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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. hey melissa, Yup I scanned it...but not well. I have alot of cleaning up to do with it...gahhhh. kinda did it in a hurry so I could get the book to you. Also just so everyone knows. I will be taken down the book for awhile. My auction site got hacked and they really messed up everything. I am also trying to format them better so I can put more stuff up. Rob
  2. The last part has been uploaded. Rob
  3. Very expensive. I have seen them sold for $70.00 or all the way up to $300.00. Rob
  4. No problem at all! I have a ton of space that I am not really using..... Which brings me to my next suggestion. If people want to scan thier Macross Books. I can host them for everyone to enjoy. Rob
  5. Okay just got another E-Mail from Chas. There is one more section I need to upload. I will try to have it done sometime today. Rob
  6. Okay I also posted this in the on going thread, but i felt it deserved to be in the first post so everyone could find it easily. First off....special thanks goes out to Chas for taking the time to scan all of this. And so here it is. www.samurai-monkey.com All you should have to dois click on the SM logos and Save. BTW these files are big. The are zipped, and when you unzip them they are in PDF format. Enjoy. Rob Edit: Spelling
  7. Okay Everyone. Here it is! Enjoy! FLASHBACK 2012 Rob
  8. Actually....No it is not in stock. But I am working on it.
  9. Just to let everyone know, I have updated the samurai-monkey.com website with new pics. Just got a batch from John a few minutes ago. If you have time check em out. Rob
  10. I seriously doubt it. It looks as though yamato is backing away from all things Macross. Plus the fact the the 1/48 line did better for them than the 1/60 line IMO. If anything they would re-release more 1/48's.
  11. Man that Monster Girl totally rocks! Man keep them coming! Rob
  12. Actually it ended at $355.00. I guess someone cancelled a bid. Anyway just to let everyone know what the gift was.....I took $50.00 off of the final shipping price. Rob
  13. Just t let everyone know. The SM website has been updated with more pics. (Sorry it took so long....) You can access it by clicking on the link in my sig. Rob
  14. And there are a few more pics here! samurai-monkey.com Rob
  15. As for producing this. At the moment I dont have the time to head up a project like this. And as John has stated we have to make it as risk free as possible. Also right now my life is alittle chaotic. So I will be on and off the boards. Rob
  16. Heck they should just name it : "Everything Else but the kitchen sink....but not to exclude small hairless dogs." I know that makes no sense but I am sleepy. Rob
  17. That is one sweet looking Mospeada! Good Job! Rob
  18. Hey Jesse, Looks like you have to add another dealer to the plastic models section. Super SD VF-1S VF-1J VF-1A Banpresto
  19. I think that kid is dead. He had the same disease Gary Coleman did from what I heard. Nope he is not dead. he actually did a TV show here in japan a few months ago. He actually runs his own company now and is married (BTW she is very HOT!) and is really rich. It was funny because they kept getting him confused with Gary Coleman and he lost his temper a few times. Rob
  20. Whoa! He was in an episode of WEBSTER! Now I bet you Emmanuel Lewis could kick his ass. Webster was the baddest of the bad! Rob
  21. Sure he still takes orders. No problem if you can wait 2 or 3 years for them to be delivered and can stomach his political views about America and Bush, and how wars are bad. You could take a chance...you never know you may get lucky!
  22. Man you think they could come up with a more original theme... Basically all they did was copy the VF-1S and the Regult pose. 2 Mospeada's would have been awesome. One in Bike Mode and one in Ride Armor Mode!
  23. Man those are sweet! Thanks for sharing!
  24. The Booster I was quite happy with sales. I wish it had been more but it wasn't. You could say I broke just about even with it. The Rails I wish had been better. Alot of people backed out at the last minute. The Tachikoma is still up in the air. So I really can't give a definate answer. Yes I have gotten many requests to do kits. Some of them will never be taken on. Just too small of a sales base. When I personally judge something to be made I look at 3 things. 1. Can I sell close to 50 or more. (This is the most important.) 2. Can it be licensed. 3. Can I get sales inside of Japan once it is licensed. Then there are other things I have to look at. Pricing is a big one. What scale is it going to be? Will it be variable or static? How much is it going to cost to sculpt. How much is it going to cost to cast? How much do I have to pay the person doing the casting? How much do I have to charge? And finally is it going to break me? Some of you may or may not know but the Booster was my second attempt at getting that kit out. The frist one all most put me completely out of business. I lost approximately $2000.00. If it wasn't for John's and Jesse's kindness, I could not have realized my dream of getting it out. I really (REALLY) want to do more kits. John and I have talked extensively on the subject. And there will be a few surprises coming out in the near future. But all in all it just depends on how much support we get. If we can sell them we will make them. MW has been very supportive and I appreciate everything that has been done to make my, well most people's, dreams come true. Thank You. Rob
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