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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. look man, i'm sorry but it seems you have a chip on your shoulder or something, but please, knock it off. all we are doing is ranting about our anger towards ignorant people on the magazines.
  2. Gene Roddenberry died? when? (god, it's no wonder that ST's been goin downhill....)
  3. that sounds cool, but havent we seen enough VF-1 stuff?
  4. ok, ok, i get the point, i was just ranting bout my disliking them thats all. They still need to be snuffed out with the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
  5. got no clue, probably a acronym of some sort.
  6. nice pics dh! definately like the VF-11 rowing away!
  7. i agree with u dri, i hate how yamato has the legs holding on there, and they also screw up Gerwalk mode because the leg gets shifted over when u have to put the legs into Gerwalk mode.
  8. hey, i'm already wearin glasses! i call that spot! lol
  9. wish i had the video card to support it.
  10. an armored core series sounds good right about now...
  11. it looks about right for a non-custom...
  12. The thing is... they are well aware of the difference, they just chose not to acknowledge it. i hate them even more then! they should suffer the fate of being blown up by the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!
  13. the MW VF-4 that Quadrono put on the old forums:
  14. here's many VF-4's that Quadrono put on in the old forums
  15. ok, i know a few have seen this one before, but it's a VF-4 and it's art
  16. let's not get started on here please.... ok, time for some art! (lemmie go find some on the 'net....)
  17. i wish that the Video Game magazines would get the Macross-Robotech thing right! macross ain't robotektrash! gahh! i hate it when they do that!
  18. somehow that is always the answer...
  19. well, i think that's what it was, they stuck a regular pilot in the -21 and he couldnt handle it, but Guld could. just like with the -19, that thing "killed" 7 pilots before Isamu got ahold of it.
  20. was that last pic of the Taiidan mothership?
  21. could be a paint scheme unlock just like the "proposed" valk unlock... EDIT: that was in response to Abombz!!!'s last post.
  22. "we want millia! we want millia!...........vostok?...........where is vostok when u need him? hey vostok!"
  23. I remember reading the history of the YF-21 (with the BDI system) and it said that the pilots of the -21 with the system in it often had brain problems which caused death or severe brain trouble, so the pills could've been for that...
  24. i'm also with the non-Escaflowne fans here, that series didnt grab me like the others...
  25. i thought that it was their kid... that's what i was saying though, just "redo" M3 as a TV series and do the VF-4, VF-9, and the development of the VF-11
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