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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Hikaru's first fight in Skull one
  2. anybody know where i can download the .rom or .iso file (i'm an emulator noobie) for VFX-2? (i keep getting those "Vote here for the top.." sites and i cant find what i'm looking for) L06
  3. so what if they redid the intakes??
  4. that's no airbrake......
  5. ok, the destroids seen in Zero are going to be the Prototypes for the ones later on down the road ( SW1) so to put in in English, Zero takes place in '08 and SW1 takes place in 2010, so therefore the new destroids are actually the "old" destroids.
  6. i believe Jack's was more of a maroonish color.
  7. yea, i was tryin to be funny, a "pun on words" type deal
  8. maybe we can get SuperO in here to answer it!
  9. damn! the virtual boy caused bad eyesight? no wonder why my eyes are gettin worse....
  10. i picked PS2, but i love the PS1 just as much, i mean, what other platform could you Road Race the old muscle cars?
  11. not to stir up anything again, but all FB 2012 is is a bunch of the TV and DYRL stuff put together, so therefore it doesnt really support anything continuity wise... EDIT: except for the Megaroad-01 and the VF-4s showing up...
  12. 1/60 SVF-1J Hikaru, my next one was the Millia, and then the Low Vis.
  13. max did have 001if u pause it at the right moment and look closely.
  14. dont u mean "Sucked out of an airlock and/or stomped on by various mecha"? lol
  15. or (even though i'm not holding my breath on it) the only way this game will see North American soil....
  16. coulda swore it was spelled Flashback 2012.....oh well...
  17. i wish i could retract my vote.
  18. hmm... yes please. :P :P I agree about the member titles. Let's have them!!! Vostok 7 i'm wit them, we need the Cult of Lightning back! (for our titles)
  19. or relate it to Gundam Wing for that matter...
  20. umm.....i thought VII was good for the materia system, and i think that if they implemented it in VIII then VIII would've been a lot better without the Draw/store system.
  21. alright! some box art finally!
  22. Last one! (until i find a lot more film...)
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