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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. just please don't forget to ask about a VF-4 in some form, that's all I ask.
  2. ....what're you doing with a side-naked pic of Mylene?
  3. it's not really complicated, it's similar to the -19's transformation, just the legs are different, that's all.
  4. the coolness factor?
  5. So we're gonna have low-vis airlines now?? this is getting weird....
  6. YES! well.....at least the airframe anyway... VT-1: VE-1:
  7. the one's you did look good, are the dorsal ones based off the GBP missle packs?
  8. I know, I just forgot to stick the smiley in there. with the future of Macross....who knows. Personally, I'd love to see a revamp of the VF-4......with dual beam cannons on each arm! mwahahahaha!
  9. we need to see more of it......we got really weird looking TF's for the movie, didn't we?
  10. stick it in the Weapons thread, but very cool find. I like it.
  11. ah, ok. That explains it.
  12. Lightning

    Graham's Sig

    He just ruled out the possibility of Yamato making a VF-1D, not any more two-seaters. People are definately expecting a VF-0D to come from them sometime soon, and the YF-19 FAST Pack set coming out adds the second seat to the -19, so there's another two-seater as well.
  13. Blasphemy! The VF-4 looks great in ALL modes!
  14. Lightning

    Graham's Sig

    Only if he weighs as much as a duck.
  15. maybe you should use Max?
  16. I found out it existed from a post on here about a week ago, and I'm buying myself the box set for Xmas. so....Cup Noodles is doing an anime for their anniversary? weird.
  17. not just that, but a 4-door too...
  18. whatever happened to "no versus threads"? Did this one get Roy's blessing or something?
  19. Lightning

    Graham's Sig

    so, like, is eugimon Graham's conscience or something? a split personality perhaps?
  20. it's about time that thing got in the air......how much junk did they have to toss out of the canopy?
  21. maybe we should do an "MW Timeline" of most of the major events: Flame wars, Toy wars, RT.com baiting wars, various people getting banned, etc...
  22. God, this place was where I went to during my high school computer classes since I would be done before everybody......that was August of '02....I've been here too long...
  23. finally! another person agrees!! We need a VF-4 dammit!
  24. In other news.....the space shuttle launched from my backyard last night. and the Shuttle's replacement is.......another rocket-launched space pod.
  25. is it me, or does the VFX-3 share a few eliments with the SDP-1S Stampede Valk?
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