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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. maxl? MAXL?
  2. SWEET! now we can have squadrons of VF-4s!!!
  3. i doubt it's going to be rereleased at all. (maybe if yamato made a 1/32 scale with PERFECT transformation...)
  4. wasnt Short Round supposed to be a sort of comic relief in "Temple of Doom"?
  5. thanks, i'm a noob when it comes to acronyms and such.
  6. umm, what is T&A?
  7. oh yea, that was on a Cowboy Bebop episode...
  8. when u get the all powerful VF-4?
  9. colors? u mean the glasses or the hair color?
  10. ummmmmkaaay.... Nice job on the "real" valkgirl BoB!
  11. what is this thing you call Beta? (sorry, i'm too young to remember )
  12. Lightning

    1:48 VF-1J

  13. yea, over-tech = Glasses strap
  14. Lightning

    1:48 VF-1J

    i'm the only vote?
  15. it's the hair spray man, they love to have their vision blocked, that's how they get their kills EDIT: short hair is the reason why the other pilots get killed, look at kakizaki for instance.
  16. the reason why for the "no on the separate heads" is that Big West didnt want them. in other words, what Big West says on Macross, goes.
  17. that looks great! it's nice to see more pics of the model representation of it, makes a good reference point.
  18. here's where i got mine: www.play-asia.com
  19. Lightning

    MAXL girl

    now that is the best rendition of a valkgirl yet, even the face is mylene!
  20. oops, i was meaning letter designations, (i shoulda put that in there), and i was goin by MAHQ had. but it seems u went more in-depth than i did so i guess you get it.
  21. ok, here is the question: How many different MS-06 Zaku II variants were there ever tested/produced?
  22. no way....man, that was just a total guess.. gimmie an hour or two to think up a question.
  23. nice commercial...
  24. where can one find this "alcohol 120%"?
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