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Everything posted by neoexcaliber

  1. Since it's already up on the Tamashii page, I have a feeling pre-orders are going up this Monday. A feeling. http://tamashii.jp/item/11581/
  2. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    We have a release date for next month's HMR VF-1J Hikaru. How many of you guys are skipping it since you already have the Armored unknown soldier type?
  3. Considering how well the VF-0A sold, I somehow doubt the SV-51 would have enough sales.
  4. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    Has this been posted yet?
  5. HLJ shipped mine minutes after paying for it. That was fast.
  6. Judging by releases the past 2 years, I'd say a few days before Christmas.
  7. My money is on the 31S being the next 31 to be released and all the 6 main 31 valks (including the A) will probably be regular releases. Just a guess though.
  8. That underside shot of the VF-4 is beautiful...
  9. Just 1 unit. He left it in his cart an hour or so after the pre-order began and checked out without any problem.
  10. Did anyone get a cancellation e-mail from HLJ for the 31J? A friend of mine got his 31J cancelled and his friend had his Metal Build Astray Blue Frame cancelled as well. The purge has begun!
  11. I bet the seller is a member here.
  12. I'm still wondering what the other 92 people are doing on this page. It's over people. The battle has been lost. Move along. Nothing to see here.
  13. PO lasted more than an hour and there wasn't any per customer limit set. Needless to say, a few dozen if not hundreds of orders did not get fulfilled. Similar thing happened with the YF-29 Alto reissue recently so I'm skeptical.
  14. Looks like we a have a DX VF-25S reissue scenario with HLJ on our hands.
  15. I'm always extremely suspicious whenever HLJ leaves items open for PO more than 10 minutes.
  16. August 1 PO confirmed. I'm ready!
  17. It's going to be blueish gray. Mark my words!
  18. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    Standby your F5s! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-020199 3 hours to go.
  19. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not sure if the release date for the Monster has been posted before.
  20. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    Let's see how fast this one sells out. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-019539
  21. I was expecting a June pre-order but looks like it might be pushed by another month. Mehhhhh.
  22. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ seems to be the cheapest at 12,350 yen and their shipping rates are among the lowest so it should be anyone's first pick.
  23. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    NY just shipped my Glaug. I wonder if they're trying to make up for their HMR Roy delay.
  24. HLJ is sending me a replacement shoulder via EMS. That's nice of them since the other retailers are using SAL.
  25. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope that text doesn't say PO is next month.
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