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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. This looks very cool....I hope they bring it out on the 360, when I finally can afford one.
  2. I think something producing the effect of a flare would protect from underside attacks, maybe a flare-launcher directed downwards...
  3. hmm.... with me, I'd go Millia-style, but with a brighter red, and less white. Make just the leading surfaces white, as well as the flaps and intakes. for the squadron name.....even thought it's sorta-cliche "Rolling Thunder" The other planes in the squadron would be a maroonish color with grey where mine whould be white.
  4. god....that's about as bad as Chrysler these days...
  5. dangit! now I HAVE to buy a 360...first Forza 2 coming out, now this!....
  6. and that is why you don't give morons the keys to a high-powered sports car...
  7. a bit tipsy when we were posting, eh?
  8. I sit corrected then.
  9. it's the most badass valkyrie ever, who would'nt want one of those? No other valk came with beam cannons from the factory! VF-11....no, VF-17....well, those were on it's chest, VF-19...no, VF-22...were those laser cannons on it's wrists?
  10. there's a tool that's used when nuts are rounded...I forget what it's called. Check with your local auto parts store, they should know what it's called.
  11. woah...I'm lost.....when did they do an "A+"??
  12. I've come to figure this out about the car though...it'd make one kick-ass little rally car. as to the whole "I need a tach!!" thing...it turns out that TRD makes a gauge pod that has a 11k rpm tach(holy poo!), water and oil pressure gauges that fits onto the driver's side glovebox door......and I might be able to get it done without voiding any warranties!
  13. question: how many concept Camaros were made? Maybe GM wanted it to be a movie prop to sell stuff
  14. Dust shields perhaps?
  15. The reliability, the quality, the fuel mileage, and the fact it's a light car with a stick, and it's a Toyota. The price was a big selling point too.
  16. well, I've got something new to add here: I bought my first new car!!! (on tuesday) a '07 Toyota Yaris hatch w/a 5-speed. For those interested about electronics in cars, this thing's loaded (that's the ONLY part besides the car payment that I'm not happy with) both the steering and the throttle are "fly-by-wire" style, there's no accelerator cable, and no steering linkage. It's all done by solenoids.....freaky. All these electronic sensors in this thing, and Toyota couldn't include a tachometer?? what's up with that?? 3rd day driving impressions/battyings: It's been a fun little car so far, I haven't put 200 miles on it yet. The exhaust is quiet....even with the door open and the engine idling, you'd have to listen really close to tell if it's even running. I stalled it 4 times today! Me, who learned how to drive on a diesel MT car, not even stalling it, has stalled a brand new Toyota no less than 10 times in 2 days......It's flat-out embarrassing! Power.......don't ask, really, just dont. How does, "nonexistant" sound? In all actuality though, it's got enough to get it going pretty good, so I won't be rear-ended by a delivery truck. Handling....this is where the little bugger really shines, I took a freeway circular off-ramp at 50mph without any problems, no squealing from the tires or anything. Toyota had this thing nailed when it comes to handling. Oh, as far as the options that came in it, Mine's pretty close to a stripper model, the only thing that was optioned on it was the "Convenience package" A/C, a CD/MP3 player, and an auxilary port for said MP3 player. No power windows or door locks; just the way I like it. The nice thing is: this car might last me the next 20+ years, it's kinda nice to buy something I don't have to work on every other week for once. and the money being saved by the gas mileage is going towards the "get a Diplomat/Gran Fury/5th Ave" fund...hopefully I can pick up a good one by next spring, and go hit drift events in the summer of '08.
  17. while you're at it, did they mention anything about the VF-4? or is it gonna be classified under that "there's good things coming" clause?
  18. *reads Jan-14th update* no VF-4? *cries* are we ever gonna get a VF-4?
  19. umm.....it looks gross.....
  20. the great HFH has said many times that he's not gonna do the Megaroad-01 again....he said "they disappeared in the middle of the galaxy, end of story"
  21. he said he's getting some help for the P4, so it won't take as long as the 312, that was still so cool. if he rigged up servos, how would he do the gear changes though? 'cause it was a H-pattern shifter...
  22. for you WWII buffs, there's currently a B-17 and a B-24 sitting at my local airport hangar that does restorations....I'll get ya'll some pics in the next couple days.
  23. my two previous valks, a Low Vis 1.0 and a VF-0S I just sold recently, were pretty good. IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR A 1/48 VF-4???? I mean, hell, just make one, charge me $500-$1000 for it, and I'd shut up for the next 10 years about any toy renditions of the Valkyries! EDIT: other than that, I'm ok.
  24. Dear God....what a car!
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