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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. i was on that list as of 3 days ago...i must get back on it...
  2. did mr. egan mention anything about there being a VF-4 in the game at all?
  3. Lightning


    i'm the only one who voted for the second one??
  4. No, I'm just taking everything at face value. I don't believe the mirror scene is the end of what Guld did and the show doesn't show otherwise. And like everyone else here I believe Isamu and Myung forgive Guld for what he did. The difference is you place more emphasis on the outcome rather than the intent so you don't believe Isamu and Myung can forgive Guld if he finished what he started. This is not apples and oranges because this is the whole reason why I believe Myung and Isamu forgive Guld. Millard doesn't doubt Guld has a medical problem. Whoever prescribed Guld's drugs doesn't doubt Guld has a medical problem. I expect Isamu and Myung, his friends, to offer at least as much understanding and not hold him exclusively culpable for whatever he did. And before you plead ignorance on their behalf, what event do you think it was that made Guld need to get medicated in the first place? My response is the same as the first time you brought it up. We see Isamu getting floored the moment Guld enters the room and doing nothing to stop him after that. Even in the no rape scenario Isamu's not the one stopping Guld, it's Guld himself. Out cold or just slow to get up? The show doesn't tell us. You thinking Kawamori won't include it is as uncompelling as it is uninformed. umm....it seems that part of this topic has been covered ninety ways to sunday. so we can drop that portion?
  5. well, once i make it through AIT (i've yet to make it thru Boot Camp) i should be able to enlighten us all in a few months on what's goin on with the old fighters and bombers. Anyone know where i could pick up a surplus F-117? (that would be cool, even though it's not supersonic)
  6. ugh! Jetfire nose!
  7. that moron should'nt have even tried to off road that poor H2 (i love the old Hummer design, but the new one is Fugly!)
  8. Lightning


    wish i had the patience to do that kind of modeling...
  9. yay! 7 days earlier than expected! that means if it comes out in the US we'll see it around February!
  10. Dont make me nuke u on Mercenaries...
  11. be kool if they have Millia's paint Scheme...Me want RED! me want RED!
  12. AFIAK, from all the info, it seems like the F-35 (crap) was supposed to also replace the AV-8 as well.
  13. why i should buy the VF-1S Hikaru...........one reason: it's RED! (or at least has a red stripe on it)
  14. My Low Vis needs these! (but sadly, i must wait a couple months, my poor wallet took a beating from buying the Low Vis) P.S. OK! i'm done for posting tonight! good night people!
  15. yea, that one...lol. when's any VF-4 translations coming/getting done?
  16. (I think i'll stay out of this thread)
  17. maaaaannnn....i gotta wait until i'm outta boot camp for my Low Vis to have FP's! (personally, i like the look of the FP's on the 1/48)
  18. ok, I've seen one now. it looks better in the High Output mode than the regular battroid. my two only problems with it are 1) no head laser (and a fugly head to boot!) 2) that loooong pointy nose!
  19. I know what i'm getting once i get out of boot camp...
  20. i've never seen a pic of the Metal Siren, anybody got one?
  21. hey kool, a Minmei Guard scheme!
  22. (figures Toynami would do something like that...)
  23. I hope we get some ground battle movies soon...
  24. i've seen a pulse Jet that was about a foot and a half long...
  25. yep, definately mini-jets for the engines, I'm thinkin about doing the backpack thrusters too (rockets for those? or even smaller mini-jets?)
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