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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. I'm not gonna try to make it walk (not yet at least!) i just wanna see how it'll mess up the airflow and how quick it'll come to a stop in the air when it does transform. And also to test out the flight charistics of Gerwalk and transforming in flight. Basically, it'll be a "full" blown test plane program.
  2. ROTFL! this is one of the funniest threads i've seen in awhile.
  3. just whack it again till the repairs go over the deductable...
  4. and i thought i had bad luck... my problems so far: 1st car ('85 626 Diesel LX) : bad wiring behind dash 2nd car ('85 Audi GT) : totally messed up wiring in the engine bay 3rd car ('89 LeMans hatch) : I snapped the camshaft in half! plus i received the car with a rod punched thru the block, result: went from a 1.6 to a 2.0 (only problem with that was: 1.6 computer) i snapped the 2.0's camshaft, in case ur wondering. 4th car ('89 4-cyl Mustang "Ford's Abomination!") : Ford screwed up the auto tranny's design, result: speed now restricted to 45mph 5th car ('69 Ford Falcon Futura 4 door) : it's just plain old, but it's my first project car. I lucked out too, '68 302 .030 over, spring stiffeners in back, old 600cfm holley 4 barrel. I just have to derustify it. and mind u, i had all 5 cars before i turned 18!
  5. I got my transformation time (either way) down to about 1:45!
  6. wish i could've been there...
  7. yea, but that's why it'll be a R/C plane instead of a full scale one so that way if i crash it (or tear it up basically) it'll be my money instead of the governments and i can refine it so it'll work.
  8. I was wondering, how big would a 1/10 scale VF-1 be? the reason why i'm asking is, i'm thinking of building one after i get my project car done (that should take about a year to do) so i can test out GERWALK mode to see if it'll really work without risking some poor test pilot's neck.
  9. hey A1, dont u mean FUGLY?
  10. yea, i found out on mine before i tried to make it do a Handstand, lol, the things u never try always turn out to be the funny ones.
  11. when did Gamlin get a VF-22?
  12. 5th one works now, just Misa giving some battle directions to the pilots.
  13. I like the D model.
  14. gimmie a decade, i'm workin on it! (i'm trying to solve GERWALK mode right now...)
  15. thought this thread would've been to the 10th page by now...
  16. $150-ish on my Low Vis.
  17. I love it! just wish that the 5th movie would open...
  18. it definately has to do with the engines, since the VF-0's engines are so fuel-hungry, the VF-0 needs to hold enough fuel for it to go fight for like 30 min with a 2 hour loiter time (somewhere near that long) and still make it back to the carrier. since the VF-1 uses Hydrogen for fuel, all it has to do is just fly and suck the air to get it's fuel, so it can fly as long as the pilot basically wants to, needing only a small space to store fuel. as to the advantage for size, usually the smaller the aircraft, the more manuverable it is, hence, the VF-1 being able to outmanuver the VF-0 (be cool to see a VF-0 vs a -1 dogfight, to see how unbalanced they are)
  19. LtSO! that thing looks great so far! keep at it! L06
  20. my red landing light popped out on my Low Vis. anyone know a good clear glue that would fix it?
  21. I skipped most of it after i saw Capt. Rico and Nanashi going at it... (hey Rico, u should've just kept it to PM instead of "wasting" our (and the server's) time and space. going to PM would've been a lot more mature than what you showed a page ago) (to DH and everyone else) well since it has the airbrakes in each of the 4 directions, it should be possible to use in real life and could appear on some new Fighters in the future, especially since most of them are going to be able to SuperCruise (i.e. go supersonic without the use of Afterburners, for the non-informed of the newest jets) so that way they could manuver greatly (and immediately, like DH said). Heck, they could probably set up an F-16 to do the same if they changed the 'brakes on it. L06
  22. oh ok, u guys think u can make a way to limit pic sizes?
  23. Hello mods and all, about 10 hours earlier today i started a funny Valk poses thread. my question is, where did it go? i mean, it fit all the rules, and it was in the proper section. Did it get sucked down the internet black hole? L06
  24. yea, i made one earlier today, (what happened to it anyway?) and i got my 1/48 Low Vis to do a handstand (sort of) i had to put the hands inside the arms and i balanced it on the "stumps" (hopefully will get a pic soon. as of now, 12 hours later, it's still hangin in there)
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