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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. maybe it would be possible to kinda mod/link Macross VO with Fighter's Anthology together? or, which Flight Sims could you mod a Valk into?
  2. well, what's your 2 most favorite Aircraft in the world MWers? (if u want to say why u like em, go on ahead and say why) My 2 most Fav warplanes have to be the F-4 Phantom and the P/F-38 Lightning.
  3. it's a 1/60 valk, so it's using the 1/60 GU-11 gunpod.
  4. Hikaru: "OMG! We've been fighting SD versions of ourselves this whole time?!" Roy: "-Hic!- Nah! it looks like a one-off type deal! -Hic!-"
  5. that looks like the Super Hornet...(the plane, not the scheme)
  6. Hi all, i'm a newbie to models, so i was wondering: what's a good, "accurate" VF-4 kit to do?
  7. oh, i'm sorry then.
  8. can someone please explain to me how to do the paintschemes?? i cant figure out how to do the layering thing! (the program i'm using is Ulead Photoimpact 8, my comp doesnt like Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop)
  9. oy..(again)...the YF-21/VF-22 has 3 Dimensional thrust vectoring, the YF/VF-19 has 2 Dimensional thrust vectoring... (please check previous posts and the compendium before posting...)
  10. that's why they made the -19A/P for atmosphere use...
  11. man...basara is just too lucky....
  12. my 1/60 SVF-1J hikaru suffered a "half-fall" right after this pic was taken: and here's the aftermath (with all the pieces placed as in a crash scene):
  13. it was Declassified before Shoji K started doing Macross, XB-70 was done in the mid-seventies (that's what the MiG-25 was built to counter) and even during an interview he said that's where the idea for the Name came from (AFAIK)
  14. oy....the YF-19 could sweep it's wings back as well, somebody captured a pic of both planes in their High Speed configuration a couple months back from Plus ep 4. as for #4: the YF-19 had the active stealth, but you just never saw them use it in Plus.
  15. no my friend, we're gonna call it the GBP-0S
  16. any chance we could see a VF-4 soon? (btw, i love the wallpapers! keep em coming!)
  17. ahh, the good ole set of Pliers! very useful for things of that nature! that's how my strap is fixed to my LV's gunpod, the "rings" are bent outta shape, but at least i did it with style!
  18. LMAO! that's the first time i ever saw that one!
  19. I thought Hot Rod was supposed to be a car, did he change to a truck when he became Rodimus?
  20. is there a way to maybe contact Takatoys and maybe get our own names (MW and real) on there?
  21. I'll just trump everyone- I want them to make a Lance of Longinus. Doesn't have to be red... I think it would look cool in stainless... Dammit beaten, how about the Mass production series EVA's swords, those double sided things. Oh I know, Wolfwood's cross with the machine gun and missle launcher in it. but the Cross Punisher would be really heavy though....
  22. think you have enough missles??
  23. Design 1 looks the best out of all of em.
  24. the Sturmvogel didnt have it's engines mounted in it's legs like all the other VF's.
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