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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. one pet peeve about macross for me: the Macross / Battle 7 ALWAYS finishes transformation AND fires it's main gun at exactly the moment in which it seems there is no hope to escape.
  2. here's how it's coming out (the 1/60 monster) from a source i've heard -Limited Articulation -kinda steep price
  3. ewww... they're mother and daughter... ok, ok, how bout Millia vs Rex then?
  4. i could think of a funny (fake) commercial right now from Miller Lite that has Mylene vs Millia.... u know: Mylene: "Great Taste!" Millia: "Less Filling!" etc, and etc. (u guys know the rest of that portion) and all this while Max and Gamlin are looking at them going "Hell Yeah!!"
  5. yup, yup... "And in last night's battle between UN forces and the Varuta, the lead singer of the popular rock group Firebomber, was killed in action today by a UN Full Armor VF-11 pilot attmpting to imitate the great Roy Fokker, hero of Space War I, and raise the number of his kills by going into battle with a blood alcohol level of .2. Acording the his wingman and the VF-11's combat computer, the pilot in his drunken state mis-took Basara's red VF-19Kai for a Varuta Fz-109F and fired a massive swarm of missiles at the unaware Basara..." "and this battle was brought to you by Coors Light! Never watered down and with a great taste, be sure to make it a Coors Light!" . . . . . . . ....."Got Beer?"
  6. oy...why cant that guy think at all? is he that airheaded??
  7. one of the things that i do like about the 21, is the guns that it has on it's arms, just in case it loses the gunpod(s) it still has something to fire. Plus the fact it also carries all the micro missles it needs internally. (it really reminds me of the VF-4 in this fashion)
  8. kool, a bounty hunter lurks on these boards...
  9. hey people, dont forget that there were 2 planes of each (2 YF-19's and 2 YF-21's) the two YF-19's were identical whilist the one 21 had "standard" controls and the other the BCS/BDI. Alot of people tend to forget that. my wonder is if the 19 killed some of it's test pilots, how did it do it? i mean, it looks like the plane's basically in one piece thru the whole program, it just needed refitting and such because of the accidents. So was it that the G's were too high for the pilots to handle and they blacked out before the put the plane into the ground (or something like that)? FYI: Isamu flew the YF-19 #2 while Guld had YF-21 #1
  10. dont forget the Meltrans too!
  11. which thread?
  12. diagonal stripes on the legs....nice, definately different
  13. man, i cant use it, i have Multiple Errors edition of Windows...
  14. ahh yes....Millia's poor VF-1J....STUPID GAMLIN!!! I strained to get thru the first 12-13 episodes, but after that the show took off for me and i started liking it more and more as i went along. in the end though, i say i like both shows just as much.
  15. u mean that idoit actually posted in other forums?? omg! oh well...
  16. sorry, couldnt resist!
  17. LMAO sounds while in space annoy me. but without sound, where's the fun?
  18. thanks to whoever got to it first, i just dont wanna see a flame war happen...
  19. just look here! i'm sorry, but people like that get on my nerves, and he's asking for trouble. Just wanted to let u mods know
  20. can we lynch that ROWBOATTEK purist instead? it sounds so much funner...
  21. my personal fav (even though it's not red) and my two OYW favs the GM Cannon the Zaku Cannon and my 0083 Fav- the GM Cannon II
  22. sweet paint scheme on that thing. anybody got a pic of the ATFI?
  23. question: what's with the blue dots on it?
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