look man, i'm sorry but it seems you have a chip on your shoulder or something, but please, knock it off. all we are doing is ranting about our anger towards ignorant people on the magazines.
i agree with u dri, i hate how yamato has the legs holding on there, and they also screw up Gerwalk mode because the leg gets shifted over when u have to put the legs into Gerwalk mode.
The thing is... they are well aware of the difference, they just chose not to acknowledge it.
i hate them even more then! they should suffer the fate of being blown up by the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!
well, i think that's what it was, they stuck a regular pilot in the -21 and he couldnt handle it, but Guld could.
just like with the -19, that thing "killed" 7 pilots before Isamu got ahold of it.
I remember reading the history of the YF-21 (with the BDI system) and it said that the pilots of the -21 with the system in it often had brain problems which caused death or severe brain trouble, so the pills could've been for that...
i thought that it was their kid...
that's what i was saying though, just "redo" M3 as a TV series and do the VF-4, VF-9, and the development of the VF-11