just click on the link in my Sig. and look in the GITS section. Rob
  11. Very Very Nice! Man I wish I could paint kits as well as the peole here. That is just AMAZING! ROb MN
  12. You will be able to order very soon. Basically as soon as the molds are finished. Rob
  13. That looks sweet Jesse! Thanks for sharing! Rob MN
  14. Nice! Thanks for the link! Rob
  15. Hey Everyone! It's UPDATE TIME! The Tachikoma is almost finished! I have a few new pics up on my site. But here is a teaser! In alittle over a week the whole project will be finished. Rob
  16. Man that does look good! So where is MYLENE?!
  17. I know.... It's a bunch of resin pieces on a cutting mat.
  18. Prolonged exposure to the sun light WILL damage your monster. But any and all burns can be remedied with alittle ointment. If you do burn your monster carefully rub the ointment on the affected areas of your monster. Applying the ointment can be achieved by rubbing the ointment in a horizontal fashion along the length of your monster. Make sure to apply it evenly and mulptiple coats if necessary. After a day or so your monster will be completely recovered. Then once again you will be able to unleash your monster upon the world. They are durable but like with any expensive toy must be handled with respect and care. Rob
  19. man I thought we were talking about a toy?!? P nis just sounds sooo dirty.
  20. macross ( 921 000 results) versus robotech (1 080 000 results) The winner is: robotech
  21. And dont forget to wash and wax your monster after extended use......if you don't it could rust. If yellowing occurs see a specialist immeadiately!
  22. "Don't play with your monster too much or you will go blind...... " Damn where is the keyboard.....I can't see it anymore.
  23. Man that is kinda freaky looking. Is there a bigger pic or more of them? Better yet is this a member here? Rob
  24. That is very interesting. I sincerely hope that Bandai does finish up their line up. I would love to get my hands on the GPB, VE-1, VT-1 And Strike. I have heard similar rumors here in Japan about the possibility of Bandai releasing the rest of the line. Nothing solid, but we may see some more Bandai Valks in the near future. ROb
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