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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Considering how much she idolizes Chrissy Hines, I wonder how hard it was for Shirley not to lose her sh*t during this performance:
  2. The official video’s pretty bonkers (can’t post here), but the riffs are solid:
  3. Another example of music, sound, and scene mixing beautifully:
  4. A Bill Withers - Lizzo mash-up? It surprisingly works:
  5. When scene and music blend perfectly with each other <chef’s kiss>:
  6. Mog

    Chunky monkey love?

    I know @Anasazi37 was doing a few 1/55 customs awhile back: Didn’t realize it’s been a year plus since the last post, until I just looked it up. Just not as many customs being made nowadays in any scale (compared to the old days). I suspect it’s due to the limited ability to get decals/stickers printed with white ink. . . . Though, a handful of us got tired of waiting on Bandai and Arcadia (Yamato’s successor), and started to mod/customize the 1/3000 TV SDF-1 over the pandemic or recently.
  7. So. . . . are we gonna get 20 additional minutes of them slow panning around the Enterprise, lovingly filming the ship from every conceivable and imaginable angle?
  8. Dammit. I know I posted this before, but it works for this moment:
  9. For those of us that grew up in Los Angeles, is it “Go see Cal” or “P**** Cow”? 🤨🤪
  10. Figures Hasbro will never make or improve:
  11. Needs to use more weapons before the “Eff it. Just break out Blazing Sword and end this” moment. And more than 50% of the scene should be reused stock footage. 😁
  12. I thought industry standard is 3 days? 😜
  13. So after we finally get Houquet and the Bartley, how long of a grace period do we give Sentinel before we start asking about the Tread?
  14. Didn’t the Red Tiger from Voltron murder somebody?
  15. Camo or camel pics? 😅
  16. Dammit! Houquet’s hair color and armor is all wrong in that pic!!!!!111!!1!1!1!!!! 🤪
  17. The two guys from Jedha (Chirrut and Baze) were interesting enough. Blind booty-kicker and disillusioned believer with a big honkin’ gun. Rogue One checked a lot of boxes for me. I’m willing to concede that the whole Blockade Runner escaping mere moments before Vader gets to them is stretching it a bit. But that whole infiltration and final battle worked for me. Plus, a bunch of Star Wars has been about daddy issues. . . . . so, Rogue One fits the mold! 😁
  18. Changing gears a little, we’re about a month-and-a-half away from getting a Houquet of Bartley’s soon. <fingers crossed>
  19. Is there anything wrong with a super cool killbot with an attitude? Seems to be a winning formula for Star Wars: - Dark Troopers; - HK-47; - Artoo.
  20. Well, they really nailed the last time Obi and Maul met in Rebels. Gonna be damn near impossible to improve that scene. Thrawn in Rebels was a character to be feared and respected. Thought they really understood and “got” his character right, every time he was onscreen.
  21. Spy doing questionable, immoral ish in the name of the “greater good.” With K-2SO being a sarcastic bastard all along the way? Could be interesting. Key word being COULD. If Disney Book of Boba Fett’s this to make Cassian some upstanding hero, then yeah. . . not gonna work.
  22. Does using paper clips, adhesive putty, foul language, and prayers count? Pretty sure I “utilized” all those things for a Toynami with disintegrating hip joints and all sorts of other problems.
  23. Guess, I’m the only one getting annoyed with the lavender colored visor on Houquet?
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