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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. I've actually read about it in a few books. in any case, they could always try to stick that smaller version of the A-10's gun IN a plane instead of in a gunpod, or even better, put TWO of them in there! It would be nice if the US would make a light fighter again like they did the F-5.
  2. "I have a solution to both your problems. Let me fly first, and you can have Maria!" "So.....I'm leaving now" "You are so Dead!" that's just priceless!
  3. and finally the moment you've all been waiting for, it's............me.
  4. I'd keep mine if Fighter mode if they ever got released.
  5. I'm guessing it must be insurance or inspection/liscense plate issues.
  6. it's been forever since I found this place in jan of '01.......5 years? wow...
  7. Lamborghini knockoff?
  8. my motto as far as cars go: KLS---->Keep it Looking Stock. this theory will really get the test once I get me a Dippy, drive around with a 500hp car that looks 95% stock, (2.5% taken off for Vermillion Red paint, 2.5% taken off for sidepipes)
  9. I liked the partial-Gerwalk scene from max and millia's fight, to me, that was the coolest part.
  10. waaaaay overdone. EDIT: response in wrong spot, silly me.
  11. the thing's gonna be in the new red they have for this year "solar red", I wanted Absolutely Red, but they don't put it on them anymore... and it's definately gonna be a 5-speed. no question about that. and with me getting an econobox, I can finallly get me another mopar (probably a Diplomat or a 5th Avenue) to start building up to drift with.
  12. well, slight update on the new car-to-be.....after test driving the Scion xA, I find that I like it more. I think it looks better, it's been out for awhile so it won't have the "first year" issues. And it comes with more standard features too. So maybe in a couple weeks I'll be delivering in a better car.
  13. (soon to be Lotus Elise)
  14. Seconded...........although you could've used doorknobs where the kites are instead, A1 would've loved that.
  15. you'd be surprised, I've heard of some weird stories coming out of there...
  16. actually, the first season for it ended a few weeks ago. Funny series, one of the few made-for-US ones that I like, megas XLR being the first.
  17. now, THAT screams VF-4 to me!
  18. Yeah, the best mod is DON'T. C'mon man, it's a freaking econo box. Spend your money elsewhere. I have two cars, an '86 RX7 and a '92 Civic 4door. 384807[/snapback] just funnin' with y'all. My LeBaron's fated to die at the local 1/2 mile short track in a few months once I have the Yaris....
  19. NOOOOOO!!! it died!!! well, gimmie a few months and it'll be that '07 Toyota Yaris I posted a pic of. anybody know if there are any REALLY good mods for the Yaris/Vitz?
  20. I'm 2 months shy of 21, so I picked it.
  21. truely sad indeed. sorry to change the subject, but I found what I think will be my first new car! the 2007 Toyota Yaris too bad it isn't RWD, and the styling is starting to grow on me.
  22. the main character's name is Lightning, oh yeah! (he's voiced by Owen Wilson too, it's bound to be funny)
  23. after reading four pages........i not so sure. thank you azrael, I now have a new sig.
  24. I'm surprised none of the VF-4 fans have spoken up yet. Guess I'll be the first! Besides the VF-4, I also love the VF-9's gerwalk mode makes it seem even more badass-looking
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