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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. -weeps- it's...so.....beautiful! EDIT: now only if it had the full blown beam cannons....
  2. another convert....
  3. yea, i was gonna suggest that episode next.
  4. still waitin on game....
  5. can you shorten it then? or maybe restart it from page 1 with a summary written about what has happened so far?
  6. check the pinned topic (about page 28-30 or so) u should find about three places there.
  7. i think that blue/black/grey agressor squadron paintscheme would look cool on any valk.
  8. that's why i said do one where it was Miku Ichjiyo as head of the Megaroad fleet, that way they can get rid of the whole first love triangle thingy and it wouldnt be considered a sequel.
  9. or she was jealous of Minmei from the start....
  10. well, i finally mastered the slide card stuff, now i'm just waiting on my game to get here, hopefully it gets here within the next couple days.
  11. u know, out of respect to Hikaru's voice actor, he could have Hikaru finally bite it in battle and have his kid take over as Skull-001.
  12. yep, this one wont last long....
  13. hey guys, dont worry bout him coming back, Graham banned him forever.
  14. can someone ban this idoit? and i mean very soon please...
  15. well, i didnt mean to really complain, just to correct. and i hope i didnt sound "mean" about it either.
  16. DUDE JUST GO AWAY!! nobody likes you here, just go away before you start a flame war you TROLL EDIT: spelling. and getting rid of inflammatory acronyms.
  17. I think you're full of it, even under zoom you cant see a fingerprint anywhere on that Ferrari, as for the BMW, theres a tire track leading to where it's parked (just look behind the right rear), and as for the Porshe, you cant get decals anywhere with those two stickers on the plate in front, plus that background is not fake, it's a real one. PLUS! here's the kicker! just look at where the images come from! the first one: http://www.ferrari.com/cmc_upload/1/610/74...ari_456_780.jpg the second one: http://www.bmw.com/generic/com/en/products...ad_z4_z4_08.jpg and the third one: http://www2.us.porsche.com/english/usa/911..._04_800_600.jpg so you know what you say to those? we call you a liar! so that means you're BUSTED!!!
  18. done that already click here If you wanna see others, WDC also done a great job on the vf-17 in here well then, all we're missing is the VF-4 and VF-9 from the valkgirl lineup.
  19. yea, i tried a copy of VFX-2 i burned, but i used the old fashioned way of swapping the disks (i actually used the machine's drive to do it) and i got the pink field and the stars freezing. i think it's the copy that i burned that's not wanting to respond. i do have a problem with the slide card. I guess i'm not doing it right. i put it in like that (illustrated below) and i do it as the instructions say, but i dont "catch" anything so the thing comes out. can someone do a more thorough step by step than the instructions?
  20. u guys realize we might see the Monster in Zero?
  21. i'd like to see a VF-4 done as a Valkgirl...and a -19 and the -22 while we're at it. maybe do the Q-Rau as a "valkgirl" too....
  22. so as of right now we have *Big West owns design linearts *Studio Nue owns storyline *TP owns.....i'm guessing international distributorship of it?
  23. i set them straight.
  24. before, because Roy's still flying the F-203 Dragon II and they're still getting the transformation mechanism worked out. By the time Zero happens, Roy's flying the Zero with a full working transformation and the only thing really holding the VF-1 back is the Thermonuke engine developement.
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