yup, yup...
"And in last night's battle between UN forces and the Varuta, the lead singer of the popular rock group Firebomber, was killed in action today by a UN Full Armor VF-11 pilot attmpting to imitate the great Roy Fokker, hero of Space War I, and raise the number of his kills by going into battle with a blood alcohol level of .2. Acording the his wingman and the VF-11's combat computer, the pilot in his drunken state mis-took Basara's red VF-19Kai for a Varuta Fz-109F and fired a massive swarm of missiles at the unaware Basara..."
"and this battle was brought to you by Coors Light! Never watered down and with a great taste, be sure to make it a Coors Light!"
....."Got Beer?"