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Everything posted by Lightning

  1. definately a nice job. Can't wait to see the finished panel.
  2. oh....ok, those are neat little buggers.
  3. is there any lineart for those of us who do not have DSL?
  4. "self-healing cutting mat".....I've never heard of one of those. Any examples of some sort?
  5. I always wondered what the real reason was for both being switched out for the Superbugs... Wasn't the F-22 supposed to be a totally redone F-15 in the first place? In all the stuff I read, in books, on Discovery Wings channel, and online (didn't have access to the really good books) they kept saying the whole time about the F-22 being a redone F-15........is it a lie? EDIT: added a couple words
  6. That's what I'm going to assume. I think it was mainly the robot mode aspect that had to be hidden (the unspacy marking on the gunpod is upside down for robot mode) from the public because it would be too shocking to most people to know there were giants. Links up perfectly with the episode where hikaru is freaked out at th size of them, and roy explains to him "that's why we built these giant robots to fight these giant aliens." He wouldn't have to explian the secret to a civilian if the public were aware. I wonder if shin knew the vf-0 robot mode was also for that purpose or if he just assumed the robot mode was for anti-mecha fighting. (ie they have destroids with guns for arms, and maybe the robot form with humanoid manipulators to hold the gunpod is just a natural exension of that) 423059[/snapback] well, you gotta remember too, Shin saw the -51 before he saw the -0.....so who knows what they told the pilots in the briefing rooms and in the instruction manual. *looks up at his 1/60 VF-0S*..... they could've told them it was so that way the valks could fight the destroids while using speed to the best of their ability.
  7. any ideas why he would be escaping from earth?
  8. it's a nice idea really, it lets you know who's who.
  9. damn.....dreamwreckers....
  10. SWEET!! now my -0S's battroid won't look so puny-ish!
  11. eh, I doubt I'll ever own another FWD ever again, but if I do, it'll probably be a Mazda 6....that car actually has good styling.
  12. as weird as it may sound, I'll contest it. I like "Holy Lonely Night", "Dynamite Fire", and "Never Say Die" much better.
  13. think there could be a chance to do Shin's helmet when he was piloting the F-14? (the one with the detachable facemask) It'd be really nice if one could be certified for racing use, 'cause the mask could hook up to an airbox of some sort...
  14. The new Focus has been in the European, African, Asian and Australian markets for two years already. Unfortunately, the folks in Dearborn have no plans to release the Mk. II in the US, claiming there's no market for a new Focus around here. 422291[/snapback] I know we got the Mk. II's front end.....but if they made the whole thing, they'd probably sell more cars....the rear on that car (minus the extra stuff that Wolf added on) looks better than the US market cars...
  15. Keith, is it just me, or does your av have Basara flipping people off?
  16. so....can they be rigged so they can fire nukes??
  17. I've only three demands........a 1/48 VF-4 in Hikaru, Max, and Millia colors. That is all I ask....well, Perfect Variable would be awesome too.
  18. a 1/18 VF-1?? hmmm.......only if it could pull off that stalking gerwalk mode. a 1/18 VF-4?! HELL YEAH! I'd buy two! (I don't care about the price or if it's transformable if they can bring that out) I would have one customized in my colors!!
  19. You know, ever since I've been on here (April, '01), this is the longest M7 thread I've seen...
  20. When did they finally redesign the Focus?
  21. Yes!! FA VF-11's all the way!
  22. ok, that kinda looks cool. The spoiler needs to be a couple inches taller, but the bubble roof looks good on that car, and the upwards exaust is cool too.
  23. I was fixing to start wondering who dug up A1's thread......
  24. Hardest substance known to man 420400[/snapback] Are you sure it was rice crispy squares? Even with the weight Monster on it? Now if you said 100 year old fruit cake...then I'd believe you. 420403[/snapback] nah, Roy's VF-1S was made out of fruit cake! The Monster too!
  25. yeah, things have changed that fast. When I went to Lackland AFB for BMT, the thing was so heavily guarded even a kitten couldn't sneak through....
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