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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Ask for pics of the grey joints that swivel the bike armor under the armpits. Those have been the trouble spots, regardless of it being an original or reissue. A good chunk of folks have had that particular joint get cracked on their copies. Might want to also look at the grey torso, as paint chipping can occur from putting the armor on and off the figure.
  2. Any chance they can do a continuation of the old animated series?
  3. One of the most memorable character actors of our time. He generally played hard-asses. But he always tweaked them a little so it didn’t feel like he was doing the same character in each movie.
  4. Way too damn young.
  5. There should be a website that specializes in selling books. [/sarcasm]
  6. Another example of song and scene just absolutely working perfectly 😅:
  7. Considering how long ago the prototype was first shown, it’s already been a long wait. But the end of summer (when these will be initially released) will be here before we know it.
  8. The Gorge was alright. Definitely a popcorn flick. The concept was a little trope-y. But whatever. Not sure if it was intentional, but really? Either that, or I’ve watched too many movies and series. 😅
  9. Finished up the last set of Cobra Kai eps. Still cheesy as hell. But there were some nice, even heartfelt and touching, moments in the end there. The show ended well. For something we all thought was a bloody joke when it first came out (on YouTube no less!), it’s nice to see the show finish up. Dare I say, it found a nice way to balance silliness and heartfelt growth. 😉
  10. Mudhorns taking on remnants:
  11. Cherry Red > Hot Pink 😉:
  12. Guess it was too expensive to have everyone finish up the series in Barcelona: Let’s see if they can finish this up solidly.
  13. No, in the subtitles. Those words don’t show up at all, even though I know I’m hearing them.
  14. So, is the Hulu translation of the lyrics for “What ‘bout My Star?” accurate? Because I don’t think I ever saw those exact words pop up in the subtitles. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. Because I’m getting close to rewatching “that” scene: Just wish I could find the actual scene on YouTube. Such a good blending of the song and the scenes. . . and then the glorious rising action in the music as the ending credits roll. Such a good kick to the feels!
  16. A Ghost and a handful of Spectres:
  17. It was fun to rewatch Frontier again. Was planning to only watch the first 2 or 3 eps and wound up binging up to Episode 14. There’s still some silly or oddball plot concepts and contrivances. But the songs and dogfights are still top notch.
  18. I thought Alien 3's director was David Fincher.
  19. Lounging around:
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