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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. Hmm... The VF-4 for sure! It's sex! With 4 engines! And beam cannons! What else do you need? The Koenig Monster. Nuff said. I actually like the VF-0. That is all.
  2. Lightning

    Macross 30

    any news bout a VF-4 in the game?
  3. oh, here's mine. the whole thing with the.....Shoulder Armor....let's call it that for now....that besides the missles is the biggest PITA of this thing. I love it otherwise! if they ever make a "Yamato VF-4 2.0" that's the only thing I want fixed myself.
  4. Doubtful at best. It (in the universe) wasn't really designed to carry extra missles.
  5. Bow ties are classy.
  6. The alternate head seems like a great idea.
  7. Hey guys, I was wondering if I could request a paint of a VF-4. Kinda in the theme of the "racing valks" from a few years back. Based off my car I race on Forza I also did a Low-Vis version a couple nights ago. I'd do it, but I'm really awful with Photoshop. reason why I'm asking is because eventually I wanna pick up another 1/60 VF-4 and commission somebody to repaint it.
  8. ok, got it to lock in place. I like the bugger, I really do. Might have to fix most of the missles except the ones for the nose landing gear in place though, having them pop off is really annoying. Other than that, it's been worth the wait. Btw, which one of y'all is "Pinoy78" on Instagram?
  9. I'm having just one problem beyond the usual missle and pilot problem that's been reported. I can't get the leg/hip section to lock together. It wont close together enough to get the tab to stick in the hole on the underside of the nose. I might have to watch the video again.
  10. Mine just got here! havent opened the boxes yet
  11. ....now I wanna try to collect one of each again. You've killed my wallet.
  12. Never understood why people feel that the thing needs a gunpod. It's got cannons.
  13. Mine is on its way too!
  14. I just got a "Preparation in Progress" email from NY! I wish it was next week already!!!
  15. Lightning

    Macross 30

    True. that being said, a transformable Phantom II would be neat to see.
  16. Lightning

    Macross 30

    I would think the NUNS Spacy would've learned from the problems the F-4 faced when they introduced it into the early stages of the Vietnam War. Placing too much emphasis on missle combat is not a good thing.
  17. I do like what they did with the ship's phasers though they look neat. (just talking about in-universe-wise, not necessarily just this movie)
  18. Lightning

    Macross 30

    still no VF-4 sighted
  19. I haven't, but even if I know how something turns out I'll watch it anyway to see how it happens.
  20. Well, seeing the cutaways it makes sense now. As to the uniforms....my gut says anime magic is what does it.
  21. It happened right when I did my order on Friday, I paid via Paypal too, so that might've had something to do with it.
  22. I like it so far definitely. Never saw the original, so taking it slowly is good. Only problem is, the site I was watching the series on only had the first 6 episodes :/
  23. I already got charged for mine, and I preordered through NY..... EDIT: while we're at it, can we get these boosters too?
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