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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. LOL, looks like i'm not the only one!
  2. a VF-4 would be nice to see in about a year or so...
  3. ummm....no, they would melt the "mufflers" if they put them on there.
  4. no VF-4!! *cries*......they put the -19 and the -21 in there, but how bout all the other valks missing in there???
  5. hopefully the FAST Packs actually blow off after they take a little damage...
  6. omg! this makes me taller than Arnold too! i'm 5-11 as well (official Air Force examination proved it!)
  7. Lightning

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    well, i think it's a little better, i sharpened it. EDIT: once i figure out the enhance option on this program, i will enhance the pic.
  8. either way, by what he said, he's probably gone now...
  9. yea, that's what i thought...
  10. hey HH, what program u using?
  11. "I agree with everybodye else!!" "-hic-" PS/Edit: I like the first -1A, the white head is cool with all that red
  12. Lightning

    Macross VFX-2

    anywhere else i can D/L it since the iMacross server i normally download from is down?
  13. i cant connect either and im using WS FTP Pro
  14. btw, dont forget that the avionics in the -0 are more advanced than those in the -1A, so my guess is that the avionics from the zero went into the -1J/S
  15. check the noobie questions thread, u should find a answer there.
  16. what would i wish for? besides a 1/1 scale fully working VF-4? another VF-4 in 1/48 scale!
  17. Looky!! a jetfire!! (no complaints though, good custom)
  18. i think someone posted like 3 other release dates on here somewhere...
  19. what's a toomah??
  20. crappy invision.....wait a sec, if we didnt have invision, we wouldnt have these "better" boards!
  21. Hi all, since i have just "rediscovered" my Fighter's Anthology CD, i was wondering if anybody could mod the game so we could put valks in it, (even just having GERWALK and Fighter mode would be nice) and model in the Micro Missles too, as well as the cockpit. any takers? (sorry, but i've got no idea on how to mod games)
  22. trying to D/L now, will post "results" in a couple hours
  23. i liked the movies i saw arnold in, all of the Terminator movies, Total Recall, and a couple others i cant remember off the top of my head. I hope he wins....
  24. actually, i will try to buy both the Hikaru and Roy, and maybe "customize" a max into a -1S and customize another max into a kakizaki -1S
  25. actually, i meant the "G" thingy and the big yellow thingy
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