The Booster I was quite happy with sales. I wish it had been more but it wasn't. You could say I broke just about even with it.
The Rails I wish had been better. Alot of people backed out at the last minute.
The Tachikoma is still up in the air. So I really can't give a definate answer.
Yes I have gotten many requests to do kits. Some of them will never be taken on. Just too small of a sales base. When I personally judge something to be made I look at 3 things.
1. Can I sell close to 50 or more. (This is the most important.)
2. Can it be licensed.
3. Can I get sales inside of Japan once it is licensed.
Then there are other things I have to look at. Pricing is a big one. What scale is it going to be? Will it be variable or static? How much is it going to cost to sculpt. How much is it going to cost to cast? How much do I have to pay the person doing the casting? How much do I have to charge? And finally is it going to break me?
Some of you may or may not know but the Booster was my second attempt at getting that kit out. The frist one all most put me completely out of business. I lost approximately $2000.00. If it wasn't for John's and Jesse's kindness, I could not have realized my dream of getting it out.
I really (REALLY) want to do more kits. John and I have talked extensively on the subject. And there will be a few surprises coming out in the near future.
But all in all it just depends on how much support we get. If we can sell them we will make them. MW has been very supportive and I appreciate everything that has been done to make my, well most people's, dreams come true.
Thank You.