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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. he..........got banned......awhile ago....sadly.
  2. hmm....how big can you make it? 1:10 scale? (at least it's feasible...)
  3. That's about all you'll see though...
  4. Or in the bun. Blech. 414160[/snapback] nobody likes juice in the bun Think we need to lock this thread now. its gone beyond is usefullness. 414181[/snapback] nah, not yet...debating over condiments on burgers is kinda fun for once..
  5. I think you hit the nail on the head with the last part of that sentence...
  6. That might save them...
  7. it's sad, isn't it?
  8. Pickes are disgusting. But easy to pick off. If they pump your burger full of mayo, you'll never be rid of it. No matter what, there'll always be crevasses full of the stuff... Especially if it's a cheseburger and the cheese is properly melted. 413991[/snapback] I agree, except for on mayo. Mayo is good, tasty, and should belong on every burger I eat! Has anybody tried the new BK "Stackers" yet? I love that Quad burger...
  9. 'tis fools talk to say that a Sv-51 looks better than the VF-4...lol.
  10. well, I wouldn't say "reunited" because he's always owned the car, it was on display at Daytona Dodge during Speedweeks 2006.... I didn't know Bentley won LeMans in 2003, I thought Audi won it....
  11. sad, isnt it? a company outside of Ford can make a better Mustang...
  12. hmm.....maybe a VF-4 could work then...*starts drooling*
  13. so is there going to be a YF-19 sometime in the near future?
  14. Lightning


    just check the VF girls thread, they're bound to be in there.
  15. I agree, there's just been a few of those lately...
  16. actually, a base GT costs $27,000......but i've heard that a base R/T (w/hemi) will cost $32,000. I've heard they're testing the possiblilty of putting in the SOHC 4.7 in the Challenger for a base V8 model...
  17. like the Mustang's GT-500 version isn't gonna be over-stickered? I mean, c'mon, some of them are selling for $50,000 here! when it's only supposed to cost $40,000-ish, it's really the same prices that the Challenger is gonna be sold for. believe me, Dodge is gonna get it right this time.
  18. and thank god it is, we'll finally have something to knock the Mustang off it's pedistal...
  19. it's kinda nice....i like it.
  20. hmm...maybe F-14 then? (yeah, right!)
  21. ouch....ok, but what about the idea of making something like it, just as a Me-262?
  22. to change gears for a few... Y'all remember the BD-5, right? what if somebody made a SD version of the Me-262 (that could fly) using the BD-5's engines, but was only just a little bit bigger than the BD-5 itself? could it be done?
  23. looks kinda cool, where did they mount the gun?
  24. check the compendium. he lives after SDF and keeps being in charger of the UN until Bretai takes over, right?
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