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Everything posted by neoexcaliber

  1. I'm guessing it would've been up longer if they limited it to 1 per customer.
  2. It didn't last long though. I think it was only open for 2 minutes. I'm gonna cancel my NY order too but I managed to get it at 14k yen each. Not sure if I want to keep it.
  3. HLJ opened preorders earlier but it only lasted a minute. I added it to cart but I couldn't check it out. It was gone that fast.
  4. Preorders are open at HLJ! Seems like there's no limit either.
  5. HLJ hasn't started accepting pre-order yet so there's still hope.
  6. And there goes all the remaining preorder units.
  7. I saw them open up at various places but didn't buy any.
  8. I think that means they're closed for preorder.
  9. Up for preorder at Nippon-Yasan
  10. Preorders are up at anime-export.
  11. Pre orders are up at anime-export!
  12. I managed to get a unit from Hobby Search. I hope they deliver.
  13. Damn it! That was fast. Arghhh.
  14. Hobby Search had it for a while. I should've clicked on Add when I saw the reservation bar popup.
  15. I got mine as well. I guess I shouldn't have cursed them so much so soon.
  16. I suggest waiting till Monday before buying another unit elsewhere.
  17. They're back to work today and when I logged in, I saw this under 'Notes'. Anyone else got the same thing? We are checking availability for this item. When restocked we will notify you by email. If unavailable we will refund you in full.
  18. Anyone managed to get a unit from anime-export? I ordered and paid for it a few months back but today I find out that the item is no longer in stock. Very disappointed with their service.
  19. My 2014 wish is for Bandai to reissue the Frontier Renewal line.
  20. These remind me of vrml models I used to play with 16 years ago. Loads of fun and got me started on animation.
  21. I actually love the pilot sculpt for this one. IMHO the Macross Plus/VFX is the best design for me. Macross Zero is a very close second.
  22. Guess what I received in the mail today?
  23. neoexcaliber

    DX VF-25G

    A moment of silence for our fellow fan who was killed by his wife today... Bludgeoned to death with a MISB vf-25g which can be found on ebay for a reasonable price.
  24. I'm waiting for the super parts too but they're already on holidays so we'll only see updates on Friday.
  25. It looks so much more awesome than the concept art.
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