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Everything posted by neoexcaliber

  1. The toughest PO so far? Definitely.
  2. I clicked the wrong button and had to redo the checkout process at HS.
  3. That 1 per customer limit has not extended the pre-order window past 30 seconds.
  4. Amiami usually starts the madness first. I think NY has opened up a little earlier than Amiami once, but I can't remember which toy it was for.
  5. They recently started requesting payment a week in advance but the good news is they ship it a day earlier compared to before since they can process the payment well before the items are in stock.
  6. It's too early for a payment request. They'll probably send it out this Friday, or Thursday if you're in the States.
  7. You have no idea how many people you've coerced into buying DX Chogokins with your photos. Are you sure you don't work for Bandai?
  8. If everyone wants 2-3 units, there's gonna be a severe shortage. Looks like NY is gonna make a killing.
  9. I'm already bashing the F5 key.
  10. If the vf-25s confirmed? I celebrated earlier and now I feel like an ass coz I'm not sure.
  11. What does it say? WHAT DOES IT SAY?? Sorry, I lost control for a moment there. So, what does it say?
  12. Ok NY just shipped one part of my order. Too bad it's gonna take till Wednesday to get it even via Fedex thanks to 2 public holidays next week.
  13. What's another impulse buy gonna do to your finances? Absolutely nothing since it's already wrecked. Come on, you know you want one.
  14. Add first, find a way to pay for it later.
  15. I didn't know the VF-0D was a police vehicle.
  16. I asked them why they sent me the preparation e-mail when they didn't even have the items in stock but apparently it's just how their system works. The one thing I can't accept is that they don't inform you when there's a problem but we have to ask them what went wrong. Makes me wonder who's the customer.
  17. So... anyone else didn't get their shipping notice yet or is it just me?
  18. Eh I might've worded that wrongly. Apparently they did order enough but Bandai split their stock with the next batch arriving next week. Knowing NY though, they're probably sourcing it from other stores to fill the orders. The recent YF-29 Ozma stock issue comes to mind.
  19. Oh great. Even with fedex, NY said they don't have enough stock to ship mine out. I wish there was an alternative to the shitty NY service.
  20. HLJ's PO price was 18,000 yen but their shipping rates are definitely awesome. In fact, I noticed the shipping rate for a single VF-25 reduced from 2020 yen last year to 1780 yen last month.
  21. Probably a week before release.
  22. Up at amiami but prices are a bit high. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-004931&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dyf-25%24pagemax%3D20%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 Edit: Didn't realise it was pre-owned. Please ignore.
  23. HLJ will probably send out payment requests around 12 hours from now. That's how it's been with DX Chogokin releases the past year.
  24. Anyone looking for a VF-25F Alto? http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN964807
  25. You're not contributing. You're just turning us into hoarders. I wasn't planning on keeping my YF-25 but it looks so sweet now.
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