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Everything posted by neoexcaliber

  1. How interesting that many of you lament the unavailability of specific valks yet do not have a problem removing the one incentive the rights holders and licensees have to possibly create them and new toys for you in the future. Macross has such a small market that bootlegs might actually harm the production of new toys in the future.
  2. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    NY got the date wrong. Actual release date is the 24th.
  3. That is not a third-party product so it shouldn't be in here.
  4. Arcadia feeds on dark emotions, especially disappointment and frustration.
  5. I was really hoping it would be a VF-11. This is an easy skip for me.
  6. I wish I could confidently say that without worrying about the state of my orders. An extra 0 on the customs declaration form could screw it all up.
  7. That happens to me all the time as well and it pisses me off even more when I enquire about it days later only to find out that they need more money for shipping but couldn't be bothered to take the initiative to contact me first. I wrote to them 2 days ago on the reactive armour and the rep mentioned they're swamped with orders and my item would be shipped on the same day but here I am 2 days later with no shipping notification. The rep even said I don't need make additional payments. Their customer service is live though but I got the exact same message I received on Thursday. I'm guessing it's the usual copy and paste script at work. They even cut me off with a, "We're working very hard to get the items out. Is there anything else I can help you with?".
  8. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    I just realized that HLJ started selling some P-Bandai items when they've never done so. I wonder if they're bringing in the 31 super parts as well.
  9. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    Eh. HLJ had the HMR VF-1S Roy for sale? Wasn't that a Tamashii exclusive?
  10. According to HLJ, 1280g. They usually list the weight of the items they sell in their respective product page.
  11. I've tried that 3 times over the years and I've gotten my account suspended twice. I got away the third time because I ordered the second unit months after release. I'm not talking about double dipping during pre-orders either. I've emailed them about it before and they told me to respect the 1 per customer limit, even if it's after release. I guess it depends on your luck and timing. Edit: It seems they have an entry in their help section to address this issue.
  12. They're using the same set of photos for both versions so I don't know what's so premium about the premium finish.
  13. Their shipping rates are comparable to Amiami and Hobby-search most of the time.
  14. I had a purchase from months ago that was listed as 'pay later' but barely a day later, they changed the listing and asked me to pay for it. Weird thing was that a friend say the same listing as 'pay later not available' when mine was 'pay later'. I wonder if it's because of a cache issue or just a bug.
  15. Gentlemen, we have a release date.
  16. VF-2SS Fairy & SAP on sale at HS. Looks like 50% off. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10370511
  17. Has the toy yellowed or is it still pristine? I didn't expect a toy from 2 years ago to suddenly be in stock.
  18. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-1J Max has a release date.
  19. Yoshiyuki Takani?
  20. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    That's really cheap. I wonder if it's a pricing error.
  21. My money's on Arad, then Messer.
  22. 262s? There can be only one Keith!
  23. I hope you guys are ready. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10418342
  24. neoexcaliber

    Hi-Metal R

    October 2016.
  25. Thanks for the heads up. Missed it even though it was listed on the page.
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