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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. CROM laughs at Agent One's shennigans
  2. I was kinda wantin to do that with my Low Vis -1A, but i dont wanna mess it up. I might get one of the redone Hikaru's when they come out to try that out on. is there any other kind of light u can do this with besides a LED?
  3. I should be able to tell ya in about 2 weeks or less
  4. 1 BIG problem with that thing, FAST packs are only used in space on the VF-1....
  5. lmao...the Governator... those fires remind me of the '98 fires we had down here in Florida, hope u guys make it ok over there in Cali.
  6. Graham, trust me, u DONT want to play BattleCry....
  7. i still thought my idea was better....just nuke the place if it's on the enemy's turf...
  8. you forgot the "nope, i'm too poor since i used my money on the Sega macross game" option
  9. you use IP addresses to connect, but there's a (i think) server that connects to the japanese servers.
  10. future ground wars....how to win them.....i know! use the good ole tatical nuke!!
  11. i dont really think Guld had a lack of skill it's just that the BCS required the pilot to be kinda calm and during that battle guld was anything but calm...
  12. very nice.
  13. well, now it's been used in 2 games that have had it transform in, so kinda technically we have seen it transform.
  14. nothing against what people are saying in here, but i think that the Vs. threads are popping up waaay too much now.....
  15. u know something funny? i was reading that biography again last night, and i found out the air force definately didnt want the F-16 or the A-10!! they wanted just the F-15 and they didnt want a CAS mission that the A-10 does. (isnt that scary??) EDIT: dont get me wrong, but l love the 'Hog for what it can do and for that gun, i wish that the gunpod version would've worked out for the AF because every aircraft they make might be carrying that gun today...
  16. i'd stick a Lightning bolt on my valk/plane
  17. well, within 2 weeks i should be able to play the game....
  18. good luck man, hope it all works out for u. P.S. even though this might seem a little crazy...dont forget to go back and get that camaro!!
  19. -ranting mode- DO WE REALLY NEED ANOTHER -19 vs -22 POLL???? -/ranting mode
  20. they got a website?
  21. anybody know where one can get a slide card? (one for under $40.00 hopefully w/shipping)
  22. Okay, can somebody translate this???????? okey dokey, here ya go. the P sub s is the energy rate of the aircraft the T is thrust the D is drag of the aircraft the W is weight and the V is the velocity of the aircraft so the basic equation reads: (thrust - drag / weight) x Velocity
  23. You DO mean RED, dont you? I mean blue. VF-19 even the Fire Valk get's bashed a lot, i love it's color, it seems like the perfect shade of red. so i guess u could say the VF-19 was in blue and red.
  24. for my two...I'd do Cowboy Bebop and DYRL?, once we got the Valk thing done right in CG that movie would be great!
  25. Lightning

    1/48 Line

    i know the cartoon where u got those from! it's from the "rejected cartoon" one...
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